Sunday, June 3, 2007

Horatio Hornblower

In giving God all the credit:

It was interesting in the predictions made here last year about terrorism will definitely show up from Guyana, Mexico and Latin America that the terrorists who were going to blow up the JFK fuel pipeline were operating out of Guyana.
(As a note, jet fuel is his grade heating oil and is about as explosive as olive oil. Terrorists aren't too bright and all that would have happened was a rather large fire providing the oil did not literally drench the fire out.)

It was interesting in predictions that as of last year it was shown that President Putin of Russia would become more Stalin and lo and behold today he is threatening to point nuclear missiles at the Europeans at the G8 Summit.
(As a note, Putin is going to learn a lesson that threatening Europeans makes Europeans run to daddy America and with Sarkozy and Merkel Conservatives in charge of Germany and France he will soon have nuclear missiles pointed back at him with a new European United Empire army on his border.)

It was interesting in predictions as of last year that escalation wars are being initiated in the Middle East. Today Ahmadinejad announced the Lebanese Hezbollah and Palestinian Hamas have initiated the beginning of the final phase in the wiping out of the Judean state.
(As a note, Ahmadinejad has not yet figured out that planners have made kill zones designed to use mini weapons of mass destruction like thermobaric bombs and literal nuclear bombs to "deal with the Islamocommunist issue as it has now been deemed numbers of people must be cropped over there, so the European Ashkenazi can control the Judean state and control the West Bank, ruined Gaza and the prize Jerusalem.)

It was interesting in predictions of of last year that revealed that terrorism was only a proxy arm of the world communism and globalist cartels using Islamocommunists and Islamofascists for attacks on the west would see their increased blame while the master groups became more overt in their aggression.
China now is arming for a neutralization showdown over Taiwan as Russia is bullying and blackmailing the entire world.
(As a note, I do not believe Putin will step down next year from "power", but will continue on is some form as the leader of Russia as this KGB agent appears destined to lead the children of Japheth to the end. He manufactured Chechnya and another manufactured "incident" can have him rule till the Russian army is defeated on the German valleys like the Romans were.)

Lastly, Horatio blowing the horn, in predictions stated America would be pushed out of the Middle East and the World Tribune reported that America has told allies it will withdraw from the region in 2009. This proves all the back channel treaties I have been talking about in Jordan being a proxy for the Europeans now in it gaining control of the West Bank for them and the rest of the Islamocommunist and Islamofascists all making nice with the communist Russians and Chinese.
(As a note, this will set off events which will have nuclear bombs going off which will scare people, so spheres of power will develop in one of them being Europe, China, Russia and a sort of Egyptian against Iran base.
A peace treaty should come from this cropping of problem peoples cementing the Europeans into chief diplomatic role.
*It is possible that a nuclear event in America or at a large American base will so make this nation reel the Democrats and sheeple will put us behind our borders just as the Russian Bolshevik Doctrine mandates and is part of bin Laden's manifesto.
The peace treaty will allow like the horrid treaty of World War I the rearming to mega extremes of the Eurasians.......and as Libya will probably along with Egypt thrust at Europe for control over the Middle East.......a European Invasion will come to gain control over Jerusalem. (The Ashkenazi want Jerusalem of the initiation of the ancient rites to bring back the illuminated one.)
This will then bring about the war outside Megiddo as the Bible predicts.)

Stay tuned to God as He is revealing a great deal of upcoming events daily in this cycle.

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// \\ God bless the Good