Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obama's Minders

Who would have ever thought that the Blackberry would be the premier tool of the globalists to destroy the free press and enslave the American people, but after watching the Obama boring press conference, I was left with a level of anxiety I have never felt as before.

From Adolf Axelrod chomping on his gum like a hyena gnawing on the bone of a gazelle to the very big hipped Valerie Jarrett almost needing a two zip code time zone for how big her butt is, I watched a group of White House staff which looked more like a Kremlin group of minders.
For those who do not know the term, the communists always have minders or political officers scattered about every event to control it and keep tabs in spying on people in what is going on.

The Obama press conference had operatives patrolling, using Blackberry's to text message each other and had the most menacing feel to the entire event. Valerie Jarrett was equal to Axelrod's hyena as she looked like a ravenous lion ready to even eat Birdie.
The only person with a smile on his face was Rahm Emanuel, and he had that odd smirk and sheen to his face that looked like someone was giving him a hand job as he was standing there. Who knows, perhaps he was masturbating himself as he stood there to relieve the tension.

I once happened upon an event much like last night at a school I was attending when a religious group had rolled in to do an "event".
It really puzzled me as a child as I expected God to be quite welcoming in the way Churches are supposed to be. This event though had big blue suits filled with 250 pound males about six foot four, guarding the doors.
I was distinctly uncomfortable with the entire look of that situation as I never knew Jesus to need bodyguard thumpers to get the message out.

I get that same feeling now from Adolf Axelrod.

This is really bizarre as George W. Bush never had that feel to anything he did and the Clintons who were notorious for being around thumpers never even had this KGB feel to their events.
This was not American, but the spawning of a monster flopping about drunk with power.

Obama reading a television screen instead of a teleprompter was apparently to diffuse that controversy, but it opened up a new door of strangeness. I honestly believe this switch is from his comfortable programmed past. I stated he was washed using visuals and it seems he programs readily to the television.
It certainly threw him off his game as his head was tilted all night, as were his lips and for a clinical reason he became ambidextrous. (I wonder if Bill Ayers is right handed as Obama was switching from his dominant left hand to right hand repeatedly. This is fascinating watching this programming manifest as Axelrod Inc. pokes new holes in Obama's brain in an attempt to give him more memory capacity.
If someone can be mindprinted to switch from left to right hand, this shows an entire new persona could be created beyond even what Obama was programmed to be a sum of his phobias.)

The minders though were the worst of the evening beyond boring Barack. This is a developing beast in the White House equal to the Brownshirts or the KGB. These Obamashirts are looking for ways to control everything more and and the way to enforce that control.

As stated, that is not American.

As an addition to this, we now see it proven that Tim Geithner illegally dumped US Treasury reserves for 2 days into the Stock Market to make it rise and give Obama good numbers. Today though it is plunging again as the criminals behind this economic attack on America are taking profits.
So people understand, Geithner just dumped at least a trillion dollars into the Stock Market which is now being picked up by the Europeans to add to their trillions in plunder from before.
This has been the biggest 2 day political ad cost in world history of 1 trillion dollars for a 60 minute press conference, or, to the point, a 60 minute recitation as Obama knew the questions as he already told the reporters which ones he was going to call on.
(I would he highly surprised if NSA was not monitoring the reporters so they knew the questions beforehand.)

Geithner though did one better than just attacking the United States economy for Obama as following the press recitation, Timmy announced he agreed with the Chinese communists who want to replace the dollar with a super currency. The end result is America will be a third world country with a debt Americans can never pay off.

It is past time for Tim Geithner to go. For his criminal manipulation of the Stock Market he should be indicted, impeached by Congress for removal from office and for his traitorous betrayal of the US Dollar, he should be arrested immediately for a military tribunal trial as he works for the guy who is commander in chief.
Tim Geithner is a criminal and the guy he works for is a crook.

It gets extremely bad when the central Europeans are calling Gordon Brown nuts as the Europeans axis is in the process of dismantling England and France. Followed by the European axis President scorching Obama and Pelosi as on a highway to hell, calling his spending spree the doom of the financial markets.
Understand that people, the Europeans who started this mess are now saying (I will translate) that Obama's borrowing trillions of dollars from the public sector WILL IN TURN suck up all the credit banks have so no nation will be able to expand.
That is called global depression and the Europeans are furious over this as they are sitting on trillions of dollars stolen out of the US markets.

That is what loosing looks like children. Frank Rich, Tom Freedman, our European benefactors all coming out against mahdi Obama and Charlie Rose looking worried.

I will point out again in conclusion as Orly Taitz and others mill about Obama being a British subject. Tim Geithner for political purposes in inflating stock numbers for one Obama press conference illegally used US Treasury money to manipulate that market.

Those are federal felonies by Tim Geithner and Barack Obama punishable by around 100 years in prison. Those safety features are not to be used for political gain or to push Obamacare through a lap dog Congress of Democrats.
These are criminal acts which can not be denied and Geithner and Obama should both be arrested and charged as they just cost the United States citizenry again 1 trillion dollars for this stunt which money is now flowing back into Obama benefactors in a Ponzie Scheme.

Where are you Joseph Farah, George Will, Rush Limbaugh in pointing out the absolute criminality of this pirate crew of Barack Obama.

Minders, attacks on currency, attacks on banking, taking over health, education, welfare, agriculture from the Rockefeller monopoly to turn it into an Obama government mandate monopoly. This is not America nor what America is about.


Traitor Geithner

Highway to Hell Obama