Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Liberal Suicide Plea in George Bush

I was noticing of late in all the liberal Democrat chants of "getting George Bush" at all costs that none of the Bush haters have thought about what happens when they get their plea of Bush getting his comeuppance.

Democrats do not consider that there is no difference between President Bush, the United States and YOU the citizen. History proves that a leader getting his comeuppance means a nation gets it's comeuppance by being weakened and that means you the citizen either passive or with the hangman's rope get your comeuppance or same fate too.

Liberals do not consider that terrorists with glee see a failed Bush as a weakened America more ripe for attack to destroy.....since liberals are in America that means liberals are the terrorist target.

Democrats can long all they want for Hollywood fantasy impeachment movies and book endings, but unless you are watching Patton instead of fiction you are not going to see how the real world operates.
This is not blaming nor accusing Democrats or the bloggers on Huffington, Kos or the ranters on Rense or Alex Jones, but your policy of comeuppance right now has Russia flexing it's nuclear and assassination muscles just like it's proxy in Syria and Iran are butchering people in the Middle East. Terrorists are following the bin Laden manifesto now in bringing murder back to America and China is leveraging America out of the East.
All of that means for America more wars and a coming world war.

A weak Clinton brought on a great number of the terrorist attacks and culminated on Sept 11 as terrorists saw America would not fight in Somalia.
Americans have abandoned Bush in comeuppance and proven the terrorists correct. The terrorists and nations with real nuclear weapons are now going to fill the weak American void created with their own weakness and as stated, that means terror attacks in America and war.

Democrats have what they lusted after in frenzy in stopping Bush and bringing him down, but they do not realize when Bush goes down, America goes down and you the passenger on the America ship are going down too to the same fate.

Reality is not much fun and liberals are not looking at what they are doing to themselves.

Liberals are committing suicide and do not even know it........yet, but by then it will be too late for America.

Selfishly it is this Americans hope in God that when the attacks and wars come which these Democrats have laid the ground work for that the bombs and death are on their doorstep as they are responsible for what will now happen.


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// \\ God bless the Good