One of the people, it has focused upon is a 10 year old in a man's body, named Barack Obama. The writings here try concerning him to inform and to entertain in ways which people can remember and use. They harbor no malice toward Mr. Obama, but have an urgency as his Marxism and globalism are bad for economics, bad for people's health, bad for people's future and bad for peace.
In posting things, I have hinted of trends which are coming toward the downfall of the Prime Minister. I'm starting to conclude that the magik which Barack Obama has wished upon in his demon monkey, the power of the Rockefellers not appreciating this supplanter, the visceral drive of Mrs. Clinton, the Peggy Noonan orgasms, Harry Smith racism, revenge on whites by hispanics to the black people waking up to Petey Green's and James Brown's message that nobody is going to save you, so you have to save yourself, is creating the predicted wave of disappointment in just like winning a Bob Barker care and having the IRS tell you that you owe 12,000 dollars in taxes on it.
Birdie Obama has shown complete lack of judgment in appointing criminals, allowing one war in Gaza to slide while having a compulsion for a war in Afghanistan. He is juvenile and has no comprehension of domestic or foreign policy.
His trait is to spend more money as his mama's answer to all problems and as was exposed here last summer, to promise everyone in foreign policy what they want so that when people start comparing notes, they are all furious about Obama promising them the same ground.
Kyrgyzstan is closing United States Air Force bases for supplying Afghanistan or Obama's War.
The Pashtuni fighters of Taliban and al Qaeda have effectively cut off the Pakistan route to Afghanistan.
Pakistan threatens Obama on policy.
China warned Obama on policy.
North Korea is about to launch a missile to glide toward Hawaii or Alaska as a message to Obama.
Iran just launched and ICBM in the guise of a satellite.
India warns Birdie over Kashmir.
Obama upon his "buy American policy" has reversed himself on the American people over European Trade War threats, so Americans are being told BOHICA.
Americans believe people should pay their share of taxes, Obama appoints tax cheats who are now fleeing his bird cage as the stalking cat, Mrs. Clinton peers in between the bars.
Americans are now finding Mr. Obama "arrogant".
Americans are displeased with Obama's worldwide infanticide programs at US taxpayer expense which is going to for starters murder 1 million African infants.
It is easy being Bob Barker giving away cars and telling people to cut out the ovaries and testicles of their pets, until people find out the taxes are coming and that carving on pets is absolute and sometimes they die and there is no tomorrow.
People of the world are starting to comprehend what millions of Americans knew by instinct who were not working out some catharsis in past sins, because we of the Conservative body left our sins for Jesus to deal with as He is our catharsis.
This though is the start of the opposite reaction to Barack Hussein Obama and it is only going to get worse, for the cheering mobs will be the screaming mobs as adoration becomes rage as people will wake up to the same self loathing, racist, sexist and miserable existences they had before.
People do not realize when Jesus comes back, the real Messiah, that the devil will be removed for a 1000 years, so the Eden experience can be a situation for that generation of people to live under God's Peace.
When you elect an Obama with charms in his pants from demons to the dead, you get all of their chaos along with the inner demons Barack Obama harbors. It is basic physics. You have someone like Bush 43 who adheres to God's Peace, you have that Peace directing the nation to successes, but when that Peace is pieces of demonic trinkets, you have just brought that false peace into the White House so it all starts falling apart.
The powers which aided Mr. Obama appear to be diminishing greatly as new forces he never dreamed are washing toward him and this American nation. I do not take any joy in watching a deluded person like Mr. Obama fall as it is a waste and a problem for all Americans. The malaise of stopping and hindering his wretched theft of resources and expanding his globalist Brzezinski wars is a good thing, but all that is going to entail in following this is not going to be any different than Jeremiah the Prophet weeping and lamenting over the fall of Jerusalem.
The Prophets end up in the dungeon just like the wicked leaders end up on the end of Nebuchadnezzar's spear.
It is time to note something again just so Obama supporters do not miss the point. All of the above would not be happening if John McCain and Sarah Palin were in the White House. To make this absolutely understood in it's seriousness, Barack Obama was just rolled by the Europeans in their dictating US policy to the harm of US workers in this time of constriction.
America has nuclear Iran, nuclear North Korea, nuclear Pakistan and nuclear India telling Barack Obama to bugger off. This is not some Jack Bauer 24 show where you liberals can now go get Keifer drunk for some Conservative Patriot to save the day. Your Obama has crossed swords, blinked to Europe, the Russians saw it, the Chinese saw it, and, Cuba, Venezuela, along with nuclear nations who intend to drop a nuclear bomb on your liberal city when they can get away with it saw it too.
So David Letterman, be the complete malevolent ass in treating Gov. Rod Blagojevich with disrespect as you need to punish him so your cocktail crowd cronies will all tweet tweet approval, because Barack Obama has had his best day in November 2008 and he is failing in the worst possible ways.
Pealing off Tom Daschle is only the start and it only degrades, but take heart David Letterman, because your boy when in trouble had Charlie Gibson massage him and then he went with his wife, Michelle, to a place he really felt secure in, in showing pictures in a book to 8 year olds.
Children he is superior to as a 10 year old psychology he feels safe there.
Being pleased the advent of Obama's tidal wave is beginning to stir his shores is a successful outcome for the good of America, but there are no cheers in seeing a failure about to find out what he does not even expect in he has failed already and it is only downhill from here.
Not even putting Jesus Name on it is going to stop this, as if you're fornicating before marriage and slapping God on it later to make it legal, the same cheating from the beginning is sown and God will root it out and make it His Way.
Not even 3 weeks into this Obamanation and the world is fracturing with even more nations threatening the United States than before and Barack Obama is hiding with his 8 year old peers.
I warned you Birdie, you are going to have a list of people demanding apologies and now they all see you as what you are, weak. You have in ineptness given up moral authority and now will be forced to the thug level of using weaponry against them.
Enjoy your trillion dollar Pelosi Bridge to nowhere Prime Minister as there is no coming back from any of this.
failure, humiliation and utter ruin, and then, the anti christ appears.
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