I noticed that a pompous, real pompous Mr. Noel Sheppard, socialist Gordon Brown running like a scared liberal to tax cuts and key spending in the UK to try and save his Angleland from the Europeans.
I noticed on the South American shore of Argentina the Marxist cutie, President Christina Kirchner dumping millions of bucks into her flailing nation.
I noticed the mahdi Obama dumping in billions, keeping tax cuts and not acting like the little Marxist election thief he is.
I noticed hundreds of millions of scared, self hating leftists who harped on President Reagan as nuts, dangerous and trickle down out of control, now fawning, fleeing, scampering and doing exactly what Ronald Reagan fought for and gave the United States and the world the largest peacetime economic expansion in world history.
I noticed all of that, because I'm not some right wing come lately snot nor brain dead Obama worshiping simp.
I am what I am in who God made me and I love that old man.
I love him despite his good nature being scammed by that Sarah Brady pariah on gun control. I love him in spite of having a pansy son like Bill Buckley's Obama loving son.
I love him for being that beacon on that shining city on the hill, constant, enduring and proven right by fact while all the right wing monkeys stand around with his banana not thinking out of the box and sucking on his treasure house supply of brilliance claiming it as their own in their arrogant money wad filled bank accounts banning me like a bunch of liberal trash.
So for the people who think Ronald Reagan's Revolution is dead. Think again. The Old Man is back, he infected the biggest Marxist to steal an American office and he is moving the entire world as they try to save themselves on the Reagan Doctrine.
Stick around because Milton Friedman and Benjamin Franklin economics are coming on a Sarah Palin tide...........and that Old Man will be here in Spirit guiding the way.
Who knows, Obama and his European buddies, his Noonan sucklings and all the right and left wing twits across the globe who screwed this pooch good for a 2009 coming out party, might just see the last of the 7 year cycle and Jesus returning.........
The reason that matters is Jesus comes back, so does Ronald Reagan, risen from the dead for all to apologize to who mocked him or used that Old Man.
Here lies Ronald Reagan, the once and future President of the United States.
God bless the Good. Amen