Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Vladamir Putin the hope of the World?

*Below you will find a response to a posting Jeff Rense had on his site personally quoting a person who a demon was feeding information to and that Vladamir Putin was the hope of the world.

It is posted below as the blog is on the "do not read list" from censorship Rense in challenging his rather one dimensional view.
I have noticed a distinct degradation of Mr. Rense in vocabulary, mindset and attitude and he is not the nice guy Art Bell once had on his program. If one starts out life as an agitator and hangs around with criminals, demoniacs, liars, anarchists, anti semites etc... one starts veganizing their mind.

All should pray Jeff Rense finds the Truth. In Jesus Name. Amen

Respectfully Mr. Rense, to conclude that Mr. Cayce was terming Russia the hope of the world as a perpetual fountain of liberty is to ignore the historical fact that Russia indeed could have been that "hope" for the few years under Boris Yeltsin, but the entire Bolshevik communist system extinguished it.

Point 1: The Russian KGB during the Yeltsin / Clinton years sold from Kazakhstan 8 nuclear warheads. 3 were SS types delivered to Iran, 4 were artillery shell nuclear warheads delivered to Iran and 1 was Saddam's "heavy" nuclear warhead too large for his Scuds and was flown back to Moscow by GRU (KGB) before the Americans invaded in Gulf War II.

Point 2: President Yeltsin succumbed to being a drunken crook who was then blackmailed by Vladamir Putin to abdicate and allow Mr. Putin to be "president".
Mr. Putin then took it upon himself to sell huge inventories of advanced weapons to Saddam Hussein in the oil for food fiasco which bribed most of the world leadership. In that same period of advanced weaponry, socialist France refined 1.77 tons of weapons grade uranium for Iraq which was recovered and flown out by the Americans to White Sands after the war.

Point 3: During Bill Clinton's Kosovo operation to build and oil pipeline siphoning oil and gas out of Asia from Russian control, Zawahiri ended up in Chechnya where President Putin was waging a wag the dog war to convince the west Russia was hard on terrorism. Zawahiri was captured, turned by the FSB to be an agent for Russia and turn bin Laden into attacking the United States instead of being an American agent attacking Russia.

Point 4: The murdered school children in a "terrorist" incident which was a staged FSB operation.

Point 5: The arming of Iran with further nuclear capabilities to make them a proxy against Saudi Arabia and to carry this further in Iran arming the Columbian FARC with nuclear weapons to open a front against the United States in this hemisphere.

Point 6: Polonium 210. President Putin implemented the first nuclear casualty since Nagasaki by murdering a British subject with nuclear material.

Point 7: President Putin re aiming the Russian nuclear arsenal at America and western Europe.

It is noted that the Russians have perfect right to their resources, to choose their own government system and to manage their position as world leader, but when terrorism is the chief proxy to the Russian GRU dumping 2 shiploads of Saddams chemical warfare agents in the Indian ocean polluting that ocean it is not a matter of hope but one of criminality.

While no challenge will be made to Mr. Cayce being under the influence of a demon as demons do get things right, but are not to be doors humans are to open and associate with, there are the Catholic oracles, so called by the Farmer from Krems and others from the Bohemia region in Europe who paint a vastly different picture of Russia.

These oracles portray a once friendly Russian leader in the following time becoming a malevolent thug.
He has signed secret pacts with Muslim and Chinese leaders.
His Russia implements violent upheavals in Paris and other European capitols to pin Europe down for an invasion.
His Russia invades Europe in a 3 prong thrust from Italy, Scandanavia and into the Rhine slaughtering huge numbers of people and leaving Prague a city which is later farmed.
His Russia when checked in what appears to be a "yellow powder" which kills the entire Russian invasion forces then retaliates by dropping a massive nuclear type device in the Mediterranean which the seers speak of causing a tidal wave into Europe.

None of that with billions of people dead and Europe in an utter scorched earth is a very hopeful future with Russia in control.

President Putin like most leaders has ruined his shining place in advancing humanity and is resorting to a Bolshevik Manifesto to enslave all of Europe, vassalize China into forcing them to invade America and then to dispatch the United States at the leisure of the Russian state.

Mr. Cayce's demon has proven faded in knowledge the more it progressed through the years. The Catholic oracles which are as one seer put it, "I do not know if this spirit is good or evil, but I do know these things will come to be", has tracked accurately as Europe since Delphi and Vaticanus has had some remarkable demonic oracles in predicting events.

Russia is no longer a hope. In speaking to their women, they face a future of being impregnated young by force, marrying the drunk who then beats them and abandons them and existing in destitution.
The Bolsehviks are every bit the equal pariah of the Converts who are hiding in financial Jewry which you incorrectly label Zionists (God was the first Zionist and the people who have bastardized His will are converted Khazars practicing a mixture of false messiah and financial rape of nations) and if one adds the Maoist par dux, they mix with the Islamocommunists of the Middle East in leveraging America out, and, without that buffer they will compete to what will be a Eurasian World War again.

