Thursday, September 13, 2007


As I sit here on a night President Bush was telling the nation, Iraq
will stay the course of his policy I was thinking back to the Rense,
Quayle, Huffington, Jones, Harry Reid and Pelosi types who were telling
us Iraq was lost and Bush was a failure.

I was remembering an al Qaeda leader in Afghanistan this past winter
claiming a nuclear bomb was smuggled into America. (I proved him wrong
because the bomb was too heavy for a light aircraft.)
I remembered the boasting of a spring offensive in
Afghanistan........where only Taliban terrorists were killed like flies
by NATO troops and Afghanistan still stands.
I recalled a Tet offensive for Iraq being planned for the Sept. 11th
week report of US forces and Iraq policy........and there was no Tet by
al Qaeda.....only bushels of dead al Qaeda the past months killed by US

The only thing which these terrorists seem adept at is IED's in coward
terrorism and the issue of videos of bin Laden which look like a 7th
grade video class put them together.

I do not want to leave the impression that al Qaeda is not dangerous,
because it is in now being run fully by Russian intelligence via
Zawahiri with the Chicoms supplying transporation cover for the
Islamocommunist war against the west.........but at the same time you
have Jews bombing Syrian nuclear type bases with Syrians running for
cover and Americans turning Iraq from a terrorist kill zone into a
nation zone.......that all is what winning looks like.

Consider it in the facts. al Qaeda can only release videos which take
weeks to smuggle out. They are taking years and not months to plan major
attacks on America. Their great spring war in Afghanistan was a few
hundred Taliban which NATO killed easily and their boasting of Tet in
Iraq was nothing.

I have maintained for years now that when America is attacked it will
come from a diplomatic source as those carriers go unchecked and it will
be under the cover of a Russia, China, Iran etc.... as much as it does
not take a two stage Scud to cause an EMP in America, but it can be
carried out in methods beyond electron guns which I will not reveal here
as I have gotten over the need for looking smart to others.

America is winning this multi front war and is especially working
effectively now that the US military is being allowed to exterminate the
terrorists instead of Rumsfeld being forced to love them and draw them
out of allied nations to give them peace as Americans selectively killed

President Bush on this deserves full credit as does VP Cheney. When all
terrorists can do is issue videos and die in mass that is a great policy
for there was no Tet and Iraq has proven again to be no Vietnam.

So for the time it takes to read this, George Bush deserves a breather
and a pat on the back for a very effective policy before a disruption of
Iran is calibrate to have a general uprising of autonomous states within
Iran which America can support while they govern themselves and the
hemming in again of Russia and China who are the real threats as they
always have been to the United States in plotting to have proxies use
WMD's on this nation's soil.

Rense and ilk with their deluded hatred will never assess this situation
and give Bush credit, but they have been proven fools, absolute fools
once again and it is time that writers start pointing this out. They
predicted the Iraq sky was falling and Bush was an idiot like Hugh
Fitzgerald was ranting about on Jihad Watch........and none of it came true.

Winning that is what is happening and God deserves full credit and
Americans can be grateful for the winning and stop looking for ways to
