10 years ago Al Gore alarmed the world that drastic action had to be taken or in a decade the world would end.
Money grubbing professors like those that the university of Wisconsin got millions in the billions of dollars total to study the Great Lakes in how they affected global warming. When this blog contacted the tart professor selling herself and her nation to global enslavement, we were told we were "ignorant", sort of like Noel Sheppard accusing us of being "arrogant".
10 years later baby, this blog by God's Grace is proven right and the world is still standing and will continue on.
In noting the above, I would like remind everyone and hopefully each of you will remind hundreds of people in blog posts and your Congressmen the following.
In October, Americans were warned that something drastic had to be done immediately or the economy of the United States would quit. We will remember that John McCain called off his campaign and headed to Washington.
The government passed an almost billion dollar bailout, which they only used 350 million dollars to bailout Chinese banks and Warren Buffett assets.
We were told Democrats in Congress would have a bill in December to save America for Birdie Obama to sign on January 20th or the world would be gone.
January 20th came and went and America is still here and so is the world economy.
Now Birdie Obama in lobbying for his stimulus package that seems to be more inclined to things of a sexual nature as Nancy Pelosi lost her condom queen stimulus of 300 million dollars, but Drudge dug around and found there is 335 million dollars still in the stimulus for "preventing venerial disease", is telling American yet if something is not done immediately the world will come to an end.
(People that is almost a billion dollars for sex and not one thing about giving people jobs.)
By my Gregorian and Hebrew calendars, I mark off that over 100 days have ticked off since the first Obama alarms went off in how bad things would be in the world would end. Strange that all normal local banks are fine and people who have "normal" jobs which are needed are still working.
The only things which seem to be having problems are speculator banks, affirmative action jobs which were mandated to employ people of the 3rd world and unions for voting Democratic, splurge spending states alike California and Minnesota and real estate blood sucking ghouls who so inflated housing and land prices out of reach that the constriction is giving them a good choking.
The Obama stimulus which is Obuma bucks, money paid to a bunch of bums who get paid for government handouts, and that includes some big butted corporations, is not going to help the United States at all.
Frankly, I'm pleased that this blog which has been outing this kickback scam has filtered through to the GOP weasels in Congress so they are actually not going to vote for this FDR Marxist garbage. All this package is going to do is steal money and delay the recovery.
I would like to plead to several of the GOP members in secure districts to please just go out and have some fun with this. Be like Bob Dornan, my personal rabid Patriotic Irish terrier and make a pest of yourself like Newt Gingrich used to before he became fat and too sedate like Limbaugh.
I have posted 10 Answers to Obama here which would topple the Democrats, hem in Birdie Obama and actually cause prosperity and jobs inside America. The right wing can do all of them and turn this around as a minority party. Look if Chuck Schumer can figure out what this blog was led to in God, that the coming elections are going to be about good looking, not perpetual politicians, have kids and have big guns they shoot, then maybe those GOP patricians should get their skinny Ann Coulter forms out of the way along with Dick Cheney and let the American tide sweep to the Republican side and not the leftists.
Conservatives have the answers and I know this, because the answers are printed here. They are based in the Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin, the warnings of Ronald Reagan, the teachings of Milton Friedman, the writings of Adam Smith. They all work, have been proven to work in any situation from the Baltic states where they are prospering all there to what was Ronald Reagan's America before Bill Clinton retroactive destroyed it and shipped jobs overseas.
This Keynesian communism economics about choking all ability for a business to expand or a person to buy a car or a home, as it might overheat the economy, so everything stagnates in people who are poor stay poor and Rockefellers and Obamas who are rich and connected get more wealth, is bogus. That pervert Keynes came up with this chaining of nations in the west because they were not going to accept pure Marxism.
This is what Obamanomics is about and it is a horrid thing.
This space gets fired up about many things, but it rarely gets angry over even Birdie Obama as he is not adept enough to take serious. This space though does get angry when it explains econmics, shows economic reforms to make everyone wealthy and create a surplus to help those down on the blessings so they can get started too, and, invests time in telling economists how to Milton Friedman go about it all.....and yet there sits a Noel Sheppard and this entire class of economics either not doing a thing, not bright enough to see in God's Grace the catastrophe of Obama and write about it or they go around insulting people with the answers to get them off site, because the children on those sites start asking questions about why the guys in charge are promoting socialism while telling the world they are Reaganites.
Birdie Obama even hauled the Gipper out of the grave to invoke his name at Republicans, but it didn't work as the GOP is now once again more frightened of Conservatives than they are Birdie. Not one of them is bright enough though to point out the above that it was 3 months ago we were told the sky was falling and nothing happened.
Sure Iceland tanked, the English will tank and America will tank, but it has nothing to do with economics. It instead has to do with international criminals robbing the system.
I have by God's inspiration pointed out the obvious and will do it again. This economy we were told was 2 YEARS BEFORE RECOVERY. I pointed out I could fix this in 6 months and Warren Buffett stated the same thing to Charlie Rose and Rose about fell off his chair, until Buffett seeing his mistake in telling the truth, blubbered to the 2 years again.
Ok children, that was around September 2008. Ask yourself what is going on in September 2010?
The answer is elections. Yes you guessed it, the robber barons are going to screw people over for 2 years in making mucho bucks and mucho wars, but just in time for the Democratic elections in 2010, there will be an econmic manipulation which Pelosi will take credit for and childish voters will once again pull the lever for Democrats.
There will be the same type of money dry cleaning, criminal investigations against Gov. Palin to destroy her and Obama rising to the top like a stick for the 2012 elections.
But you see, if this blog posts these things and enough people start chattering about them, it starts making the financiers nervous as it is a little hard to make things happen and then make this blog prophetical which outs them.
It seemed to a pretty good job in mixing things up enough to keep Al Gore out of the race and Hillary just in the weeds, so Obama was installed, who just happens to be the weakest link in any political chain since Jimmy Carter.
The Clinton's could at least surprise one with dead bodies showing up, but in their worst economy ever, at least they passed Newt Gingrich's contract with America which kept things moving ahead. Obama though is not bright enough nor are his advisers to con the minority vote our of power. They are just trying to steal all the Mugabe cash they can before the economy naturally turns around.
For a historical reference, the Great Depression, was actually healing itself within several years, but it is a proven fact that FDR's policies kept it going so long that a World War started.
The same manipulations are occurring with Obama's financiers.
It would be pleasant for a change if the people who get paid 6 and 7 figure salaries just might mention this, after all, they are the ones with the trumpet saying they are busting the news and are the spokespeople for the right.
Just a friendly reminder what is going on in these last days if Obamabucks do not come.
I do hope though that enough poor people start screaming at Pelosi that she has to come up with a 1000 dollar rebate, or the GOP could be bright and trump this, as what better GOP doctrine with Kirsten Gillibrand can there be than millions of rebates flowing in and buying guns and ammo in celebrating their 2nd Amendment rebate.
America isn't ending. America is constricting as I predicted it would. America though has to stop the Obama stimulus and just demand the money flow to individuals and individual states evenly.
As is California is Oklahoma, one state, one cut and one bundle of Obamabucks.