Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Barack Insane Obama

According to Dana Milbank in the liberal Washington Post, even he sees that the lofty one, the epitome, the messiah, Barack Obama is taking things too far in running around the world as already President of the United States.
It seems though with nothing left to do among the mere mortals, but inform Prime Minister Gordon Brown he will end up being dilettante that the lofty one, the messiah can now work on his role to being savior to the world.

In always looking to assist, Barack Hussein Obama, we now according to messianic law of the major world faiths will have him prove to the world billions that he indeed is the messiah, the lofty and noted one.
Then of course Barry Obama can have my vote and that is a promise.

First, we choose Rabbi Daniel Lapin as this messiah stuff is a Jewish culture event as the Bible states he will be born in Bethlehem. As Barrack has yet to produce his Bethlehem birth certificate, we will take it on faith and have him instead perform a Jewish messiah action to prove to all Jews he is the Messiah.
First test which was performed by a mere mortal, but a warm up test for a messiah, King David in the Psalms states he leapt over a wall.
We ask for Barack Obama to leap over the Wailing Wall he so readily shoved a prayer into which he knew would be confiscated by someone and published.
Lofty one, leap over that wall from bottom to top.

Second, as the Persian communists have been talking allot about a Mahdi who is based upon the Messiah, we choose Ayatollah Khameini to represent Islam to perform the Mahdi test.
The test is very simple as the Mahdi is said to have disappeared down a well in Iran and then will spring from it.
All the lofty one has to do is jump in the well, stay there for a week and then jump back out like the Mahdi would do.

Third, the Catholics must be convinced this is the lofty one, so we choose Pope Ben to perform the Messiah test for Europeans and Catholics.
The test once again is very simple as even the devil noted in Scripture that the Messiah would not be harmed if he jumped off the Temple as Angels would bear him up. As there is no Temple now, all Barack Obama has to do is go to the Vatican and jump off St. Peters.
Simple test really as Angels will bear him up and he already jumped out of a well in Iran and jumped over a hundred foot wall in Jerusalem.

Fourth, Protestants must be convinced the lofty one is the lofty one. So we choose Franklin Graham to administer the Messiah test which is the simplest of all. Franklin Graham's Messiah in Scripture is noted for walking on the water in a raging storm and saving Peter as he tried to walk on water.
We will cut the lofty one some slack in not saving anyone from drowning. We just call for Barack Obama in the next category 5 hurricane to stroll out of New Orleans to the eye of the storm and simply command it to be silent as Jesus did.
Pretty simple really and the whole world can watch.

Lastly, the Russians are always very difficult to convince of anything, so we include the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Alexius II.
This test is a slam dunk for the messiah. All he has to do is raise someone from the dead.
We choose Ronald Wilson Reagan, as everyone will know him.
So the epitome, lofty one, messiah Obama, raise Ronald Reagan from the dead as the final test and then you can have my vote.............

Barry Obama can then have my vote cast, for Ronald Reagan, and, as the British medical community has now found a treatment for Alzheimers, the Gipper's brain will be working and he will be as good as new.
Others can then have their heroes raised from the dead and Americans can not loose for winning as all the candidates will be proven winners.

As you are already President in your eyes Barry Obama, prove to the world you are the Messiah in accomplishing these simple Messiah tests.

Barack Hussein Obama, prove you are not Barack Insane Obama.



British Altzheimer's Study

Washington Post / Dana Milbank / President Obama continues hectic tour