Friday, October 17, 2008

Peggy Noonan, Rupert Murdoch and Obama's Ilk of the Wall Street Journal

Alan Murray
Executive Editor

Dear Mr. Murray,

I apparently have been mistaken in coming to expect professionalism from the Wall Street Journal as your current posting which you allowed submitted by Peggy Noonan is instead one of spite, scorn, bias and elitism.

I had hoped your profession of "editor" would have saved readers from the scorn of Ms. Noonan from her mockery of using the title "Mrs. Palin" to degrade all married women, instead of her true title of elected accomplishment of Gov. Palin of the State of Alaska.

Spite is a common thread of individuals like Peggy Noonan all venting some high school grudge upon Gov. Palin seeded in their memories like Joy Behar of being betrayed by the young male who they gave all for only to be dumped as the cunning male was drawn to the woman of intellect, challenge and accomplishment rather than the The View that the world is flat and you must love me because I dictate it.

It is degrading to see the Wall Street Journal a venue now of bias born of a woman hating all women who accomplished on their own and will that all women follow to those same greater heights of a shining city on a hill.

The most troublesome of Ms. Noonan rant is her pomposity couched in past cooings over meeting two Popes and then to find her foul mouthed diatribe against Gov. Palin caught on open mic. Then, Ms. Noonan, instead of taking responsibility for the lie she has fathomed from the depths of making a wealthy living off of Conservative sweat which she never worked for. Ms. Noonan then told another lie saying like the tart caught in bed as her husband walks in, "It's not what it looks like darling".

Bias in Ms. Noonan runs rampant that somehow "father and mother" is more her elitist thrill than normal people having "mom and dad" in red state or blue state areas until the elitists decided communist red past struck too close the Marxist Obama mania sweeping New York's spawning coastal metropolis.

Bias is Ms. Noonan's part in her not comprehending that dropping one's "g's" is the evolution of the Angle Saxon language in transforming it from Indo European roots where "ha Machir" became "Amachir" became America as Jahn Cheese became Yankee.
Speech patterns of evolution are the mark of the highest form of intelligence as peoples transform instead of stagnate.

That of course brings this review to the elitism of Ms. Noonan who is nothing but the scorned school girl looking for a way to bring false witness against an innocent Gov. Palin.
You allowed to be published in paying for it a huge sum of Rupert Murdoch's revenue a bias which Ms. Noonan states she has no idea after seven weeks what Gov. Palin stands for.

That literal lie either means Ms. Noonan is a moron or she is what she is a catty fake like her counterpart of David Brooks of that other yellow rag of New York, the New York Times whose interest in the Truth is akin to Bill Clinton's defining "is".

The question is Mr. Murray what kind of paper are you running? Are you only now a Rupert Murdoch propaganda sheet to elect Barack Obama in which Mr. Murdoch has found the person he is backing is an economic imbecile?

Ms. Noonan now taints the Wall Street Journal with hypocrisy, lies and propaganda. I noticed on your "The Coming Super Majority" defeatism that you too also have shown the white flag or more to the point you have enabled a saboteur in Ms. Noonan, championed defeat like Ariel Sharon in destroying Likud for the financiers of Europe and now to keep the Conservative readership conned, you act like you are loyal to the American virtue of Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton and Ronald Reagan's economic structure of a free and prosperous people for all America.

I would dare you to publish this as a feature as the only factual assessment appearing in your publication, but then that would spoil the propaganda you intend as any publication of literary respect would have fired Ms. Noonan after her foul mouthed lies were exposed.

I state none of that with malice, but remorse as being a real Conservative and being constantly betrayed by the people one assisted in gaining a comfortable life for is what has been typical in this arena. I realize now that the Wall Street Journal can no longer be trusted and joins the New York Times as the fossil media as the coming media of Newsbusters and countless blogs will point out the growing faults of Ms. Noonan and how she taints a once noble publication.

In closing, I will give you something to ponder paraphrased from Henry V which I recorded in the first Noonan political rape of Gov. Palin.

We were in awe of Sarah Palin in her greener days and you will to be in awe of those she masters now.

The difference is Mr. Murray, the Conservatives are remembering now in our blogs to never forget those who joined the Marxists and as your profits sink as more and more people read on the forever internet the patrician leftist diatribes allowed on the Wall Street Journal, you will know who is to blame for this because you promoted it without correction or reply.

Thank you for your time and may God bless you.