Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Buddy Birdie

Chewing on a blade of grass, I don't think anyone really knows Barack Obama better than me. I know his inner struggle as it is one of racial temperament. I'm not speaking of the color of skin, but one of the wiring of the striving Dunham clan mirrored by the wanderings of a Luo tribe, all couched in a medicated flight from all those voices and a wrestling match which never ends.

Barack sr. wasn't a drunk or wasn't running around depositing semen for joy. He was at war within himself as his Arab self battled with the Luo. Birdie has that same battle going on in him. His mother didn't practice addiction of narcotics or alcohol, but she practiced a horizontal bliss covered in dark skinned males.

I know the clock is always short for Birdie. I know the drive. I know that collapsing in bed deep into the hours of night to only wake up to the dawn after dreaming nothing, feeling nothing, being nothing is the only bliss he experiences.

In happening to read the Obama manifesto he has posted, it reads like a rather blonde teenage beauty pageant response to world questions. Not a great deal there, allot of statements bouncing around, blaming some and wandering into no details as that would mean more than a 10 year old had compiled it and surrounded himself with other children whose neurons fire all at once in tea party delight of the miniature world of make believe.
Jimmy Carter according to Tip O'Neill failed, because he had too many balls in the air, juggling all things and not focusing on one thing.

In the short span of the Obama tenure, he has freed guys who dress up like girls, freed terrorists, stopped interrogating terrorists, made Christians criminals in hate speech, visited the press in a lonely attempt to be loved, and not bothered to address the real problems people thought he would push hard for in the economy.
The little boy who was woke up by Stanley Ann in the dark before sunrise to do homework is once again making an appearance in Birdie is putting off the real assignment and instead issuing orders he wants fruit loops for breakfast.

George Mitchell was tapped to bring peace to the Middle East as he brought a resolve to Northern Ireland. I do not like George Mitchell in the least. It was this person who maneuvered Bush 41 to go back on his "no new taxes pledge" to deliberately crucify Bush 41 with it in a political coup meant to bring down a sitting President.
There would never have been a Bill Clinton as President, no al Qaeda and no shattered families from 9 11 and two wars if it had not been for George Mitchell.
Do not even bother to hint that a twister like this is going to bring any stability to the Middle East as a tempest in an oasis is still a sandstorm, sand or not.

Richard Holbrooke, my favorite kook, exposed here, also was tapped to do whatever this inept diplomat can blunder into. Holbrooke is the guy outed here for telling the world that Georgians in the old Soviet bloc were AMERICANS. The implications of this is if Russia attacks Georgia again it is an attack on the United States and we are at war with Russia.
I had hoped and mentioned this stupid person had somehow been forgotten by Birdie, but there he was primed and ready with Hillary to be sent off being the nuclear war starter he is.

I reported here that Birdie Obama would fail and is already failed, before he even was one day in the White House. The signs in his lack of ability, lack of capability and lack of understanding what a President is, is a certain sign he will be an even larger failure than predicted.
There is absolutely no substance in anything he is attempting. The State Department communists can cheer Hillary and the press can cheer Birdie, but all the good will does not change the facts of the things Prime Minister Obama should be accomplishing, he is not, and the things he should not be touching, he is digging himself into what is deeper than an abyss.

Ask yourself in the non questioning of terrorists, just how long it will be before a mass terrorist event which is going to be attempted questioned or not, who will be blamed when numbers of Americans are dead?
Perhaps the Birdie who was treating terrorists as allah's children and not treating them as murderous creatures they are.

Birdie has laid traps all over his tenure in just a few hours. The economy falters more which it will and people will start asking why he isn't working instead of playing with the press or freeing terrorists.
A terror event happens and people will be screaming why Birdie was coddling them to allow murderers to repeat 9 11.

The correct tact in this Obama policy is to have instead settled the "stimulus" by getting McCain with Jay Rockefeller up to the White House for daily meetings with John Thune and Barney Frank, to roll the sleeves up like something was being hammered out daily.

The correct tact for the Obama terror policy was to end all excessive questioning unless it was conducted under a federal warrant issued by a judge in extreme situations, IE, as a nuclear bomb about to go off in New York City.
The correct tact on terrorists was to first get nations who created these thugs to agree that as Gitmo was closed, that they would agree to some Muslim codified trials in an unnamed location, like Afghanistan. The reason for the Muslim codes is the terrorists could be executed if found guilty.

One just does not leave the elephant loose in the room and then go off opening doors and not expecting the flies to come in. At least give the impression, you fixed the economy and are prudently keeping promises in attempting to keep America secure.
Attempting as Birdie has done and very stupid cast of Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton in taking cheap shots at Republicans or Bush 43 goes right out the window in the first terror strike against America.
The fact then becomes, George Bush kept America safe and Birdie Obama did not. Beating on an ex President gets one no place, except infuriating the other side. I had hoped Mrs. Clinton had more sense than this as she had been conducting herself in a reserved manner, but her blundering for adoration, hauling Obama before her court with Mitchell and Holbrooke, who are biting into failure, is not going to serve her at all.
She looks weak in needing Obama who is weak and in needing two men to do the heavy lifting.

I had expected Bill Clinton's reserve to be the driving force in all of these Clinton retreads Obama put on his hubs, but apparently Bill Clinton was a larger force than history has shown as these people should know better than what Obama is instigating, and yet, they have allowed the worst of Presidential corners for Birdie to be painted into.

It makes one nostalgic for Ventura Highway in the sunshine where the days are longer, the nights are stronger than moonshine, and the with the free wind blowing through your hair.

You have made colossal mistakes Mr. Prime Minister. You can't change your name this time.

Alligator lizards in the air.
