This blog once again has broken a major news story which the press has in Katie Couric, Brian Williams and Charles Gibson covered up as pictured in the evidence pictured on the right.
We call on Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, if he does not have any sharp objects which could be used to castrate a male, and that other loud clergyman named Louis Farakhan to come to the defense of the messiah, the glowing one, the rising light, the new dawn, the portence of political tomorrows, the bright and shining dawn..........no I said that, no I said rising light..........the emancipated one from the white folks Grandparents who found euphoria in coke and weed at Occidental College to come to his sacred one's defense for the most scurulous attack on the noted one who did not notice that the Air Force fed him the W word.
To all black bretheren there are only 3 words in all the world which shall never be spoken. The N word which Jesse Jackson spoke in calling the lofty one of testicles the N word.
The C word which is compromised of feathers and the most wicked of words equal to the C word and the N word, yes the W word which was forced into Barack Barry Hussein Muhammed Dunham Obama Soetero's lips.
The United States Air Force in racial slur fed not one, but 2 slices of the W word as seen on Barack Barry Hussein Muhammed Dunham Obama Soetero's plate.
One can not tell if the C word was present slapping BBHMDOS in a racial slur as only potatoes and gravy are left on his plate which could help feed starving children in Africa, but it is certain by the evidence that BBHMDOS dined heartily on the W word, two slices of the W word.
Where is the black outrage over such an event of racial history!
Certainly if a Muslim was fed pork, oh my what if BBHMDOS was fed pork being a lifelong Islamic child, instead of the C word, could his brightness ever recover from such bigotry.
This blog calls upon his adopted father, Teddy Kennedy, to arise to hearings in Congress. This blog calls upon the ever lovely and vocal Maxine Waters to call for a JAG review of the W word presented before BBHMDOS. This blog calls on Charles Wrangle to express in a Congressional document the condemnation of the W word being fed to BBHMDOS.
Certainly, the NAACP will rise to this joined by Hamilton Jordan if he can be found from saving Bill Clinton, Andrew Young, Jesse Jackson jr. and that woman who plays Oprah on television to shield the ever lovely, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama, from this attack as her college thesis warned of this "whiteness" always trying to overcome the superiority of blackness.
This blog calls upon the Federal Communications Commission to investigate all the networks and cable channels for this massive cover up of W word served to the lofty one, the messiah, the BBHMDOS and his so called supporters like Chris Matthews, Arianna Huffington and Keith Olbermann all remained silent allowing this racial hate speech, or hate chew, to be lofted at the lofty one, BBHMDOS.
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama wrote of this from the sacred texts of her thesis when she was Michelle LaVaughn Robinson of this "whiteness" and if one examines the evidence:
Charles Gibson: WHITE
Brian Williams: WHITE
Katie Couric: Perky WHITE
It is obviously a white conspiracy in this W word attack.
.........and yes, Louis Farakhan will weigh in with his understanding that if one examines that photograph, the two black men are seated behind the 3 whites who are outnumbering them. If one takes the 2 W word rinds and adds it you get 5. Add in three whites and you get EIGHT. Eight sounds just like ATE which sounds like HATE and it is clear proof from that that George Bush hates all black people just like Kayne West said and he with the wicked Air Force and all of white America served up to a black man, two slices of the W word.
We call on all of the above to this cause and to demand the FBI and complete Justice Department take up the investigation of this attack as soon as:
Federal Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald reveals who else was indicted in the Rezko criminal case.
The United State's Marshals reveal who ordered them to arrest Lawrence Sinclair.
Sen. Joe Biden reveals his complete phone, email and conversations with his son Beau Biden over the Lawrence Sinclair sealed grand jury indictment in Delaware.
and the FBI takes jurisdiction as it is mandated to protect the lofty one as an intimate friend of the lofty one's was murdered in Chicago.

The the w word cover up by the media and the lofty one can be investigated in who just ordered up the w word knowing the lofty one would be there and that the messiah's prophetess who spoke of whites always in envious pursuit of blacks would do such heinous things.