What if I were to inform you that Max Baucus in his health care "reform" was using the exact Hillary Clinton plan that the Clinton's perfected in Arkansas.
For those children not aware, the Clintons wanted to reform education ins Arkansas and held a wide array of meetings all across the state. The problem was the Clintons already had the bill written out and the meetings did not take any public concerns into the planning as the planning was already done.
The Clintons were just herding the public to their agenda.
The same meetings for those who remember were chaired by Hillary for her original communist health care during their 1990's years of Marxism for America.
Max Baucus was doing the same exact thing in Montana all through October in a quite audacious move as apparently what is good for Californicating Montanans now plaguing that state, to the chagrin of local Montanans who are fleeing to other Republican states, is good mandate for the rest of America.
If that stinks to high heaven or a low seal poop infested beach, it does. Baucus is now attempting to push through health care mandates before Dec. 1st from his "committee input".
Who did Baucus choose? Not one citizen is on this committee traveling about Montana and not one business and not one insurance provider and not one hospital.
Baucus chose the very groups and people who are driving up health care costs and making profits off of them.
The globalists have this bill already written and they knew Obama was going to steal this election. Baucus actions and his "committee" are proof of they have had this plan ready to push.
What I would like to touch on though is Baucus is pushing hard on this before Obama is even President elect. That sounds a bit odd with having President Bush in the White House until one starts taking things apart.
Obama's finaciers are currently scraping the pantry of money bare in the United States. As stated Franck Biancheri who is the European nation rapist spokesman has predicted Obama will destroy the current US dollar sometime in July of 2009.
The markets are reacting in horror of comrade Obama and if you have not heard it yet, the story broken here has come to fruition in gun sales are going through the roof with Obama lurking to the White House.
There is being a wholesale run on finance and security in the United States by all the people who know what is coming and that is why Max Baucus is pushing this like a maniac now as he wants to get this communist health care mandate passed for the big reason BARACK OBAMA ONLY HAS APPARENTLY LESS THAN 100 DAYS BEFORE AMERICANS RISE UP AND BLOCK THE LIBERAL DEMOCRATS.
If you look who is pushing this hardest are those totalitarian Marxists of AARP. They want their hands on control of more of the medical pie and Max Baucus is for Hillary Clinton is for Barack Obama moving all forces to get this done.
I can not read Baucus' mind, but it is interesting he chose December 1st to have this in the works, because that is the very day Judge Souter of the Supreme Court mandated that Barack Obama respond to the briefing filed there concerning his citizenship status.
New Jersey has another challenge to Barack Obama on Constitutional grounds which is set before Justice Thomas and the likely scenario of the entire 9 panel court.
For Max Baucus to be setting this health care ruse up already last summer and now pushing for a miracle bill to be passed before anyone in Congress or the bloggers can get a look at it, means for certain the Democrats fully realize that a meltdown is coming on the United States and they are going to be blamed with Barack Obama quite correctly, so that none of these Marxist programs will be passed.
Baucus apparently in reports is also the Democrat in the bailout bill who passed draconian IRS measures slipped inside of it.
None of this is pretty, but it is hopeful that if the people on the right get off their collective posteriors and start focusing on real issues instead of the things posted in most blogs and showing up on most pundit's platters, that Barack Obama does not have 3 months to get anything done nor does the Democratic Congress before public ire turns on them.
The word has to get out on what Baucus has been up to. He must be hammered and demanded of to produce his secret Hillary Obama medical bill, in order to put before Congress measures which I have been working on already, but am not about to post here as I will not let these Marxists know what is coming.
We need to push and demand also that Barack Obama's illegal donations numbering worth 300 million dollars be audited and not swept aside as is trying to be done. The Democrats chose this criminal mischief and it is past time that Huffington Post and their rotten crew of donors have to face fines with all this liberal ilk which supported Obama and pay back 300 million dollars, or more to the point be seized by the United States Treasury as it was fraud money coming out of the Middle East.
Obama dug a 300 million dollar whole which Democrats in Congress are not going to have a dime left to run for office in 2010.
Max Baucus instituted a "health care committee" fully knowing Barack Obama would be President.
To quote Dan Rather, "What did Max Baucus know? When did Max Baucus know it? Who is Max Baucus really working for?"
I have a clue for you people that the same machine which destroyed Conservatives like George Allen, set up Larry Craig and filed Lawrence Walsh bogus type charges against a certain GOP Montana Senator and were later found bogus after he lost the election is the same syndicate who is backing Baucus, Clinton and Obama in this.
These are high crimes in sedition against the United States covered in the RICO Act which seems to follow Barack Obama around like an echo. RICO RICO RICO......
Planning Obama health care reforms before Obama has a bill and before Obama is even elected.
Even if you stick something that stinky in Montana and try to flush it on the American people, Americans will figure out they are being crapped on.
Come clean Senator Baucus.
agtG 261
Bogus Baucus Tour