Mid summer last year, a story SNOPES and others who were pandering for Obama immediately said was bogus, stated that Michelle Obama was ordering lobster and feeding high off the oinker.
Jake Tapper of ABC propaganda though lists an actual Obama event which is real and is completely "Marie Antoinette Obama, laissez-les manger le gâteau, in let them eat cake" while the masses are wondering what do to with their destroyed 401 K's and houses they are about to loose.
Barack Obama is serving a little dinner victory party over his kickback stimulus which just passed the house and he is serving "wagyu steak".
For those who do not know what Japanese steak is, it is a fatty beef, which is fed beer, given massages, comes from Japan, looks like white meat instead of red meat, and happens to cost 100 dollars a pound.
Besides the first slap at American ranchers in not serving American beef, there is the huge matter in why on earth in any economic times, including a massive constriction, are taxpayers having to pay for imported eats which unless you are Rush Limbaugh getting free sampler packets from his sponsor of Allen Brothers of Chicago, will ever even see wagyu steak even in a vacuum pack.
This is the change of Barack Obama has instituted. Gala's where gouging the taxpayers is standard fare. Little Jewish kids like Larry King's now want to be black while little Gaza kids are now only feeding worms in the grave in Obama's silence.
Invited on the list of course are the Democrats, but attending will be the entire Republican leadership. At this point, it sickens me literally to know people I voted for are going to be attending the Marie Antoinette event.
To add insult to injury, Mitch McConnell was lecturing the Republicans that "they have to change".
Hey Mitch, who of any of the Republicans EVER SAID pass Teddy Kennedy education? Who among any right wing people ever said, "Hey Mitch, run up that deficit spending money like Democrats?"
It has been the Republican Conservative base who has been betrayed, told to shut up, watched Sarah Palin be politically raped, while Mitch and John, and their retired partners all "changed" the GOP into a left wing, money grubbing, do nothing party.
Republicans had the House, Senate and White House and all the faithful got is nothing, but Democratic bills.
I have news for you Mitch, go join Barack Obama and take every fricking one of your "Republicans" with you, especially Orin Hatch who just voted for US don't pay taxes Tim Geithner.
The Republican party sucks because you ghouls have been sucking fluid from Ronald Reagan, claiming to me him for the past 30 years and you Democrats instead passed Democratic bills.
Conservative America sent you to Washington and all you Republican, Newsbuster, Limbaugh, FOX etc... did was get rich, do nothing and betray all of us mom and dad folks leavin' us behind for your Obama steak.
So Mitch, John, you go home to your states and all the rest of you and start explaining why you were scarfing down Japanese 100 dollar a pound beef while your beef producers have been nothing but hounded by "voluntary electronic tagging of all livestock in America" in your little draconian 666 schemes.
In fairness, Marie Antoinette actually was a lady and a good woman. She has been maligned and misunderstood in history, but I utilized her let them eat cake to make the absolute point of what is gathered at the White House after a 170 million dollar Obama inauguration party.
Marie Antoinette was misunderstood, but I understand exactly the swine and the patricians meeting in the farm house while the animals look from outside and can't tell the difference between the pigs and the patricians.
Shame on you. Shame on you pig Republicans gathered to Orwell's predicted Obama Feast on Animal Farm.
House Republicans
House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio
House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, R-Va.
Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., Chair of the House Republican Conference
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., Vice Chair of the House Republican Conference
Rep. John Carter, R-Texas, Secretary of the House Republican Conference
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, R-Mich., Chair of the House Republican Policy Committee
Senate Republicans
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl, R-Ariz.
Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., Chair of the Senate Republican Conference
Sen. John Thune, R-SD, Vice Chair of the Senate Republican Conference
Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, Chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee
Sen. Jon Ensign, R-Nev., Chair of the Senate Policy Committee
Obama beef