Wah Wah Wah Obama, "Oh that naughty invalid gay guy is chasing me around so I put him on the Secret Service watch list to terrorize him".
Wah Wah Wah Obama, "Oh there are those old veterans swift boating me so I have to brutalize them".
Wah Wah Wah Obama, "Oh no there are those evil evangelicals calling me a Muslim so I have to smear them".
Wah Wah Wah Obama, "Oh no there is that 72 year old white guy John McCain demanding to debate me, so I have to run away slandering him".
Wah Wah Wah Obama, "On no there is that mother of 5 Sarah Palin who I can't handle so I have to send out a possee to lynch her".
This Barack Obama called Gov. Sarah Palin a pig this week in the exact phrase, "You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It's still going to stink after eight years.
What people failed to see is Barack Obama in this in the lipstick wearing hockey Mom defamation was much more loathsome dusting off a very old Michael Dukakis smear in running against George H. W. Bush in which he called President Reagan a rotten fish stinking from the head down.
Barack Obama in this was not just insulting ALL women, mothers and children, but has now resorted to SMEARING THE DEAD in bullying them in adding that senior citizens like John McCain should be dead as they stink like rotten, decomposing Ronald Reagan.
Think about it.
Barack Obama, has set a pattern of attacking women, handicapped, invalids, children, veterans, old people......the groups most deemed in most need of a society's protection.
I had asked in a previous blog if what he and Biden were going to resort to for an encore was drowning kitties and eating puppies for being demented.
Nope, Barack Obama even out darkened himself in he dug up the corpse of Ronald Reagan in thee exact smear Michael Dukakis used and dragged a dead guy through Obama's political streets just like a jihadist thug in Falujah getting ready other ropes to lynch all the other old people.
This is what this Barack Obama resorts to when in good times is repulsive and when he gets into a loosing situation, he is a ghoul talking about a deceased President of the United States as a stinking, rotting dead fish.
That kind of rhetoric comes from demented thugs like Hugo Chavez.
Just what do you think Americans, this Obama is going to resort to when things really get bad for him and he panics?
Do you understand now the reason his saying he was going to use nuclear bombs on Pakistan is a great deal more dangerous considering his pattern of what this low regard, Obama is showing what his soul is really about.