Numerous numero ago, I ventured into 100 doctrines by creating them which should be policies of the United States.
One of the most important was what has become the Bush Doctrine of the use of nuclear response or weapons of mass destruction response in kind to any nation who assist terrorists which cause an attack upon the United States.
One of the many though dealt with the United States Postal Service as it was broken decades ago in having crazy employees who were either going nuts or were already there. As an example, I reported my idiot to his superiors with a complaint, to which I caught this loon, measuring my mailbox distance from the road in an attempt to somehow make trouble for me in his little postal world.
I have had letters sent to me which I had nothing to do with, in that my postal idiots have weighed and attempted to collect back postage on from me.
It was a surprise to the post office when one of these dolts retired and no one showed up. The person had nonstop dumped people's mail into other mailboxes, so we were delivering the mail.
In that type of grumpy, moronic service, the Postal Service has made it a practice to keep people who should be fired, give them great wages and give them retirement packages which America can not afford.
These learned Washington DC types have as practice taken the government approach in raising prices or taxes on everything to "fix things" just like Obama is doing. Now of course they want to cut back to 5 day a week delivery, because wonder of wonders when it is costing more to mail a package than WHAT IS IN THE PACKAGE and it is costing almost half a dollar to deliver a letter which you can simply drop off in most cases on other errands, that the Postal Service is loosing business to Fed Ex and people are doing their own jobs.
To explain all of this, the United States Postal Service is run like a Kremlin flunky employment package. It is an absolute monopoly, charging exorbitant prices and it squishes all competition out by law while employed idiots that would be fired in the private sector.
Several years ago there were people who in the days of 35 cent letters in some towns decided that for pennies they could deliver mail and still make money. These people were doing a booming business and as soon as the Post Office found out the Postal Service rushed in and ran the people out of business.
I illustrate that point in the Post Office having no competition, but running prices up, can not compete with local deliveries and national deliveries who have to operate in the private sector.
The problem is not the delivery business, high fuel prices or workers, the problem is government being involved in the private sector.
There is a way as I noted years ago to fix this. It is simple and all the government would have to do is collect money and do a little public utilities oversight.
How this is done is one divides the post office into 5 areas. Each area is auctioned off in bids by contract to corporations who will deliver mail at a set Public Utilities Price. It must employ Americans from the states which the mail is originated so no importation of workers and these private ventures employ who they please and no unions are allowed.
The way this works is the government keeps 50% of the Postal Service as a silent partner except in oversight in protecting the mail. All facilities are leased to the private corporations and the mail goes back to penny post cards, 20 cent letters and packages delivered for 3 dollars.
In private hands this divisional monopoly would net these corporations billions of dollars and save taxpayers and customers billions.
This should have been accomplished during the Reagan years. It would have fixed this entire over priced system in pure capitalism competition. The same forces which have dropped long distance phone rates, because there is no such thing as long distance phone rates, will drop mail prices when people who actually run businesses run the postal service as a service.
There are all kinds of local contractors who can people the local post office on sub contracts exactly as houses are not build by "construction companies", but are built by carpenters who contract out to plumbers, concrete, electrician and landscaping.
I receive a local paper which is not delivered by the Postal Service, but by private carriers because this business can contract out to a Citizen to run the route cheaper than what Washington tries to charge.
Think of that for a moment as I get a free paper, delivered at no cost to me, paid for by advertisement rates and the business employs a number of people spreading the wealth around.
The Postal Service can be fixed like all things. Government just needs to get out of the business and keep it's mouth shut unless someone needs to be thrown in prison.
If the postal workers are good enough, they will be hired by the private sector or if the workers want to contract to deliver mail they can make more than thirty thousand a year.
It works for phone, electricity, water and waste, and it sure will work for the Post Office.