
The reason the story was planted was Americans in the government were desperate for the press to stumble onto just what was held within the Barack Hussein Obama passport files.
Mr. Obama was the most vocal in calling for an investigation on the first day. By March 23rd, Congress was still on the news cycle stating they would investigate the breach of security.
By March 24th, the story died and leaves with it the most interesting of questions, just what was so important in those files and who in this was behind the planting of the story and who was in it that spun the story to death.
This is the partial story of the Obama Files.
On March 21st when the story was planted, the edit draft given to the media stated that State Department employees, numbering 3, had been looking into all 3 leading presidential candidates passport files.
Nothing could be further from the facts.
The first fact is that Hillary Clinton's passport had been searched the previous year. The same sirens which went off for Sen. Barack Obama in the computer protocols went off for Mrs. Clinton too, but no one cared.
This leads to the obvious conclusion this was that group of intelligence operatives who had been gathering evidence on the Clinton's for when she received the nomination.
The second fact is John McCain's file was tapped too with the same security protocols going off, but no one cared.
This leads to the obvious that these were Clinton operatives searching for evidence on John McCain as he was to be the GOP nominee.
Last fact, Barack Obama's files were accessed 3 times, January 9, February 21 and March 14, but it was not until the last time that the story was planted in the press begging them to look into it.
ABC would attempt to "investigate" after Sen. Obama proclaimed he had visited Pakistan with a friend while in college. That era in Pakistan's history had it under martial law and there is absolutely not in any way that a black American college kid was going to go on a holiday to his friend's parents house unless he as listed as a fellow traveler in being either an Indonesian Muslim or a Kenyan national.
The ABC findings would too die immediately upon running college student Obama had a holiday in Pakistan.
The fact as one mines deeper for data in this story of the Obama passport search is the absolute lie that this was State Department employees. There were reported 3 to perhaps 4 employees of contractors who were carrying this out.
What needs to be first understood is in the mid 1990's an apparent quasi government was being formed in a "privatized" structure. Many people will jump on Haliburton or security contractors, because they are being fed the propaganda to keep them from being looking if they are bright enough into the real operations going on.
Former government employees saw that if they could take projects like printing passports, making computer programs etc... which the government was doing and gain those contracts they could make a fortune.
Certain alphabet agencies also saw a wonderful opportunity to take their black operations off book when they needed certain things like printing done as there would be no Congressional oversight as this was the private sector.
This is the genesis of the Obama files and why this story was decapitated, spun and buried so fast that no one is daring resurrect it as it touches upon two little companies who approximately 15 years ago who could barely make payroll who are now on book making 400 million dollars a year in operations and in contract association touching on the 5 billion dollar figure.
The companies are Stanley Inc. and The Analysis Corporation. If they sound mundane like a government agency named them, it is probably a given they did.
Immediately after it was reported that it was these two quasi government agencies in the private sector who were behind this, the propaganda services began to send out red herrings.
It is of interest to those who know the importance of zip codes that Stanley and TAC have both the Arlington and McLean, Virginia zip code of the CIA.
As a caveat, this blog does not believe the CIA is the boogey man who rules the world, but this blog will hint that if anyone from the Russians to Columbian FARC ever finds someone around them with that zip code in their past they know who they are working for.
Stanley was immediately reported as "Sterling, Inc." to keep inquiring minds from searching out what Stanley was up to and amusingly the operatives who were attached to Ron Paul immediately began screaming out the name of CIA operative John Brennan, who runs Analysis and just happens to be an adviser to Barack Obama on foreign policy and intelligence issues.

He gave $2,300 to Barack Obama's presidential campaign.
No one knows the real story in this as "State" fired the people doing the digging, so they could not be questioned, but it is a deduction that Analysis in only reprimanding their employee that this individual who will never be named was the one searching John McCain's files for the Obama campaign.
As was noted this was breaking when Rev. Jeremiah Wright was making a huge problem for Sen. Obama, so the red herring story that all the candidates were being data mined quelched the Wright story and it deflected the massive data mining the Obama campaign was doing not just on Sen. McCain, but on all Americans as they have now bragged about.
Analysis or TAC is but a subsidiary of SFA which is the real prize package where it joins Defense Products Division and Government Solutions Divisions. Just think of them as the operational wing for advanced technology development, support services of the Quartermaster of the military and the coordination of military intelligence and law enforcement.
The "Black" groups in security one sees named by people with first level assessment are leaked in stories to keep the focus off of SFA which is the real deal.
