Tuesday, March 17, 2009

In commemoration of B.H. Obama

It just seems fitting in this historical age of Obama that all of us join in to commemorate the many accomplishments of Barack Obama in this his spring of his success.
I mean most Presidents like Jimmy Carter it takes 2 years to have this kind of record, but let us review why Birdie Obama deserves a t shirt of his very own.

350 million dollars of George Bush's bailout that apparently was unnecessary if Mr. Obama had just kept his mouth shut instead of trash talking the economy.

Insulting Prime Minister Gordon Brown, his wife and their two children.

Writing secret love letters to President Medvedev of Russia and being laughed at.

Taking 1 trillion dollars in a "stimulus" when the economy had already recovered in the Bush administration.

Having Richard Holbrooke pee on the President of Afghanistan.

Lying about the troop withdrawal from Iraq.

Lying about his budget "savings" which are "savings" for the Iraq War which has ended in 2008.

Russian nuclear bombers gaining landing rights in Cuba and Venezuela.

Russian naval base in Yemen.

China buying up every natural resource around the world at fire sale prices due to Mr. Obama's trash talking.

Americans having stolen from them 1/2 of their retirement savings.

Timothy Geithner manipulating and plundering the United States Stock Markets.

The making of Political Enemy #2 in Rush Limbaugh after Political Prisoner #1, Lawrence Sinclair, but Axelrod Inc.

The creation of Axelrod Inc., designed to be the forerunner of KGB intimidation and Citizens reporting and spying on one another.

A drug border war with Mexico.

Closing down terrorist prisons.

Freeing terrorists.

Importing terrorists.

Making friends with terrorist Islamocommunists in Hamas, Persia, the Taliban and al Qaeda.

Genocide of 1 million black babies in Africa.

Sucking the brains out of babies for life extending elitist treatments.

More parties in two months than most administrations have in a year.

Asking 1 trillion dollars more to "fix" health care when health care isn't broken, just expensive.

More people appointed and fleeing that appointment than any administration in history.

In honor of Birdie:

150 Boston style tea parties protesting him.

Barack Obama, the American form of birth control as he is so busy screwing everyone over in the world, no one needs sex.
