Thursday, April 2, 2009

FU Amerika with Obama hate

Rush Limbaugh made a colossal mistake in stating the "markets love it when Obama is out of the country", because all that kind of lie does is feed the destruction of the United States.

Personally, I'm livid that none of these pundits or so called economists are telling the American people exactly what is going on.
The FACT is Timmy Geithner, just like before the Obama press conference had dumped an estimated trillion dollars into the Stock Market. The FACT is the markets do not love Obama out of the country. The FACT IS Tim Geithner on Obama's orders has dumped an estimated 2 trillion more dollars, not just into the American Stock Markets, but has dumped these "buy options" into world foreign markets all to give the impression that Obama is fixing this, so the sheep get herded into Obama's world order.

When I state dumped, I state this is criminal manipulation of the Stock Market. I state this is money pumped into international financiers pockets putting the United States Citizens so far into debt they will never pay this off. I state this is a massive check kiting scheme meant for Obama political purposes and for Eurasian communist benefit as this money will cause a massive false bubble 8 times now worse than what America has just experienced all for the goals of a European superstate, Chinese communist selling of products to America and Americans being stuck with being enslaved to the debt.

This is beyond now reprehensible as Limbaugh knows very well what is going on and is not saying a word. Every one of these Obama backers knows exactly what is going on in this buy option manipulation and it is criminal.

For Obama's FU to America as the EU boy in black and tan, Obama is not just raping the United States economy, but Obama is placing United States Soldiers in jeopardy in fighting his war in Afghanistan.
Yes Birdie Obama in his 500 flunky entourage to Europe has taken so many military transports out of service that the United States Air Force has had to contract with FOREIGN CARRIERS to supply United States Soldiers.

There is a little thing called the Constitution. There is a little thing called the Oath of Office for the President of the United States. Those two little things Birdie Obama has just violated completely in taking United States military aircraft meant to supply Soldiers fighting in a war for his personal floofery acting like he is a world leader.

Who in their American mind would place Soldiers in vulnerable position so David Axelrod's band of hookers could tag along to Europe on a bleeping vacation.

This is not just being a traitor to the United States, this is the literal destruction of the United States Barack Hussein Obama has now criminally taken a part in.

This blog personally urges the officers of the United States military to arrest Barack Hussein Obama on at least 30,000 counts of reckless attempted homicide in putting the Soldiers in Afghanistan in jeopardy for his rock star tour par dux, dereliction of duty, failure to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, and, the moment ONE United States Soldier is God forbid KIA or dies from a heart attack in the Asian theater, Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of murder for what he just criminally undertook in depriving United States Soldiers of their supply line.

Can you imagine President Lincoln allowing the Troops in Virginia to not be supplied, because he wanted a train to go on vacation.

Can you imagine once President George W. Bush taking one C 130 from combat operations so he could go on vacation.

I will note an exclusive which no one else has apparently noted. Barack Obama does not have listed anywhere in public schedule as far as I have noticed, one visit to a US Air Base in England, there will be no visits to Normandy, no visits to wounded United States Soldiers in Germany and if you have not noticed, there has not been one visit in America to one Military Hospital.

We know this, because if there had been the talking monitor head would have had it splashed all over the media.

Every one involved in this from the United States Treasury to the Department of Defense in this market manipulation and depriving United States Soldiers of supply are guilty of Constitutional crimes against the United States.
When the Magna Carta Grand Juries start spreading across these United States and indicting this Axelrod Inc. on High Crimes, these are two more hanging offenses to be added to the charges. While the Magna Carta does not allow executions by the Grand Juries, it does involve the removal of all of these criminal accomplices in the Courts of America who are of a growing list of criminal enablers.

Birdie Obama is spoken of in spending in debt 9 trillion dollars in debt in 10 years, by all evidence this criminal has spent 9 trillion dollars in 2 months by falsification of banking records.
That is a factual list of felony worse than what Bernie Madoff is being crucified over by the Letterman cocktail crowd.
Add that to the thousand of counts of reckless homicide in Afghanistan and the certain count of murder in Afghanistan from Barack Hussein Obama on American Soldiers, it is time for the Justice Department and United States Military to arrest these people.

Eric Holder, you showed justice in righting the criminal acts against Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska. Enforce the law Mr. Attorney General on these criminal schemes and with the JAG arrest Barack Hussein Obama, Timothy Geithner and Robert Gates in the first round of justice being done for the people of the United States.

Get it right Rush Limbaugh as I have had it with your California Hedgecock and fill in hosts lying about bio fuels, do not start this again in lying to the American public in what piracy is behind these Stock Markets and the criminal cutting off supply lines to United States Soldiers.

agtG 271

Obama cuts supply lines to United States Soldiers

Obama criminally manipulates the markets