Stanley Inc. was the real source and the operation which was being protected in killing this story. It was their employees who are said to have been fired and simply disappeared forever into oblivion.
What is most interesting about Stanley is almost it's entire operating board is from the Navy nuclear submarine line of Tomahawk missiles in current CEO Phil Nolan to Brian J. Clark who was with Arthur Andersen as an accountant, (the same firm which cooked the books for the Enron money laundering and theft ring) all of these people are well connected heavy hitters in some of the most advanced logistics, accounting, legal and weapons systems in their previous lives before ending up in global Stanley, Inc.
Stanley can be found from Bagram Air Base to Washington, DC where they will tell you there is zero unemployment and they have to hang onto their people to building a huge passport printing office in Arizona of all locations now that cash cow was foisted upon the American public.

A deduction is these people are Naval Intelligence operatives. Providing of course they are not the Bob Woodward globalist line plotting Nixonian coups disrupting the government, but protecting the United States as the Naval Intelligence is historically it's own CIA and operates in a pro American stance while the CIA had numbers of those globalist types like Valerie Plame working for the Rockefellers and Rothschilds shepherding their operations usually against American interests.
Stanley is well connected enough that it had to be lied about, it's employees who were data mining information on Sen. Obama have been protected and it caused TAC to have one of it's employees mine John McCain's files to make this all seem as the MSM swept it away that all three candidates were being searched when it was Barack Obama's travels which were the reason for this, and, that something major was uncovered that the story was leaked and a counter three way security breach story was placed to offset the original intent.
The same type of redaction was carried out when Bill Clinton left office and the Americans deliberately planted stories about the facts about Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing to get the Bush Administration's attention as much as the Clinton/Rockefellers. The net result that story was vaporized too, but only after the Americans leveraged the position they desired.
The Obama files do exist. Ex President Clinton while in Africa and using his ABC propaganda branch told the world that the Constitution was what decided if someone was qualified for the White House. Mr. Clinton in his way was informing the world that they have hard evidence that Barack Obama does not meet the Constitutional requirements.
It is a given that Barack Obama's Chicago escapades are on CD's. It is a given that Patrick Fitzgerald in the Rezko affair has files in those Obama dealings. It is a given the FBI considering a communist bi sexual in both Frank Marshall Davis in the early 1970's to bisexual William Ahers of the Weather underground were both intimates of Barack Obama that there are files on him there. It is a given the CIA and MI 6 have files on Stanley Ann Dunham of Indonesia and Kenya with her well traveled son. It is a given that MI 5 has files on Barack Obama as a Kenyan subject. It is a given a black Muslim visiting Pakistan that Pak Intel has a file on Barack Obama.
Those are the government files and now there are numbers of quasi government groups collecting that information on the heels of Mosaad, French Intelligence, German Service, Saudi intel, Russian FSB and the continuous blackmail friend of all Democrats, the communist Chinese PLA.
Barack Obama is a very popular individual as every one of the above are going to leverage and blackmail him which is going to make the blackmail going on against the Clintons by the Chinese and whatever Mexico has on George Bush look tame.
In the most telling plea of these files, former Clinton operative Leon Panetta, who now is working for Barack Obama was exasperated these past days not quite yet figuring out what has been going on.
He noted that the Obama campaign much to his chagrin was bending over backwards to appease the Clintons now. (This is the same Barack Obama who slapped around Hillary Clinton after he "won" the delegate count, hired her former operative in Patty Solis Doyle, has been rationing out funds to Mrs. Clinton instead of retiring her debt and informed the world hell would freeze over before he would ever put her on the ticket.)
Yet, there is Barack Obama, bowing to let both Bill and Hillary Clinton speak in the best primetime spots. There is Barack Obama buckling in allowing a humiliating roll call vote for Hillary Clinton on the convention floor.
Mr. Panetta in working for the Clinton's should know what blackmail looks like as this is exactly what is occurring.
It is the Obama Files filled with things to yet shock a jaded world. The only problem in this is is that everyone from Moscow, Peking, London, Riyadh, Tel Aviv, Berlin, Paris and select quasi government groups all know what is in the files as they have them.
It is hoped Americans figure the information out before Alaska is a Chinese slave labor oil camp from them, the southwest is a peon American village for Mexican overlords and the rest of America is a gulag where the survivors speak Russian praising Barack Obama's mentor, Karl Marx.