Monday, October 27, 2008

The Bible, Obama & CBS

I have been blessed to know and experience things which minds like Newton have looked into and by what I have read some very off book operations deal in.

In stating the above, I will relate that the Bible is mathematical document of physics. Most will not ever consider the things Jesus was revealing were basic mathematical formulas.
What you sow is that what you will reap, is cause and effect or opposite and equal reaction.

In noting that, the human being is a most impressive multi stage platform. There is nothing like it anywhere. On the physical level it is a chemical electric signature frequency. On the soul side it is a perpetual emotional electric frequency. If a human soul is fused with God, it will be become eternal.
It is a very interesting tuning fork, mime to frequency and resonant being acting in consort capable of touching other dimensional frequencies while affecting the entire electric universe which one exists by power of will.

What all of this means is, there has been unleashed a massive amount of dark energy with no pun intended in Mr. Obama's race. One can view the literal drunken, crazed frenzy of numbers of people in the media and the public reacting to the "charge" they are being moved by.
I witnessed a most interesting site today in a white woman in which Obama took her child. Her unction was most moist in body excretions. This mother honestly was reacting as if god had picked up her child and her entire future was safe in his hands.

I desire people to note the above, because no normal human in mind and thought process would view that another human touching their child would be any other event than a human touching their child.

There is a drunken warp in all of this on energy frequency. It explains the oddity in a force has been released which is literally making a select group of millions of human souls as stoned and possessed as if they were addicted to LSD and believed completely they could taste a song.
This explains a great deal of the Obama maniacs as they are indeed in a mania. Their receptors are being charged with a euphoria and it is deliberate.

I have stated before that a normal human reacts in normal ways.

For example, how many reading this have called themselves the messiah?
There is a natural barrier in normal humans which keeps them from such things and they would immediately wince at someone calling them the messiah and in time just like that little gal in Pittsburgh who had to tell at least part of the truth that the person she met did not attack her, each of you reading this would be screaming about now, "I'm not the messiah!"

That normal trait was preyed upon by Adolf Hitler in he said the normal person can not tell big lies. They recoil from it. Hitler was an expert so he told huge lies and people just got glazed looks on their faces caught up in it.

I do not mean in any way to state Mr. Obama is Hitler, but I do fully intend to note that the same energy source which fed the odd frenzy mass hysteria of Hitler is evident in the people swarming to Barack Obama.
Perhaps in this understanding of high sounding liberals who condemned German masses for being led away by Hitler can now as they are charge drugged understand that the German population was victim to what was unleashed.

I know there are a host of very bad influences around Barack Obama. The forces which Frank Davis unleashed in pedophilia, adultery along with Bill Ayers in rape and murder, are very adept signatures, as strong as the signature Stanley Ann Dunham unleashed in Kenya.
Mr. Obama was not conceived in love, but in a complex rejection of the American aura for a young girl escaping to the sultry frequencies she was nurturing to come into being.

If one desires to toss in the signatures of Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan to the covenants of Obama's mansion infusing the demons of Saddam Hussein from the Middle East which Mr. Obama is still credit nurturing in a massive fund fraud flowing to him. All of it combines to conjure the old Babylonian mysteries. This is why the European order invested so much in electing Mr. Obama. He is a receptor asset to the off frequency. They do not want Mr. Obama, but he is a conduit they can influence due to the power structure of the forces unseen.

As my revelations have shown in past mathematical work, there are 3 frequency signatures. God which is Life in regenerative. The neutral of this dimension which is a reflective of God, but works both regenerative and consumptive and the anti force which is completely consumptive.
This dark energy envelopes all in this dimension. It will appear as a constructive force that feels right to numbers of people, but will once it gets a receptor like a leech it will never let go and then the human host will convert to the consumptive.

This is unique as I have never had a first hand view of this much energy being released and absorbed by numbers of people under it's influence. This energy is not being given though. It is being loaned at a high rate like a tidal wave and when in Newton terms it washes back as the dark force will demand it returns, there is going to be a power gulf created where millions of people are going to feel like they were hit with phaser stun and wake up wondering what has just happened.

I see Mr. Obama as a precursor door to a much larger problem in that one notices the Europeans are so enthralled by him that this is opening the old doors from whence Napoleon has came.
It is all too ridicule in Letterman cocktail crowds so sophisticated now, but that cauldron of southern Europe is home to a massive ley area known to history as the oracles. This power structure is being opened and an even grander European version of Obama will be carried by the frequency into the vacuum manifesting there.

Bill Clinton had a signature from this effect and perhaps he was the key to the door which has initiated in Barack Obama. Whether they can put the gen back into the bottle and transfer the power line to Hillary remains to be seen.
The disaster though is in the making as one notes time and again the absolute high emotional curve in liberals lying, their malevolence and the pure hatred. They are the Nazi working numbers of Jews to death in camps and going home at night smiling at their children patting them on their heads telling them how Obama is making history.

A lie is a lie and a theft is a theft. One can not construct a future on such negative forces without a 9 11 manifesting as it did in reaction to the Clinton years.

All of this in the entire media is going to come back on them. It will be much worse as the neutral forces react equally. This anti force amplifies and demands interest as it keeps consuming until there is nothing left.

I would much rather this event was happening in a place like Venezuela where it has with Chavez in which he was initiated in a regional power force and as one notes the implosion of his structure how quickly the consumptive takes over. With a unique amplified force though like the United States, this Obama unction is going to cause a massive wave of energy to create a void.

These minions of millions got away with robbing Peter to pay Paul for numbers of years now. Mr. Obama has opened the flood gates their actions will manifest in this nation and their lives if the transaction is completed in Mr. Obama's election. That is then the covenant circuit complete.

The nation will pay and the majority who initiated this will pay individually.

This is fascinating as I wonder how much the European operators know. I suspect they in rites understand completely as that is why they had Obama in Berlin. I suspect they are using Mr. Obama to create the ritual which will usher in the new European leader.

Perhaps this is why the Rockefellers are so silent in this as they want no part of the return wave which will wash over Chicago and most of America as their eyes are on the European order in what they all desire to manifest.

May God bless the good and protect them as too many people are spiritually and soulfully intoxicated accepting forces they have no skill nor understanding in how to deal with.
What a remarkable time to be alive which are too interesting, as even Joe Biden is warning like a prophet the world of what is coming if Mr. Obama is initiated into the seat of power.

What this means is I wouldn't want to be CBS or any of the media in what they have sown as they will find it amplified and turned back upon them.

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