Alec Baldwin the perpetual grouse of growling was already claiming the title of leaving America if Obama was elected, but now Michael Moore has weighed in with demanding that Barack Obama choose Caroline Kennedy as the messiah's poll ratings dropped to a one point lead over John McCain nationally, but in actual voters who vote, John McCain has now opened from a 2 point lead to a 5 point lead over Barack Obama nationally.
Democrats are beginning to get desperate as the Clinton planted stories flourish that Barack Obama is about to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Picking Caroline Kennedy is in that ignorance. To quote a Lloyd Benson, Caroline Kennedy is no Jack Kennedy. She is not even a John John or a Mom Mom.
It might not be popular, but I never liked Jackie O, no matter how beautiful she was. She allowed herself to be a doormat for Jack's adultery when she should have smacked him and she continued on to her dying day being someones court mistress.
She was unhealthy in her mind and as perfectly steely she was in choosing Onassis to be her lord protector for a cash payment she never was able to overcome whatever was missing in her.
For that matter, Jack was the child who squandered it all by paying too much attention to sex instead of keeping his enemies on his team from betraying him.
Jack Kennedy if he would have played the game as well as his little brother, Teddy, would have accomplished some very good things for America without turning blacks into national wards to vote Democrats, but created a second economy to serve the Federal Reserve economy so Americans could keep their money and Rockefellers and Rothschilds could have plundered the globe.
It was hard to think when Jack had his pants down and America suffered for it.
John John benefited greatly by the best act his Mother ever took action on in sending this boy to a ranch out west to become a Teddy Roosevelt man and in keeping him away from Teddy the sex pervert with his demented cousins.
John John, never did become a man like TR, but in his New York leanings he became more like Ed Koch in seeing both the right and the left and coming down to a perspective that would serve the American nation.
His never taking the opportunity of actually going to the Naval Academy to prove himself or taking the step like his Grandfather in getting himself appointed to some low level government agency to prove his management ability to running for a state office and only being "John John" on the resume was a wasted progression for him in a destiny which would have welcomed him as a President.
In all of this, this is what Democrats are missing in one can not just take a liberal black kid, put him in Harvard, write a book for him, elect him Senator and crown him President. Michael Moore is making the same mistake in Caroline Kennedy as she has not done anything to gain the least experience in being Vice President.
Being President of the Kennedy Library and being official funeral representative for the Kennedy family at state funerals is not exactly experience for pushing nuclear buttons and replacing a stoned out of his mind Barack Obama of Kenya in impeachment hearings.
Mrs. Schlossberg is not any more comfortable in being a wife than her multi named Mother was. She is though being comfortable in championing gun confiscation, aborticide, the gay agenda and being Teddy Kennedy in a skirt.
If Mr. Moore thinks that replacing one New York Hillary with another New York Caroline, because this will win the election, he needs to answer the questions of:
Is Caroline Kennedy going to appease the Hillary Clinton wing of the party? That is doubtful as they are already upset about the Kennedy's crowning Barack Obama.
Is Caroline Kennedy going to bring in the one voting block Barack Obama needs in Christian gun owners? No, as she is on record supporting the Kennedy gun grabbing agenda.

Is Caroline Kennedy capable of standing up against someone perhaps like the governor of Alaska Sarah Palin who is rumored to be John McCain's choice? No, as Gov. Palin actually stood up to GOP corruption in her state, is pro American energy independence while the Kennedy's have been taking Hugo Chavez oil and Gov. Palin actually got herself elected to something and not appointed.
Caroline Kennedy has a chance to bring in that 3% of the vote who will always vote for a woman, because she is a woman. The problem is what happens when "Uh Ah Uh Ah" Barack Obama is unmasked as a fool in a debate next to John McCain and people look at Caroline Kennedy and find her abilities end where the Kennedy name ends and the Schlossberg name begins.
Democrats can not plug a 1960 name into a 2008 Barack Obama empty suit when that name has absolutely no accomplishments.

That is Obama's logical choice in Maria Schriver with the Governator. One doubts Mrs. Arnold would want the job, but she at least is what Democrats would be looking for.
The problem with Democrats is though they see the thing that looks good like a hot Ford Mustang and are being left by the side of the road as that old 1938 model Chevy in McCain is plugging along, and it appears his choice is a nice sensible Alaskan who Americans will be comfortable with.
Perhaps though Democrats will kick Barack Hussein Obama's tires in Denver and solve the problem by not buying into him and still placing someone on the ticket who can win without hiding behind a woman's skirt.