Friday, December 19, 2008

Galloway Obama

I don't believe for a second any more that Jesus the Christ taught so many of His lessons in agrarian terms, because he was dealing with an agriculture economy but was instead teaching things in farming terms for the reason animals and crops are the realist reality on this planet.

Jesus could have taught things about tanners, smelters, blacksmiths, carpenters as He was taught, and yet he focused all of his lessons on what cuts closest to the quick.

This morning I had another one of my adventures in someone needed some assistance with a new born calf in below zero weather. Calves are like liberals. They think they know everything, won't come out of the storm to save themselves and will just lay there stubborn not even trying to eat just because they get something in their head they will not change from.
It was interesting as I was putting a halter on the heifer as she was a 4 H calf project and about as tame as a stuffed animal in looking for treats .

I got the fun jobs of dousing the calf, sticking my fingers down it's throat to make it swallow and getting my fingers cut by it's razor sharp teeth.........along with the real adventure of milking a cow that had never been milked before. Just figure someone swinging at your head with a baseball bat while you are trying to squeeze toothpaste out of tube with the cap on and that is the interesting part of it that keeps one warm even when it is cold.

That though wasn't the notable part. As I turned the cow loose and was getting food and water for her not paying any attention, a goose got into her pen who had been there numerous times the past weeks.
All of a sudden I heard a bang, a squawk, some more banging, some more flapping and as I rounded the corner there was one goose in the process of dying fast and hard, as the cow, went at the bird for round two and as I just stood there shocked as she went at it round three to make sure it was really dead and flipped it 12 feet to the back of the pen.

Having been a cowboy for a spell, I'm always leery about fresh cows as in cows that just have delivered, but as I was being careful in the pen this morning and putting on the halter I once again was reminded in who fast things can change in life.

I knew this heifer. I was there the day the Vet cut her out of her mother as she was in the process of dying. This heifer was led around last summer by a 40 pound little girl for 4 H. I know this cows mother, grandmother and great great great great grandmothers, and, that is why I'm quite amused at the proceedings this morning as I have had her mother floating by me as she was "playing" and I know the breed which showed up in this long ago cross this morning.
This heifer is a Hereford, Shorthorn and Simmental cross. They are as breeds for the most part docile enough for 1100 pound killing machines if they get it in their heads to do some damage.

What showed up this morning though was a breed in her genes that I thought I had finally gotten rid of in Galloway. Yes that sounds like British Isles and it is. They are an interesting breed in I not so fondly remember my neighbors cows chasing my short little 7 year old legs across the pasture as my brother had convinced me check out a tank with some ducks on it where the cows were grazing.
As I recall, those cows didn't really stop at the fence as we were busy trying to climb trees to not get killed.

I remember this stock in a midget little calf my neighbor gave away which was no bigger than a poodle which attacked us as we tried to feed it.

That is the breed which thumped that goose this morning.

What this cowboy knowledge has to do with reality is Jesus knew all of this knowledge about agricultural ways in the lessons it taught. When Jackie Kennedy wanted to make a man out of John John she sent him to a ranch for a few months. You get to know things down on the farm that teach you the realities of life and death beyond what the Bill Ayers are preaching in their high paid jobs.

You can take a tiger out of the jungle and it is still going to bite a homosexual magician. You can take a cow and breed her to docile breeds and think you got away from the danger and the first time you turn your back it will try and kill something.
Bloodlines matter, situations matter and actions matter in life.

Barack Obama is about to venture his way to a Muslim city to bow before them and apologize. In the 3rd world that is termed weakness and once a 3rd world human figures out they can get some slack, the next time it will not be shoes thrown at President Bush which ignorant liberals thought was funny, because the next time it will be bullets.
This "journalist" for the good of the world in a message to the 3rd world types should be hoisted up by his neck and then machine gunned through the body and left to rot as a message to 3rd world types to behave.
I heard an old west cowboy who settled the great wild west once state, "You know we used to hang them criminals from the street posts and leave em rot until they fell down. Sure didn't have any crimes after that as everyone behaved."

Mr. Obama is sending the wrong messages to world of Galloway cows and he is the goose in the pen squawking and making noises that the cows only see as a threat and weakness to be dealt with. It is one thing for Barry Obama, the half white kid standing around agreeing America is a bastard of a place with 3rd world types who like pissing on him as he bows before them, but it is another thing for a Prime Minister to go into Muslim areas and tell the Muslims they are right and America was wrong. It doesn't matter if the "right" is about Iraq because Muslims will only hear, "Muslims were right for 9 11 and Americans were wrong for retaliating".

You are dealing with cows Mr. Obama and they don't understand the English you are speaking and once you get into the pen with them, they are going to be coming for you and masses of Americans in cities like New York with atomic bombs.
You either put a rope on the 3rd world and tie it up with a big stick or they are going to bust you and the entire United States into a puddle of flesh.

That is what John John Kennedy probably got soaked in between his ears as he seemed like he had something going on under his hair. His sister, Carolyn, she is no different than Mr. Obama in being clueless about the pen she is in.

I got reminded in the old ways and a bird died. You get reminded Mr. Prime Minister and you loose New York City and have a generation of Chernobyl children dying of cancer tumors.

I mentioned earlier in what you needed Barry Obama was the company of adult males and outdoor activities like being a cowboy and hunting to glean an understanding for the job just as Theodore Roosevelt accomplished.
The advice was not taken and now you are getting into the pen. For the sake of America, I hope no Muslim scuffs you up on your Muslim bowing before them with the monkey demon in your pocket, because that will mean a war when if you had just listened it would have just been the Muslims tied up being milked.
