People must understand the scam in this that all Mr. Obama and Mr. Axelrod who is really running this show as puppet master for the European elites is doing is this:
The economic plan has nothing to do with salvaging the economy of the United States. All Obama is up to is issuing a "rebate" or better known as a bribe of such proportions that it will make people smile a little and take the edge off the economy for the Teddy Care communization plan to be passed sometime in March.
They are going to ram this through hard and fast, because for what is coming in 2009.
It seems a very likely probability that Axelrod will blow something up early in 2009 to "gain the will of the people". If not Axelrod, then Netanyahu will be forced to deal with Iran by midsummer.
Midsummer brings one to the point of Franck Biancheri and a growing host of insiders from Russia to Europe who are all whispering the end of the United States, even so far as Russia seizing Alaska.
A July 4th, voiding of the old dollar for a new dollar is a certain as Iceland was rioting yesterday, headlines today are speaking of the bankrupting of England and what will follow will be the defaulting of the United States in this central European plan as noted here.
I don't want to invest a great deal of time on the issue of scenarios in this blog nor if the possibility is still available that John McCain can be President due to the voiding of the election by the Sec's of States of the 50 United States due to Mr. Obama being a fraud.
I do though want to point out a few things coming to fruition as the Obama scenario makes a grab like cousin Odinga in Kenya stealing that election and cementing power.
Barack Obama is showing 3 faces, almost like the psychotic Eve of literature.
His first face is the Warren Buffett, Paul Volcker, nation rapist face. These financiers are going to plunder what is left of the US economy. Their main intention is filling their accounts with solvent currency of the new dollar while leaving the entire US population devastated in a devaluation which will wipe out all the savings.
This entire "Foundation" communist front has been shipping manufacturing offshore and dismantling the auto industry. They are in the phase currently to spring in wiping out the unions as we know them and shifting the entire control to the Marxists in the US government.
His second face is David Axelrod and the various masks he adorns. Axelrod views this as a massive push to get installed all the Marxist ideology. His plan to throw the GOP a bone of tax relief so they will pass the massive communist medical bill is a blueprint of how this thug works.
Rahm Emanuel is the legislative thug who it is going to be most interesting as when all those Jews who voted for Obama figure out they are watching the killing of the Israeli state are going to start wondering what they signed up for and then it will be the massive question of, "Will Rahm Emanuel want to be forever remembered as the politician who destroyed the Jewish State?"
Logic dictates that Mr. Emanuel is going to not sign on to this and it will bring trouble.
Other thugs are like Tom Daschle who has no idea at all about medical issues, but signed onto FDR this policy and enslave the entire United States. Daschle is a pariah and the GOP if it cares to fight will pick our friend Tom as the person to sink in drawing the line in the sand.
He is white, his wife got people dead due to reckless homicide, is a lobbyist and Tom is well known for his p*ssing on the American flag and calling a US President foul things.
The third face is the NSA thuggery of Janet Napolitano (the high tech lyncher of Clarence Thomas) and various sundry pro communists all promising Islamocommunists the world with Jewish blood as the sauce on the meal.
They are manipulative like Brzezinski and all are for sticking bombs into things they can not bribe. This time though they have a host of Eurasians who are smelling American blood in the water they created and what this group will breed is war.
This brings the view to the 4th face in the picture in Bill and Hillary Clinton. The Rockefellers have been booted in essence from economics, except for their nation rapist thugs in charge of the Treasury. It then falls to the Clintons to try and do something with this mess.
Bill and Hillary Clinton were disasters as co presidents of the United States. That is stated in the 1990 Clintons were more suited to Bill owning a Las Vegas brothel, screwing whores and taking bribes from politicians. Hillary was suited to being the Madame with a whip dressed in leather spanking those politicians.
This is what got Bill into trouble for 20 years. He is good at lying, stealing and assaulting women, but he gets caught. He stole Asian uranium from the Europeans and sold it. That is what caused this horrid mess is Bill's greed.
Bill Clinton would have just been fine as President if a handler would have set up some island where he could have ravaged some women, stole the crown jewels and had dancing natives tell him he was a great guy on the weekends.
Hillary would have just needed some guys looking like New Gingrich she could have whipped while carrying her around to take her edge off.
The Clintons weren't so much bad people. They just were outlaws unfit to sit at the fine linen table.
The 2008 Clintons have grown up some and if one knows how to handle them they are no different than any other wild horse who will bite you if they get a chance.
I honestly have no idea though if the Clintons can actually keep the sinking Obama ship from going Titanic. The Clintons are hated by the entire media. Obamaniacs loathe them. Most of the Congress detests them and even their own people in White House like chocolate Obama better than chocolate Bill.
It doesn't matter what the Clintons have on Obama in blackmailing him, because with all those voices whispering against them and the willing Gibson, Matthews, Couric and Williams ears listening, there just is not a great deal that Hillary and Bill can do but live under siege while taking sniping remarks at Obama.
