Long ago President Abraham Lincoln after promising everyone everything for a job to get himself elected was confounded at the White House as all these people showed up and he simply said, "Too many pigs for the tits".
Peggy Noonan has crawled out of her pig pen and posted in her ignorance that America is not going to face anything like the Great Depression and followed up with a phrase that she was thankful that Obama won by 46% of the vote and has a "clear mandate".
Some CONservative there in her words never touched on Norm Coleman warding off Al Franken and Gov. Palin trying to keep Georgia GOP to keep a dictatorial mandate going through Congress. Nope CONservative Peggy Noonan of the patrician pig pen was only in jungle fever lust with Obama trouncing John McCain, a theft she assisted in.
Noonan is at the head of a great group of porkers hiding as CONservatives. Bill O'Reilly now is taking verbal shots at Obama........and yet there he was not weeks ago doing all for Obama that a homosexual was not doing for Barack.
Peggy Noonan is disgusting in her Obamaholm Syndrome like David Brooks of the New York Times. Someone who infiltrated to work for Ronald Reagan and in her et tu Brute' knife thrust made certain she was in on the kill of Reagan Revolution like all these other CONservatives.
I do not trust any of these keyboards for hire any more. From the skunk faced Shep Smith playing BOHICA for Obama to the morphing of Chris Wallace into Mike Wallace.
There is the nonsense of Jerome Corsi to the out and out plagiarism of my work by Daniel Pipes and Joseph Farah as noted by all of these CONservatives.
Want a real eye opener for Rush Limbaugh's good buddies at Newsbusters. This is the same Limbaugh who this blog outed as being absolutely wrong along with his good buddies at Newsbusters for spewing lies about bio fuels. In having been thanked for the Truth posted which shut these people up as groups of people started noting the type of Peggy Noonan lies, Newsbusters deliberately in a Noel coward Sheppard way uninvited me from posting there after trying to dictate my free speech.
The peach in this from Noel coward was he lied about me and accused me of the very things Newsbusters was doing and allowing to happen to me. (Gee trying to shut the Truth up.)
Noel Sheppard and Matthew Sheffield both coined an economic paper which as I noted on the site was the very thing I had posted almost a year before. No credit there from the boys either and but a growing list of things which "Newsbusters" censors in they have full scope to not reply to real stories sent them, but when I post them, and expose their being ignorant or in the case of deliberate cover up, a real Conservative is shut down.
Mr. Sheppard stated there were other big shots on his site complaining about me. Gee my mail was always open and none of them were John Wayne enough to ever ask what I was saying. Nope just like a schoolyard bunch they instead in true liberal fashion banned me from the playground of idea just like other CONservatives like Robert Spenser and David Horowitz.
What is hilarious in this is on Wikipedia, one can find agnostic Matthew Sheffield is listed as a LIBERAL CONservative.
Huh???? Is that like being virgin whore? Perhaps that is like being dead alive? Maybe it is like being rich poor? Oh it is like oil and water or a satanic Christian.
Does anyone get the idea in this in this that Brent Bozell who is a relative of William Buckley whose son just supported Obama, in Buckley who was a patrician big brother who believed stupid masses of people needed to be dictated too, employs as the head of Newsbusters a LIBERAL CONservative.
It is a fact that Newsbusters was waving the white flag non stop in the Obama election against John McCain, they were touting poll numbers which have not proven out to the massive numbers Zogby was stating for an Obama win and especially Noel Sheppard was a parrot in using exact words one finds coming out of Olberman's mouth to the paid for spew coming out of Arianna Huffington's lips.
One can not find any information on the economy in what is coming from economist Noel Sheppard no more than one can find any of the well off people who richly profit off of Conservatives naming one busted story all of these people having a part in pulling down the Reagan Revolution.
It is one thing for Jeff Rense to break his mode in not attacking women in joining in the political rape of Sarah Palin like this mob, but it is an entire different betrayal and mode when the very people who have made fortunes claiming to be the voice for Conservatives to be part of a whispering campaign scheme of globalist patricians bringing down the United States of America.
All of the above are the reason Barack Obama is elected and I pointed out that all of the above will now be releasing books, doing shows, winding up the masses to get more revenue hits on their sites and all acting once again like they are God blessed Conservatives.
This is all a scam and the only way one ever gets a place in this is working for the financiers on top. It doesn't matter which side one is on as the only side that matters to them is the central nipple as all the oinkers stand around like Hananiah telling the masses what they want to hear.
Liberal Conservative? Criminey Bob people are this stupid to believe it all.
Liberal Conservative
Hog tits Noonan