Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ain't that the shitz

With word now coming out that multi trillionaire Birdie is having more family problems with his Kenyan family as he lives in the orchid hot White House, it probably is time to review the feature of the current Obama problem in Malik Obama, big brother, best man and what appears like Birdie, con man.

For the record, Malik Obama lives in a village of 700 in a remote area of Kenya on the big lake. The story is a "domestic employee" of Malik came down with cholera awhile back and now Malik was hospitalized with stomach pains.
Cholera is something to be taken quite serious as it will kill you in hours, but the entire story brings to light some of the strangest of things Obama.

First, the domestic employee, is most interesting as it is doubtful this grubby person was being paid a living wage. The wage was probably not even 100 bucks a month. These types from Geithner to Obama all employ these domestics for peanuts which is nothing but slave labor.

Second, there is really only one way to get cholera. That is eating human feces. For the record, this is akin to what is killing people in their veggies and peanut butter as the public is told they are "food poisoned" in that line of bacteria. The fact is it is human feces as fertilizer which is making Americans and their pets deathly sick.
In Kenya, it is grubby domestics not washing their hands after they use their hands to wipe themselves as they usually wash up next to the well they are drinking from.

The point being slave labor breeds cholera and if the Obama's ever offer you tea and crumpets, perhaps you should pass.

Third, Malik Obama operates the Barack H. Obama sr. foundation.

It looks a great deal like a Nigerian money scam as people are asked to donate through Paypal. Paypal would be really impressed with this one in figuring out if funding Muslim militants is criminal or not when it is Birdie's family taking the cash.

Fourth, oddly Malik Obama has a picture of latrine that is built as new technology, but states is in the works to be built. Apparently, Malik has camera and will travel and took a photo of someone else's latrine and promises he will build this latrine if you give him money.

Fifth, it is not explained if this is the Foundation House of Barack H. Obama, but it gives the impression it is one. Apparently, Malik had money to build this, but not latrines so he didn't catch cholera.

There is this photo of this Muslim mosque on the Obama site. Apparently they Muslims have money to build a mosque for the half a million poop eaters there catching cholera, but the Muslims do not have the money to build a toilet paper plant or sewage facility of benefit to all.

Finally this is the happy do nothing Obama couple visiting cholera central. Obama has raised a fortune for cousin communist Odinga, Prime Minister of Kenya, but people eating poop in his home village did not get a cent's worth of health facilities.
Apparently Susan E. Rice, Obama's in charge of the UN and Africa is on the Obama slow track as she has had months to put forth a plan and she seems just to be the pretty wall flower of Obama instead.
Note* Why does Michelle Obama look more native in Africa than she does in the White House a few years and campaign trails later. I had thought the ugly picture of her with Barack at some luncheon was a glitch, but did she and Botox Biden visit the same plastic surgeon?

In any event, it appears Obama on that side of the Ocean is as Marxist in actions as the Obama on this side of the ocean.

The successful Kenyan electronics store owner, in a land where there is no electricity, but he does serve a few months year in what looks like a Washington, DC lobbyist.

All makes perfect sense, just like the emails I get from Microsoft employees asking for my name, address, social security number and passwords or the ones from Nigeria promising me 750,000 dollars if I will help the honorable, Dr. Benjamin Khuhutu Obongo, retrieve 4 million dollars from his families diamond mine which he lost while serving as judge of the vast African frontier.

Birdie Obama's abandoned family, one eats dope and the other eats poop. Ain't that the shitz.

Malik Obama, don't wash your butt in the soup

Malik Obama, brother can you send a pooper scooper