So do not look for the PUMA euphoria of the Clinton's saving the United States from world war. The Clinton's are going to be doing a great deal just to save themselves while distancing themselves from the Obama meltdown as a sort of defacto el presidente over at State.
The odd man out is Joe Biden. In watching him the other day as Obama trotted out his nation rapists for the economy, Joe ain't a happy camper. He is angry and sullen being a fixture on the mantle.
He has no place at State. He has no place in communist health care as Daschle is running that with Teddy Kennedy. He has no place in economics. David Axelrod has marginalized him so bad that he is a feather in the wind who needs either cronies in the Senate who are coming close to not needing his vote at all ever or will survive on the handouts of the Clintons.
The Clintons are Joe Biden's best bet and as Hillary has blackmail papers on him that is where an intelligent mind would go.
This entire Obama group has absolutely no direction or glue to hold them together. Do not look for anyone to arise at Defense, because Obama hasn't even given a thought to nominating someone into that most vital of jobs with the nation in 2 wars and the entire world sharpening their spire points against the USA.
So expect some Chuck Hagel type looser to get the nod like Bill Cohen. These Noonan types will infest this branch of Les Aspin get Soldiers slaughtered while blowing up civilians type.
As stated, I'm no fan of John Lewis, but at least with him being a war hero he would run the Pentagon more like Cap Weinberger in not putting US troops in harms way and run that place the way it should be.
The Obama infrastructure if it succeeds in getting by the Electoral College will pull in 3 directions as the entire United States sinks into the quagmire of Obamanomics which will lead to war.
To not leave this in a typical Noel Sheppard posting of an issue and not leaving a solution I will post the solutions which should be conducted today.
Solution 1: Uncap the entire oil reserves of the United States and start pumping oil and allow the Eurasian economy to collapse on it.
Utilize Japan and England as our forward economic and military bases to deal with the Eurasians and create in them our partners of trading.
Solution 2: Forget these almost 2 trillion dollar handouts which will not benefit Americans. Instead grant 50,000 dollars to every homeowner and mandate they build disaster shelters well stocked. This will secure the United States from atomic attack and hurricane problems.
This will produce an economic bubble of people being put to work in real jobs and stabilize the housing market.
Fix this and one fixes the entire banking structure.
Solution 3: Draft all the illegals in the United States into a military corp for duty overseas for 5 years. In return, they will gain land reform in their own nations to which the United States using foundation moneys will invest heavily to create trading partners in Mexico and Latin America.
Solution 4: Produce massive solar and nuclear power construction projects for the United States energy needs. My proven water engine is being ignored along with the gravitational feed system for producing electricity. So build the system.
Into this grid produce a high speed electric rail whereby all the major companies, rail, air, communication etc... all will have an interest for profit to produce an economic boom for the American citizen.
Solution 5: Dig baby dig. Unleash the mining interests of the United States on the void of the ocean floors and produce all the mineral, metal and energy wealth which will be exported to the Eurasians.
Feed the Eurasians, gain a balance of trade and then become too expensive for them to attack in a war.
Solution 6: Place the entire United States on a banking charter system overseen by Congress as Alexander Hamilton mandated and inform the financiers to fix the situation for all America's good or they loose their banks and will be imprisoned.
Place a gold dollar which Americans and allies will trade at at full rate and place a greenback for world trade to deal with fluctuations and the need for foreign states to inflate or deflate that dollar.
Solution 7: Sell the United States Post Office while retaining a 50% silent ownership and let business make money on this monopoly venture.
The United States is facing a devaluation of good prices which has no harm, but when coupled with Obama's voiding the dollar, the constriction of economy with only pouring money into a Doritos economy and no one but simpletons on the right and left all being paid by the same patricians to put one more straw on the camel's back to break it, that is no economic, nor production nor defensive measures for the good of the United States.
This nation of sinners has been left with thee most inept group of media, political, internet, economic, military and fawning trolls in any nations history. The people who know the problem stand around like the monkey in the zoo pretending no one will notice he is throwing feces at the public and the rest are standing around hoping some fix will come, but a fix is not coming as the financiers do not want this fixed.
They will to implement the worst of times as they hide behind their locked gates as the majority of the population gets ground down in the same way the financiers ground the American Indian down making him either a buck or a wait around the fort type.
I stated decades ago that the move from the coastal powers was to turn the American citizen into the new Indian who would be harassed, embattled, blamed and then struck down. Unless God raises up a deliverer, this is what is facing America because that is what was planned.
This entire attack is designed to pin the western states down, so the central European can advance and the Eurasians will not figure as always until it is too late that the monsters they create against the Anglos will always rise up and eat them too.
I sincerely hope the Electoral College will do it's legal duty, but even at that in the time wasted a John McCain would struggle as the GOP is a Noonanner brain dull sex romp pretending virtue on Sunday while whoring all week.
Obama can not succeed, because he has 3 different faces all pulling on opposite directions.
It is old Tom Krause law in the strongest point in nature is the triangle. The Lame Cherry law now states the weakest point in human nature are 3 sides pulling in opposite directions.