Musing about it because it never happened, but that event did happen when Gov. Blagojevich was arrested and Patrick Fitzgerald legally lauded Barack Obama as innocent much to the consternation of legal experts, because those types of things are just not done ever.
Patrick Fitzgerald though did publicly chastise President Bush for commuting Scooter Libby's injustice sentence as too long. Imagine the employee scolding the President of the United States in one instance and in another he is lauding the innocence of Prime Minister in waiting Obama.
Whether the above has anything to do with a Canadian report filed that Barack Obama has told Patrick Fitzgerald he will not be fired like other US Attorneys as all Presidents and now Prime Ministers do, is something that really needs to be investigated by a Special Prosecutor involving Patrick Fitzgerald.
In his history, Patrick Fitzgerald has been the type of prosecutor which "investigates" until a crime is stumbled into. Scooter Libby didn't commit one crime in which Justice Department was sanctioned to investigate for. Mr. Libby was instead convicted on a technicality in testimony.
Gov. Blagojevich is indicted on a charge which numerous politicians are guilty of, but not usually caught because Patrick Fitzerald is not breathing down your phone looking for a charge to hammer you with in a crime which is yet to be committed.
If Mr. Fitzgerald was the least bit equal, balanced and fair in his prosecutions, this blog would be applauding him instead of pleading for a Special Prosecutor to investigate the U.S. Attorney on a various illegalities in pure Obama print in someone in Justice was briefing Obama illegally on the Blagojevich investigation.
Barack Obama has issued a bold face lie misleading the public and authorities that no one on his staff was involved in negotiations over the Senate seat. Rahm Emanuel is at least one known person in this caught on tape.
Someone warned off Barack Obama about the FBI investigation over the criminal pay for play Senate seat, because immediately after Rahm Emanuel attended the sale event, Valerie Jarrett was pulled from contention the next day and a new job was created at the White House.
If one wants to investigate the reality, Delaware illegally arrested Lawrence Sinclair for exposing Barack Obama over his bi sexual oral sex with him to shut him up, creating a political prisoner of Mr. Sinclair.
For this, Delaware's Attorney General who is Joe Biden's son, threatened by his assistant to put Mr. Sinclair into prison for life on a misdemeanor.
The end result of all of this activity was Joe Biden being given the US Vice Presidency. That in the same legal terms of the law is pay for play and yet where is Patrick Fitzgerald indicting Mr. Obama instead of proclaiming him innocent?
There are major crimes involved in this and a great deal of someone in the Chicago Federal building warning off Barack Obama of investigative activities.
I will point out that "someone" is mentioned by a Mr. Gibbs who works for Barack Obama in their being briefed originally on the Blagojevich investigation. That is illegal and can be termed tampering with an investigation.
This blog is the only source which broke the Plamegate coup for what it was as an original intent to keep investigations from finding out that France refined for Saddam Hussein huge amounts of yellow cake into weapons grade uranium.
That is why Valerie Plame was the mole in the White House watching this scandal of the Clinton years and sending Joe Wilson to Africa and writing idiot editorials. The Plames were rewarded for their work in huge book deals. The same type of deal Barack Obama was rewarded for in sitting in Bali putting together a book which Bill Ayers, the rapist terrorist re wrote for him.
If people remember, there was a promise to impeach George W. Bush as payback for Bill Clinton's impeachment.
The scenario was worked out as Patrick Fitzgerald sat on evidence for 2 years that Dick Armitage was the planter of the story through Bob Novak, whom Armitage hated, about Valerie Plame.
The entire sequence run out of Colin Powell's office for the Rockefeller globalists and Rothschilds of Europe was to punish George Bush for taking the oil for food bribery goose of Saddam Hussein from them in their Marc Rich and Nadhmi Auchi banking money laundering.
It was set up to be as Nixon sweet as it was sound.
Fitzgerald watched for years and the Bush Administration was so squeaky clean he couldn't find a thing they had done wrong. (Put that into your pipe you propagandists of the Molotov Mob always talking about Bush Cheney wrongs, because Patrick Fitzgerald reamed them for 2 years and even in his fine tooth comb of creative charges couldn't find a thing.)
So a scheme was created to impeach George W. Bush. It was simple. Dick Armitage gave his sealed testimony to the Grand Jury and Fitzgerald. Armitage then phoned up White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales and offered to "brief" him and the White House on what was being said.
Gonzales being intelligent in protecting the President immediately said NO, because the minute he was briefed on sealed testimony it was in the White House and then Fitzgerald in the Rockefeller plan could charge the White House with tampering with a federal investigation.
That is exactly how they were going to impeach George W. Bush. That is a Pulitzer Prize winning story, but no one in the shill media wants this out as it exposes the sneaky tricks these globalists played on Richard Nixon to get him and the 2 times in Plamegate and Forgegate they tried to criminalize an innocent George W. Bush.
This is why Gov. Blagojevich must retain his office (Amazingly the Attorney General of Illinois is petitioning illegally to remove Gov. Blagojevich from office when she herself was on the Barack Obama list to fill the Senate seat. She should be removed from this and once again as long as it helps the globalists, there is another smashing of the laws of the United States to get one person as fast as possible while protecting Barack Obama from ACORN fraud, money dry cleaning fraud of Middle East counterfeit funds and the political attack upon Lawrence Sinclair which in his Social Security funds were stopped out of Chicago, Illinois.
Not one indictment or investigation of the Attorney General of Illinois. An all too familiar scenario surrounding Barack Hussein Obama in no one has made sure the Prime Minister is qualified to be President and no one has raised one indictment for all of his criminal wrong doing.
For this reason, there must be a Special Counsel appointed immediately as there are glaring illegalities coming from the very people and agencies now calling the Blagojevich kettle black.
There is the quid pro quo of just how Barack Obama's sex scandal was buried in the National Enquirer and just in time to clear the slate before the DNC in Denver, John Edwards was offered up on a platter by political operatives.
This quid pro quo must be investigated in is intelligence operative Barack Obama a stooge working for Patrick Fitzgerald or did Patrick Fitzgerald give carte blanche which was unheard of to Barack Obama after it was reported by Pete Yost that Barack Obama was keeping Patrick Fitzgerald on the job?
Rod Blagojevich is a typical politician of low life dealings, but this blog will stand up for his legal rights in not being railroaded out of office as a bigger case is being covered up. Mr. Blagojevich deserves his fair trial and then if convicted the people of Illinois can decide if they want him removed. America is a land of laws supposedly as long as it doesn't have to do with Barack Obama who gets away with breaking laws all the time as a British subject.
Rod Blagojevich, Patrick Fitzgerald and Barack Obama all deserve the same law and the same zealous nitpicking US Attorney as Patrick Fitzgerald operates as. Appoint one.
I for one prefer US Attorneys who prosecute cases they are appointed to prosecute and enforce major laws being broken instead of created nuances. Equal justice tempered by humanity for all.
That type of law is the standard, because it might be in 2012 a real rowdy like Andrew Jackson will get into office and instead of like George W. Bush in covering up Clinton past deeds might just decide Gov. Palin's political rape, Barack Obama's illegalities and the strangeness of the law associated with Patrick Fitzgerald be all gone over in courts with indictments with a fine tooth comb.
That is your venue to fix immediately Mr. Fitzgerald. If internet postings can find campaign fraud coming out of the Obama campaign, funneling money to CSI New Orleans into ACORN voter fraud accounts, then you certainly can find "innocent" Prime Minister Obama indicted as is your job. Otherwise as Mordecai told Esther, "If you don't do your job God will raise someone up who will do the job and cast you to fate".