One should never associate with demons as they have their own agenda in destroying mankind and one should never look to hope for Russia as the sons of Japheth are detailed in the Bible as being a horrendous problem in structuring the last 2 great wars which will be unleashed upon humanity.

Thank you for your time in reading this and may God bless you Mr. Rense.

Edgar Cayce - 'Russia -
The Hope Of The World'

By Jeff Rense
The readings of America's greatest psychic remain an extraordinary body of data which often stagger the reader with its prescience and projections of future events. Many years ago, during the cold war, I remember reading about how Cayce claimed - while in one of his self-induced trance sessions - some remarkable things about Russia.
Today, much of the world views Russia and the brilliant leadership of Vladimir Putin as the only hope of stopping the malignant and deadly spread of
world zionism. The signing of the new Russian-Iranian strategic gas and oil agreement on Sunday, July 13, further seems to underscore that any attack on Iran may bring Russia directly and immediately into the conflict on the side of peace and the preservation of a free and independent Middle East and - some would argue by extension - the world.
The following two excerpts from Edgar Cayce readings are quite extraordinary by any measure.
In this first short example, Cayce - in the 1930s - indicated the 'sins' of the key nations:
America - has forgotten "in God we trust"
England - conceit
France - lust
China - isolationism
India - internalization of knowledge
Italy - dissensions
He said "Russia will become beacons of hope for the world." The statement about the 'conceit' (of the Zionist London Banksters?) in England is extraordinary. Just look at the Zionist conquest of Europe under the EU. The comment about America having forgotten "in God we Trust" is beyond eerily accurate. Remember, these statements were made in the 1930s
In this, more detailed account of his prowess, Cayce makes a number of nearly breathtaking projections -
Cayce predicted the beginning and end of both the First and Second World Wars, and the lifting of the Depression in 1933. In the 1920s, he first warned of coming racial strife in the United States, and in 1939 he predicted the deaths of two presidents in office;
"Ye are to have turmoils -- ye are to have strife between capital and labor. Ye are to have a division in thy own land, before ye have the second of the Presidents that next will not live through his office... a mob rule!"
President Franklin D. Roosevelt died in office in April 1945. In November 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, when racial tensions in the United States were at their height.
"Unless there is more give and take and consideration for those who produce, with better division of the excess profits from labor, there must be greater turmoil in the land."
In October 1935, Cayce spoke of the coming war in Europe. The Austrians and Germans, he said, and later the Japanese, would take sides.
"Thus, an unseen force, gradually growing, must result in an almost direct opposition to the Nazi, or Aryan theme. This will gradually produce a growth of animosities. And unless there is interference by what many call supernatural forces and influences -- which are active in the affairs of nations and peoples -- the whole world as it were... will be set on fire by militaristic groups and people who are for power expansion."
(This 'unseen force' is clearly the Zionist banking cartel and its forcing the US into WWII against Germany via the chicanery of FDR and the London and Wall Street Zionist banksters. Few remember that the Bolshevik Communist Zionist Jews were within a few weeks of a massive invasion of Germany and all of Europe when Hitler beat them to the punch with Operation Barbarosa, hoping to destroy Communism/Bolshevism once and for all.)
Through Russia, Cayce said "comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism -- no! But freedom -- freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world."
Cayce also predicted the possibility of a THIRD World War. He spoke of strifes arising..."in Libya, and in Egypt, in Ankara, and in Syria; through the straits around those areas above the Persian Gulf."
Later on, when asked in June 1943 whether it would be feasible to work towards an equitable international world currency or a stabilization of international exchange levels when the war (WW II) had ended, Cayce replied that it would be a long, long time before this would happen. Indeed, he said, "there may be another war (WW III) over just such conditions."
It does not get much more clear than that. The final paragraph from 1943 points to the world financial criminal cartel, doubtless the City of London banking and financial controllers, preventing the true and equitable stabilization of world economics after WWII ended. Today's 'exchange levels' are being set by the world's 'currency' masters - the oil and energy and banking cartels - and the control and manipulation of it all by this now not so 'unseen' force.
Cayce was peerless in his visions, and it appears that Mr. Putin and Russia are standing in the breach in terms of preventing, for the moment, the 'unseen force' (world Zionism) from taking total control of the West.
Russia is the only obstacle ('the hope of the world') to that, and the Bush/Cheney/Zionist cabal is unarguably attempting to force Russia into a war with the phony Bush protect-Europe-from-Iran 'missile shield' in Eastern Europe deployment efforts. Russia is now saying it will respond 'militarily' to such a deployment.
We are at the edge, seemingly very much along the lines 'seen' by Cayce over 60 years ago in the final year of his life. - Jeff Rense