Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Not so short changed

I remember as a child listening to my Grandfather as I stood by his kitchen sink. He never lectured a great deal, in fact, if he was telling you something, you got it once and that was it.
There was no pampering from him. You either paid attention or you felt the pain of experience.

I always thought he was a hard case and proceeded in life with a more modern Christian attitude, for which I have been betrayed, lied to, used and left for dead. Grandfather was right all along and his mentality of always following his version of the cardinal rules prove he was more in God's image than all the people I have come across since.

His lesson that day years ago was simple, He said, "God doesn't give money to everyone, because everyone can't handle money."
That is the absolute fact in seeing people in America having half their life's savings stolen from them and they are just taking it, and worse yet, they are still smiling at the crook who headed it in Barack Obama.

People will hear of the prosperity ministers like Kenneth and Gloria Copeland speaking about God wants you to be rich and overflow with abundance. If God willed that, he would turn millions of families into Teddy Kennedy and that is no blessing of love from a loving God.

People always think they can handle things. I consider the greatest handicapped people in the world those who are beautiful, intelligent, gifted or rich. Those things always become that Gideon's golden shield and they worship it and it becomes their stumbling block to ever advancing in life.

Just behold the months of Obama. I have had it with the "these people are so much more intelligent than the rest of Americans and know what they are doing", when they can not even as they strangle the economy put out a public persona to fool the people.
Bill Clinton basically did nothing for 8 years. He signed Gingrich's work and called it his own. He took credit for NATO in Kosovo, and, he gave the perception he was doing something so people actually liked him when the only pain he was feeling was in Monica's bite.

There is a vast difference between being smart, being Wise and being slick.

The best course for people is to have Benjamin Franklin's moderation in everything, but then his pants seemed to be attached to gravity too.
People are much better off in being homely, average, barely making ends meet, a family around them and a fear of God in them so they behave. That unshackles a human to at the very least fulfill growing in God's Spirit and leaving this veil with the gift of eternal life in their pocket, instead of the express lane to the highway to hell.

When this blog advocated the bailout of George W. Bush, it was deemed so to get something done, get it over with, bribe who was needing bribing and get on with life. It never entered into the equation that Obama and Geithner would be deliberately strangling the world to supplant America with the European order to whom Obama holds allegiance.
One does not expect Benedict Arnold having the best of the world to sell his nation out for being a subject.

Obama is the reverse polarity of Milton's, "It is better to rule in hell than serve in heaven".

Obama seeks to grovel in hell as he burns the stairway to heaven.

Life is too much of a burden for Barack Obama as the writers wrote for Doc Holiday in Tombstone, in Val Kilmer's lines. There is not enough money to fill the void in Barack Obama. There is not enough adoration nor power to ever satisfy the empty little Godless boy that is have dazed inside of him to awaken at times to have a thrill in the Obama fantasy.

I always said that Bill Clinton belonged not in the White House, but in a brothel in Vegas working for the mob as that life would have been his heaven.
He could have skimmed money, made the rounds with the regulars all showering attention on him as he broke in the new stripper or prostitute every night. Bill Clinton would have just glowed in that and particularly liked the video he took of politicians boinking his girls.

Jimmy Carter would have been perfect as a deacon of that odd religion he spins around in in his head. He could have held married women's hands lusting after them as he pretended to counsel them, had a ruler to bash little Reagan looking successful boys hands for being boys and he could have been his peanut communities mouldy old upstanding citizen, dulling his way to the corner funeral plot with the monument which said, "Look at me".

Barack Obama should be back in Hawaii wearing his flower shirts, short pants and sandals to work. His work should be working for the UN where he picked up Asians imported into Hawaii, lecturing to them as he blew smoke in their face and then sat down with the pineapple manager for three shots of whiskey as they observed "their" workers toiling in the fields living the good life.
Obama could handle being a government employee, like those 150,000 postal employees we are being told can now take early retirement.................Earth to Americans, if you have 150,000 people you don't need just picking up checks at the post office, does it make sense why it costs a fortune to mail letters as the post office was nothing but a liberal employment vote buying scheme.

I don't suppose Timmy Geithner will seize the post office in his new demand for draconian powers and I don't suppose Congress will ask why all of these government employees are being employed when they are not necessary.

It all comes down to what my Grandfather said in, there are just people who can handle things and there are people who can't handle being people. The American government, media, industry and society is now overflowing with people who can not handle being themselves.

The problem is they have the printing presses making trillions in cash with nothing to back it and they have their fingers on nuclear buttons, while dialing up terrorists to make friends with them and poking fingers in the eyes of allies.

It is the age of it being the blessing to be the stupid, the poor, the ugly American, as those are the people who are miles ahead of Washington, DC as they by instinct paid their bills, have a home, have food and have guns in their ugly little American Reagan state lives.

I had my first beer with my Grandfather at 12. It was porch warm on a 90 degree day and it foamed up in my mouth like vinegar and baking soda. He said he liked it that way.

Perhaps he was teaching me something about drinking without me knowing the lesson.
