Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Rush Limbaugh's Obama Derangement Syndrome
It really gets confusing with Rush Limbaugh's good buddies over there at Newsbusters, because not 4 months ago they were talking about people who were not going to follow Barack Obama into the abyss as suffering from "Obama Derangement Syndrome".
This was from their Bush Derangement Syndrome which was the actual correct diagnosis of the mania of people on the left against what George W. Bush was accomplishing.
Now it is fine for Newsbusters to condone calling people in the right wing, who listen to Rush Limbaugh, which would include Rush Limbaugh as suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome in questioning Mr. Obama's actions, but now Newsbusters are outing Jack Cafferty as biased for saying the GOP is becoming a cartoon in Limbaugh's audience is filled with right wing nuts.
It is a fact that terms kook, deranged, insane, nuts, maniac, crazy, lunatic etc... are all the same terms. So Newsbusters in terming right wing people as deranged is equal to Jack Cafferty terming right wing people as nuts.
Why though is not Newsbusters not outing Matthew Sheffield and Noel Sheppard as biased media when they are outing Jack Cafferty for the same situation.
It is all confusing in Wikipedia was listing Sheffield as a liberal conservative and then in Sheppard's smear attack on this blog, he accused me of not answering people when I answered everyone, when it was he who ignored my contacts which were all respectful, just like all of the high and mighty at Newsbusters were too arrogant to deem it necessary to respond to someone they could not use.
Newsbusters is a perfect example of the RHINO, patrician, Peggy Noonan mentality of "do as I say and all I say is perfect".
I see nothing in this cannibal media where each side props up the other with stories about each other to hype their ratings and profits. They poke each other being guilty of the same exact sins they are screaming about the other side.
I remember Rush Limbaugh telling 60 Minutes he would go on and do something else when this gig ran out. I remember Keith Olbermann being a milktoast sports commentator until he figured out that a counter to O'Reilly was his gravy train to lie his way to prosperity.
Chris Wallace, Shep Smith, Bill O'Reilly all hired their souls to talk the talk Rupert Murdoch owed fellow patrician Newt Gingrich. Rupert joined in Obama and the paid teleprompter propagandists followed.
Lovely Greta signed on to the Sarah Palin group to find her niche to old lady prosperity.
Arianna Huffington saw Drudge's money train and hired herself out to the big Soros bucks to assemble her group of warped ranters.
As Jeff Rense lamented last year, "There just are so many guests to recycle and with all these programs there just are not enough guests".
The stories get passed around and profits are made. That part makes sense as this is a business and ego style for most of these types who think talking to a yawning Newt Gingrich 20 years after he went out of style.
The question remains though how is it relevant when people who helped get Barack Obama elected and joined the Obama maniacs in calling right wingers deranged can now comment that Jack Cafferty is doing the same thing.
Odd world, Rush Limbaugh's good buddies call him deranged and it is fine with Doc Limbaugh, but Jack Cafferty doing the same thing Newsbusters does is biased.
Paul Harvey........Good Day!