Barack Obama lists 5 areas he is going to rebuild the economy. I will take this apart so people will get the points that there is no production in this plan to actually build the economy. All that is going on is money is being handed out to Obama donors in the key areas of certain unions and big business and nothing more.
In none of these areas will any of this build the economy, create lasting jobs of good wages nor will it benefit any but a select few.
Obama task number one: Obama's energy policy is not to invest in drilling oil and gas, invest in bio crops which will produce a higher percentage of oils and starches for fuel or to even uncap wells already in place.
No Mr. Obama has decided to replace old heating systems and put in Al Gore light bulbs to save money.
The minority who benefit from this will be the select heating and plumbers unions, the Obama supporters who manufacture industrial furnaces and the Al Gore investors in goofy mercury poison laced light bulbs.
It has not been released yet, but most of the "green" furnaces are manufactured in Europe along with all this energy efficient stuff. No American jobs, but a few existing union jobs in one summer of work worth billions of taxpayer funds.
Obama task number two: Obama will invest in roads and bridges in a plan that states either spend the money or they will loose it. My community was under such a plan and we took over a million dollars and built a community center, so basically now have 2 court houses to heat, repair and deal with costing twice as much tax funds.
The same Obama road and bridge deal will find new bridges, culverts and paved roads going in where no one is driving. I have a wonderful "new bridge" under existing plans that one has to slow down to 20 mph on a highway as it is so rippled like a roller coaster you would crash if you drove at normal speeds.
This shoddy work is based upon the fact that repair crews must hire minorities who basically sleep all day or do this kind of horrid work. The road crews employ those college kids standing on the slow and go signs, some heavy equipment, but more and more illegal Mexicans.
Road work consist of asphalt, concrete and steel for supports. Asphalt helps the oil companies Mr. Obama was in a tirade about, the few select concrete companies and steel is not American but Asian import.
Net result, this makes the rich richer, is bait for more illegals to flow into America and creates no jobs of note as road work is in the majority of America an April to November employment.
Obama task number three: Obama is going to rebuild schools and put new computers into them. Once again that is select electrical union, Mexican labor and benefits Apple, Google and Microsoft all of whom are Obama donors.
The only school systems in America who are not upgraded currently are in the liberal cesspool areas of the big cities who were spending money on making administrations and teachers rich, so there will not be one job created in this for Americans nor will there be any production for other jobs to be fed off of.
Obama task number four: Obama will make broadband more accessible, but only in schools and libraries for children. News is like in task number 3 that most schools and libraries are already so equipped.
The net winners in this are the broadband providers who donated to Obama. No jobs created in this area either.
Obama task number five: Obama will focus on electronic medical records to cut medical costs. This will be a massive new system of servers which once again only provides sales to the computer industry.
Mr. Obama states he will mandate that all doctors across the nation will have high technology. The problem in this is costs such as are all doctors going to have a several million dollar CAT scan in their office. Will they have to pay or is this taxpayer funded or subsidy for rich doctors.
The only winners in this will be the medical unions and the few Obama medical equipment manufacturers. None of this will benefit a patient in any way in care or cost. It will instead drive up costs as medical centers having all of this equipment will be ordering tests to either pay for it or as typical to drive up the profit margin.
Mr. Obama's plan does not one thing but reward his piglets who voted for him. I have pointed out that certain unions like auto are being strangled, but other unions which Mexican illegals are being used as slave labor are being injected with money to the billions of dollars.
Mr. Obama will reward Chinese industrial output, American computer and the monopoly owners of concrete, oil and importation, along with European "green" systems, all who supported Mr. Obama in this election theft.
This Obama fiasco is going to dwindle in seasonal employment and do nothing just like FDR's communist We Poke Along project did in rewarding a few and employing people who are being paid not to work or do shoddy work.
This is a Nancy Pelosi pork project which will cost billions and actually delay any recovery which it is intended just like in FDR's term to keep him in office.
As I have laid out a real series of projects which would create jobs in auto, air, rail and construction industries in a disaster shelter series for homeowners in stocking them along with a high speed rail system which combined would filter money into every segment of the economy, this is what the American people should be demanding, instead of this Obama benefactor give away.
When you produce things to make life easier for Americans and export them around the world you have prosperity. When you employ Mexicans, select union thugs, monopoly manufacturers and Chinese industry, all you get is Bill Gates grinning with Warren Buffett at Chinese commerce meetings.
This Obama New Squeal Policy is bad policy for America. I doubt you will hear one word of it though as Newsbusters focuses on what cocktail party snub occurred in conversation and Rush Limbaugh explains what kind of hand lotion Barbara Walters was wearing when he met her.
and the band plays on.