Tuesday, June 17, 2008

IS Barack Obama the messiah or Danger to America

In detailing, the literal danger which Barack Obama poses to the world in having failed Carter security guru, Zig Brzezinski, who gave the world names like Afghanistan and Iran which America is still bleeding over to his policy of proving he is a man in using nuclear weapons to retaliate for terrorism in vaporizing parts of Pakistan, there is an even greater danger for America beyond nuclear bombs showing up here from Iran........it is Barack Obama the "messiah".

In doing some spot checking on search engines between McCain and Obama front stories, I found one which was literally insane but an undercurrent of the Obamamaniacs which stretch from Jimmy Kimmel to the Obama girl in how they view Barack Obama.

The site asks, Is Barack Obama the Messiah then details quoting the Bible, replacing Jesus name with Obama's name with pictures of him at a fund raiser with George Soros, noting Barack Obama has been "transfigured" in the picture when it was nothing but electrical light lighting up the room.
Apparently this is a big story on the left as the Telegraph was debunking it as "doctored" and an entire discussion on what is transfiguration.


That is the site link and anyone visiting it can be wide eyed amazed at the absolute kooks who are voting for Barack Obama and Senator Obama in not stopping this is ushering in a blasphemy worse than Bill Clinton's bastardization of the "New Covenant" or since Shabbatai Zvi said he was the messiah and created a religion the Rothschilds and Rockfellers all still follow in their secret orders.

Why this is dangerous is the same reason a black female Conservative commentator stated that Democrats would not stop Obama from beating Hillary Clinton as "there would be riots in the streets".

I have noted before in research that liberals are children who failed, cried and instead of overcoming looked around for things to blame and for people to attach themselves to to give their life purpose.
This is why they go so crazy in loosing elections and turn people like George Bush into demons. The same traits are in all leftists from the KKK to the Nazi to the Communist. One has to dehumanize the opponent to make the masses agree that ridding the world of "those red state people" is something which is a good idea.

What America is facing though in Barack Obama is the religious fanaticism backed in race of numbers of weak souls that is entering into a cult status.
Barack Obama does not have the energy of a Hitler to rouse the mass, but he has the whispered promise of "revenge" for all the harm America has done to a failure and in that presence he mirrors the Islamocommunist of Khomeini of Iran. People old enough can remember those fanatical crowds in his life and in his death almost tearing his coffin apart. It spawned all Iran is today in this hybrid religion which is risking nuclear war with the Israeli state, France and America.

If Barack Obama looses, America is going to have on it's hands a bunch of kooks who think he is a messiah literally and are not going to be pleased to the extent of everyone beheld the demonization of George Bush in being the anti christ........it will be worse for John McCain as he will be deemed the literal great satan.
All of that is very dangerous for a nation, especially since Barack Obama has fed this insanity that he is some kind of anointed being and not a mere human.

If Barack Obama wins, America is going to face not just the thugs of the Clinton era, but zealots who will hide in a religion where Barack Obama is God and as god Obama is speaking all who disagree with god will have to be evil and demonic.

These types of cults are assassin dangerous in defeat and extermination dangerous in victory.

One only has to recall the catch phrases of liberals who are now backing Obama pleasingly blogging about the deaths of GOP leaders to the common smiling comment of the need to "get rid of red state people" and then the world would be at peace.
This is what is now funneled to Barack Obama and is being nurtured by him.

For the reality, in all the mandates which George Bush has signed which are often unconstitutional, he has never used them. What though will a man with a history of communism, Islam, women who hate white people in his mother and wife, a religion which despises America and a messiah who is enjoying nurturing that adoration do when exposed to absolute power.

George Washington was such a man who turned his back on power and turned it over to the people. Bill Clinton was a man who refused to go away on the day of George Bush's inauguration and only left in being forced to.........some though like Alexander the Great win victories and when leader, soon decide they like the idea of their victory came because they were a god and were to worshiped as one.
The Greeks were dumbfounded how this king became this insane monster, but that is who they elected.

What happens after a victory.......a nuclear response.........cheering zealots when Barack Obama decides he is what he is nurturing now in a god?

This is the fuse which is lit and being blown on in a tinder keg as lethal as brown shirts in Berlin or red shirts in Moscow with a dose of Khomeini thrown in for religious zeal.

Barack Obama is a danger beyond nuclear weapon use or Brzezinski madness in planning a nuclear showdown with Russia. His menagerie of messiah has imprisoned souls promising them hope and retaliation which they fully intend on venting.
When Bill Clinton and Al Gore lost in 2000, their people retaliated in thinking it was amusing in pulling off W keys costing thousands of dollars in damage to vent on a loss.

What will the Obamaniacs with their messiah pull off of people who are their enemies?

Barack Obama already has stated he will vaporize the people of Pakistan without blinking an eye.

What will he do to American enemies with his zealots?


"He is not operating on the same plane as ordinary politicians. . . . the agent of transformation in an age of revolution, as a figure uniquely qualified to open the door to the 21st century."

-- Gary Hart

"This is bigger than Kennedy. . . . This is the New Testament." | "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."

-- Chris Matthews

"We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."

-- Oprah Winfrey

*Ok America those are a few of the people, you thought were not kooks.

Perhaps, the reality should start soaking in just how dangerous all of this has become and is.
