Insanity: the state of mental disorientation.
Is Barack Obama insane is a serious question when one examines some key elements of his actions.
Point 1
Barack Obama claiming he is a Christian has allowed himself to be referred to as the "messiah". He has appeared before Congressional Democrats noting that he is the hope of the world.
A recent Drudge headline revealed that Mr. Obama is now not only going to change the United States, but he is going to change the world.
Normal individuals would feel psychological discomfort in being referred to as the "messiah" as in human normality one knows they are not God, but a failed person struggling with life.
Barack Obama instead embraces the entire disorientation he is the "messiah".
Point 2
Barack Obama during the summer rock tour and after was referring to himself as President of the United States.
His actions were those of someone who actually believed they were already President when George W. Bush can actually be seen on television daily as the President.
Barack Obama instead embraces the entire disorientation he is the "President".
Point 3
Barack Obama has assembled a team for the transition to the White House in his being President without his taking into account an election still is to be held in November.
This is doubly unbalanced in the problem of his "knowing" he is already President and yet he has assembled a team to transition himself into the presidency.
Barack Obama embraces the disorientation there is no need for an election as he has already won it.
Point 4
Ann Coulter revealed a fine piece which mirrors what Rush Limbaugh has stated that if Obama does not have a 15 point lead in polls he is not going to win the White House.
Polls as Ms. Coulter noted are notorious for inflating Democrats numbers by10 points and always are giving them the lead.
The real polls as this blog has stated have John McCain at the 5 to 6 point lead on Barack Obama and they are trending to an election victory of 11%.
Barack Obama and his handlers all know these polls and yet he embraces the bogus propaganda polls as if genuine.
Barack Obama embraces the known falsehood of disorientation over reality.
Those are 4 accounts of literal definitions of insanity which are warning signs to the liberal media and Mr. Obama's benefactors that he has severe disorientation problems akin to what numbers of Obama's followers are deluded by in believing an apple will fall up just because they say so.
This is a serious problem for the United States of America as a nation as one can not trot out words like racism when Russian troops are storming the Ukraine or change Chinese troops into fairy wine as they invade Alaska just because the messiah deems it so.
These types of psychopathies are going to yeild situations for liberals where they won't survive either an Obama purge of them, an invasion or in the least worst scenario in 3 years with a unbalanced individual as President, an American nation in such danger, turmoil and upheaval due to world conditions set upon it by Obama policy, that American voters will not only throw out every Democrat in Congress, but see to it that the Democrats become a minority party and progressives or liberals are finished for a generation no matter the name they hide behind.
This is not a political game anymore of my policy winning, but something Chris Matthews, Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann, Charlie Gibson and the ilk understand they are putting all they have and all they will ever have on a person who:
Calls himself the messiah.
Allows other people to promote him as the messiah.
Thinks he is President already.
Thinks the election is not necessary.
Actually believes the propaganda every pollster and liberal knows are rigged.
That is the definition of insanity and Barack Obama is insane.