I did a little digging on Al-Baghdadia television and it sounds a whole lot like Al Gore TV. It says it is television, but it is nothing but high speed internet feed off a satellite. It claims to be the voice of Iraqi's, but is in Egypt, and, my favorite point is I don't know of too many poor third world types who can afford high speed internet plowing with an ass, so Al-Baghdadia TV is apparently the liberal Muslim station for people who read Jeff Rense web pages in the types of fabrications in millions of Iraqi's were dead from the American liberation, until one starts digging for those facts too and you find out Iraqi's die at a normal attrition rate in the mass dead are dead just like in America from growing old, being sick and violent death like Chicago's South Side.
Al Bag TV is apparently not too popular in Iraq for Iraqi's as someone decided last year much to the chagrin of UNESCO, the UN liberal propaganda protests in another Al Bag "reporter" or "journalist" decided to take his "day of rest" in Iraq attending a conference whereby the poet, Jawad Al-Daami, was shot in the head by Iraqi's in a speeding car.
The gunmen were not caught and perhaps were the same ones employed who shot Donald Young, Barack Obama's best choir director and sex partner in Chicago.
No word was given on teh conference Al-Daami was attending, so one could guess it was either an Obama voter drive conference, an Obama money fraud conference or a conference in how to be a better Marxist Muslim aiding al Qaeda so in the overthrow they could all murder people with equal mayhem in a dictatorship.
In any event, Al Bag TV reporter was tossing shoes much to the delight of Obama voters in the 3rd world and various anarchist websites for widows and orphans.
The President was quite spry I judged in his actions ducking both shoe throws. He looked like an in his prime prize fighter which America should be proud of.
The Iraqi press, yes the real Iraqi press, (whoever the Obama supporter was who let this crank in should be arrested by Patrick Fitzgerald for a real attack on a sitting President of the United States as America is not going to have one of those for at least 4 years once Prime Minister Obama gets installed.) apologized for the antics and Mr. Bush made a joke it looked like a size 10 shoe.
For Muntadar al-Zaidi, as he and his anarchist crew of Obamaniacs do not appreciate a Republican form of government, should be released into the custody of former Saddam Hussein security forces. Muntadar wouldn't have gotten his shoe off before gun butts would have smashed in his face in a typical Muslim gathering.
In that, I seem to recall Muntadar's bad old Saddam days where Saddam would have lit up a cigar after paying off money to Bill Clinton and sat back smoking it as his torturers boiled Muntadar in oil. Then, cut him up in pieces and dropped him off in a bag before his family's doorstep with compliments.
For those who think this sort of things is comical, as this was set up inside that Iraqi press room by someone who was an Obama agent as they knew very well Muntadar al-Zaidi was a lunatic, this same footage is now inspiring greater acts of murder against American liberals housed in US cities, the Obama enclaves.
This kind of nonsense is not any good for Bush no more than it is good for Susan Rice to be flaunting her black self for hisself in demanding an office in the State Department which Hillary Clinton runs. There are protcols and pecking orders and once they break down it all breaks down, because sooner than later some Church burner is going to murder in mass and sooner or later some other Obama voter is going to cross the line and the people being polite making jokes or allowing bogus law enforcement or etiquette deal with a situation, and they are going to deal with it in their old terms.
Keith Olbermann should be proud as he inspired Muntadar and hosts of other shoe throwers. Right now there are hosts of the same in Lebanon and Gaza throwing missiles at Judeaen families and soon it will be Persian Islamocommunists throwing nuclear missiles at Americans and Judeaens.
It is so wonderful having a Prime Minister inspiring the world.