Friday, April 24, 2009

Another Obama Voter Goes Schitzo

I quit Shep Smith of FOX news when he became an Obama voter as I have no time for paid traitors, eating my pottage while whispering jungle pillow talk to Marxists Smith thinks will solve some psychopathy he has couched in his soul.

The Obama voters though are more and more going schizophrenic over him. The very odd Jeanine Garafalo on Olbermann's rant fest was even bizarre for her hatred is now coupled with the rat's posterior and sexual F word Smith ranted into concerning "torture".
Rat's butts and crude sex were Smith's chosen tea bag words.

If you are too nice of a person to know what Smith was quoting, I will inform you of his personal crudeness in the homosexual perverts who are often enough exposed by EMT's arriving at their homes on emergency calls as in sodomy they stick gerbils up their rectums among other things.

Freud would be most interested in Shep Smith being worked up about "torture" and slipping into the crudest form of sex outside of rape, and invoking rat's butts.

What this blog though is more concerned about in the Shep Smith squealing was his "this is America" which the liberals seem to think is some Obama mantra of what America is.

Firstly, waterboarding or the other things America does is not torture. There is a vast difference between the German taught electrocution of testicles in South American regimes to the North Vietnamese, Cuban inspired body crippling torture which people have been harmed irreparably from.

Second, apparently American history is lost on Shep Smith. Veterans from Korea will tell you at the front that blacks hung back as cowards letting white Soldiers get shot. Hawaiian kids have kill white day on the last day of school. Sioux kids will drag a white kid behind a truck for sport. Obama types will fund the murder of 1 million black African babies. Veterans will freeze to death in apartments.
Mexicans will be allowed in by the millions to rob jobs from American families. New York financiers with Europe have robbed Americans of their savings.

Terri Schiavo will be tortured to death and Obama types will cheer it.

So what America is Shep Smith existing in?

Certainly not the America that had Tony Rezko with Barack Obama as slum lords destroying black Chicago families. Certainly not the America which his profession politically raped Sarah Palin and is still doing it.

Shep Smith is most interesting in his sexual references to torture with rats. He is interesting in thinking America is this virgin bride he married to only find out she was Sheppin' 300 pound sweaty fat black guys on the football team.

America is the place which got itself attacked in 1941 and used a nuclear bomb to torture Japanese thugs to stop the killing.
America is the place which got itself attacked in 2001 and used warfare to keep terrorists from murdering more Americans by interrogating them.

Shep Smith like his mahdi Obama apparently doesn't understand what built America and keeps America safe. Congressional liberals like Smith attempt to give America a pristine face when the fact is all it does is tie the hands of agents keeping America safe. America must now buy services from foreign governments to question these terrorists with real torture now.
Apparently that is fine with Shep Smith in having someone kill his cabbage just as long as he can act holy as he serves himself up a salad not hearing the screams of the killing fields from his New York home.

Apparently in Shep Smith's Obamanation, it is America to not authorize SEALS to rescue a Somali hostage in Capt' Phillip in using him as a murder victim for a greater Obama objective of going into Africa.
Sure Shep, have Obama contract out the torture to pirates in Somalia, because that makes it all clean...........just as clean as Obama using the United States military as an assassination squad for weeding out the competition in al Qaeda and the Taliban so the "good" terrorists will make buddies with Obama for the moment.

This is the problem for effeminates like Shep Smith deluded by the monkey in Obama's pants. Their America is not what their wet dream is and Obama is reminding them everyday that he is doing real torture which Shep Smith is having a brain quake trying to deal with.

It is tough on a sissy like Shep Smith. He fakes he is real for Rupert Murdoch in being right wing and then he gets his chance to be Shep Smith with a real Obama orgasm and it just doesn't feel good.
So it must be President Bush's fault.........or was it Dick it is that torture.......that is what is the real problem.

The real problem as this blog exclusively has shown is Obama is terrified of torture due to the intervention of his mother in a mind washing therapy to turn him into the bizarre creature the world sees before it.
The real problem is Shep Smith is not complaining about torture in the least, but is complaining about his tortured soul which just can not wrap any understanding around the real world. The same guy pleading and whimpering in New Orleans is the same Shep Smith who never shed a tear when 2 months later South Dakota had more devastation from an Arctic blizzard and suffered through it all in 20 below temperatures without one news story or one FEMA agent or dollar helping out.

Shep Smith is the tortured soul like Saddam Hussein torturing some poor sap while smoking a cigar, lamenting the fact that the sap is forcing Saddam to torture him.
Smith in his girly whining has benefited from all of this rapine and assault, but he soothes hisself with he voted for Smith is a judge now and necessary things just do not happen in America.

Smith is the poster boy for the next Obama inspired mass casualty murder event against Americans, because these twisted souls like Bill Clinton make such utter messes of things that murder always happens from their demented policies.
Bushels of people are dead because of the liberals Shep Smith voted for named Obama.

He though like David Letterman can not be blamed for any of this, as their mistakes in Carter, Clinton and Obama are just those people being screw ups, and, the only fixes left Reagan and the Bush duo was the same measures the terrorists employ.

All because in Shep Smith's America someone else does his murdering for him, because he is a millionaire patrician hiring it done so he can sit smiling in his cathedral of masturbation looking at his picture telling the world how holy he is.

see the storm sets in your eyes
see the thorn twist in your side
slight of hand and twist of fate
on a bed of nails she makes me wait

and I wait without you
with or without you

and you give yourself away
and you give yourself away
with or without you

agtG 258

This is your mind on Obamasm