I need a few things in life too, so as he already gave the world Obama, I desire to give Barack Obama back to Mr. Williams for some real satire in what this Hollywood liberal, who trashed my Presidents in Ronald Reagan, should be made to go through.
First Mr. Williams, Obama trashing insurance, so I want your insurance all gone like it is for millions of people.
Second, I want all your money in taxes so you can enjoy the fruits of what it is like to be a poor person..........you know, the poor people who get hung up on by doctors and told by clinic personnel when you are sick and have no money to come in and we will run up bills on you anyway.
Let's just skip to third Mr. Williams in you needing a heart valve. Too bad because in Obama care only worthy people get rationed care and if you survive an 18 month wait, being told you are too rich for welfare and too rich for medicare, your wife can bust her butt at a second job just so you don't loose your house to a mortgage.
Fourth, well, Robin my friend, let's just get you down to the olde Obama community health center.
What Rob? No health center near you. That's ok buddy, you can join the poor people for a 300 mile bus trip to your evaluation center and skippy, you maybe can sleep on a library bench if they don't kick you out.
Fifth, dear Robin, it seems your little operation will cost a hundred grand, but you don't have the money. Then there is that rat poison blood thinner you will be taking your entire life for a mechanical valve and you just don't have the money for that either.
Sixth, please pick up your phone Robin as it is the clinic and hospital collection agency threatening you to pay your bills.
Seventh, answer your door Robin as it is the county deputy serving you for being a deadbeat in not paying your medical bills. Your name will be featured in the paper and if you don't drag that sick little body out of your bed the courts will hold you in contempt.
Remember Rob, you haven't seen a doctor lately so they won't write you a pass showing you have a medical condition.
Eighth, you still alive Robin? Can't get your breath? Too bad bucky as the state employment office says they can find something for you to do in sweeping floors to pay your bills.
Hey leaning on broom is not really work bucko, so you do it for 5 bucks an hour, it costs you 3 bucks an hour for a babysitter, another dollar an hour for gas and you cleared 4 dollars on your part time job.
Ninth, I hope you're enjoying your Obama ride you gave the world.
Of course none of that is going to happen to Robin Williams, as he is famous and everyone just bleeds for the famous people who are suffering. Yeah Williams would be cracking jokes about Barbara Bush in her heart valve transplant and along with Letterman saying George W. needed a brain transplant to liberal laughs, but someone it probably just isn't as funny now that poor Robin's valve is going flutter flutter as blood spills back into the chamber of the heart and all just seems so weak now.
I hope you find God Mr. Williams in Jesus Christ more than you get a valve to go clickety click twenty four hours a day keeping you awake at night, so that you have to play sound tapes like so many do of the ocean to just drown it out.
I really would like you to go through what numbers of Americans do in being told NO when they need medical help and then instead of sitting in a posh Florida hospital you could wheeze, turn white and get dizzy as you think about bills, your children and if your wife is going to divorce you to dump you on the system to try and save your flabby old liberal body.
Things are not so funny now in your smart mouth, but you got Whoopie in her foul mouth and all your other liberal marvelous Billy Crystal friends telling you such touching things...............hmmm, but when was the last time any of your millionaire buddies actually visited a hospital and paid for some one's medical bills.
Oh, that's right Robin you gave at the USO making fun of George W. Bush in front of Soldiers.
Guess none of that matters Robin Williams nor the fact that there are thousands of poor people who need that pig membrane valve or mechanical valve, who will not get it, but you will.
You will have apprehension as you have no God and worry a bit, but somehow doctors will find a way to line up to do your surgery. Hell I bet you will fly to the best in the world as money is no option when it comes to an Obama supporter.
By this time next year, you will be receiving cheers and you will be receiving them, while thousands of families will be thinking about their dead loved one, they couldn't afford to bury, so the county did it, burned the body and stuck it in the sod with no marker.
You need a heart valve Robin Williams? I have an Obama you gave the world.
How about you take your blasphemous messiah mahdi back and have him heal you. Surely Birdie can save the great Robin Williams.
Let's have a miracle Birdie, save Robin Williams.
Repent Robin Williams because you're going to face the real Messiah, Jesus the Christ, soon enough and give an accounting of what really matters.
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