Saturday, July 14, 2007

Watching Stupid

This week South Dakota executed a murderer. There is not going to be any
examining the crime here nor mentioning selfish dimwits who protested
justice being carried out. What there will be though is an examination

I just was watching a feed from KSFY in which a rather salivating
reporterette named Leslie Rupiper was claiming this was a story she did
not want to cover, but yet you could see in her starry eyes she was like
all these propagandists having orgasms over the story.
These liberals from the AP down showed in every "report" what stupid
people they are. One was claiming he read every horror story of
executions and was surprised that South Dakota actually did it so well
that the murderer just died in three seconds.
So much for hiding their hope of seeing a murderer thrashing about on a
table screaming in agony so they could be on the national news making a
big name for themselves.

What struck me was the stupid statement by Rupiper which mirrored so
many in her not wanting to cover the story as it was horrid. I was
wondering what was horrid?
A mother getting justice for her son who was beat to death in torture
for hours?
A state protected from this butcher not able to do it again?

Just what is so horrid about a murderer being one
knows except these liberal propagandists in South Dakota who went out of
their way to feature a dozen zombies protesting outside the prison
looking to protect a murderer. No bias there except complete bias.

Apparently though Rupiper and all of the stupid propagandists need a bit
of an English language on two terms.
The first is the "victim".
The second is the victim was "killed" and the murderer was "killed".

I will refrain from a third in their calling the murderer by his first
name.....I won't even use it as this creature is a murderer and ceased
being a human when the gavel sounded GUILTY.

First though, a victim is the worst slap you can call anyone. A victim
by definition is someone who literally sits there and takes abuse,
violence, rape and murder of themselves without even protesting.
To call the kid who was beaten to death in torture over hours a "victim"
is a slap to him as he fought for his life. This victim bullsh*t is
absolute bullsh*t and until Rupiper and every one of these liberals gets
their heads out of their ass*s and stops insulting people who have had
crimes committed against them.....all they do is expose how stupid they
are in insulting people.

Second is the factor of killing. Murderers do not kill. They murder. You
can kill a bug, kill a deer for food, kill a cabbage for salad, kill a
tree for house........You can in self defense kill a criminal putting
your life in danger or your person being violated.......You can kill an
enemy in war.....that is what killing is.......not what a murderer does.
These propagandists deliberately skew the word murder to make it sound
like it is a line everyone crosses. No it is not!
Stalin murdered millions. American women murdered millions of children
in aborticide and one creature in South Dakota murdered an innocent kid
and got himself not killed, but EXECUTED.

Organized governments execute criminals to protect their
citizens.......and frankly, God bless South Dakota for executing this they need to throw Stephie Herseth and her murderous ilk
out of power and stop aborticide in the state.

Rupiper finds executions of justice hard to cover in one murderer, but
somehow she finds the murder of hundreds of children in South Dakota a
delightful thing to promote.

Watching stupid.........that is what passes for media now.