Friday, April 24, 2009

The Obama Boys

I just can not take any more of this Obama is brilliant nonsense and that his entourage of criminals are the brightest people to ever walk the planet when the facts indicate this group is the biggest bunch of bunglers since Jimmy Carter left his calling card in the White House.

The reason this matters is Charlie Rose is the mouthpiece for the Rockefeller cartel in the United States with distinct ties to the Rothschilds. (Rose when he had his heart operation didn't come back to America, but instead utilized French health care.)
So what Charlie Rose has going on is always of interest to gauge what the world order is preparing.

For his program he had on David Brooks, the propagandist, who tilts to the wind to lure people of the right wing into to the bastardized thought of the cartels, while voting for Barack Obama.
I used to conclude that people like Brooks who claim Obama and the napping Larry Summers were brilliant was because they were delusional. After though listening to Brooks on Charlie Rose, I now conclude he is not just delusional but is just not that intelligent.

See, if you hang around with 6 year olds like Michelle and Mr. Obama do, then the Obama's look semi intelligent. Brooks being about as intelligent as a 486 processor from 1996 thinks Obama is intelligent, because Obama has an old MMX plug in to zoop up his 75 processor to 200.

Brooks though meandered about in his mind soup praising Obama for the most ridiculous of things in "Afghanistan is great policy". If Brooks understood one thing about Afghanistan, it is it is horrid policy dumping tens of thousands more troops into that sand pit as target practice for Muslims.
What was amusing was Brooks racist and bigoted statement concerning Afghanistan, in that, he deemed the "intelligent" upper class of Kabul understood Obama policy while the rest of the nation, who are a bunch of those Reagan type farmers, teachers, herdsmen and truckers in that fly over country just were not bright enough to get it.

Imagine if Brooks had uttered those words concerning black people in the south who Obama is screwing over were not as intelligent as Chicago slum dwellers. Brooks should be fired for how he insulted the people of Afghanistan, but once again this is the Letterman cocktail crowd of bigots, racists and Ameriphobes who vote for Obama, leaking out their hatred and arrogance on the "lesser peoples".

Into this mix followed Brent Scowcroft as another "Judas goat" leading the right wingers to the abyss in his analysis that "Obama is doing the right things in laying a foundation".
Scowcroft apparently thinks Obama apologizing, boot licking, looting the US Treasury of 1.1 trillion for European bankers plundering that money from the IMF from the 3rd world and setting terrorists free inside America is a great foundational policy...........great if you are in Russia or Iran.

Scowcroft is nothing but a Rockefeller shill, Rand Corporation operative who with Zbigniew Brzezinski fly around the world bribing terror states like Syria who are in bed with Russia.

Scowcroft's main mantras are "nation building" and the "global" response that America just can not do it alone and we need our banking buddy China. That last part came from some Brookings Institute dufus sitting with Scowcroft when he was allowed to get a word in, because Rose was crafting a program about all these "reasonable" right wingers who just are smitten with the brilliance of Obama.

It is one thing for some shill like David Brooks to be a smarmy leech as he is approaching 60 soon and still needs his multi million dollar retirement package for being a traitor to America. It though is a completely different matter when an 80 year old Scowcroft brain freezes around extolling the brilliance of Obama.
I mean how void are you when you are 80 and still have to be a whore trotted out needing attention to betray the American people.

There must be very slim pickings in the right, because Rose has ancient George Schultz with his "get rid of all nukes" insanity which would make America a defeated nation as America can not make enough bullets to kill 200 million Asian communists, paraded out with that Obama nonsense with Mike Gorbachev as Henry Kissinger glowers on from the audience.
I thought with Lindsey Graham whoring around that Olympia Snowe, Susie Collins and there has to be some Colin Powell soap dropper a bit younger to sing praises of Obama, but all Rose can find are these balding, vacuous Bruce Chilton types of secular religion to betray America.

Rose though is showing the gambit once again in how the "right" is being hijacked with these shills of the left while people like Sarah Palin are banned.
News is coming out that Democrats in Congress are refusing in a hearing on "climate change" to have someone refuting all the lies Al Gore is giving in testimony.

The Obama boys are front and center, grabbing both ankles as the soap drops with Birdie and his brilliant crew implement policy which was written in Cuba, North Korea, Peking, Moscow and Berlin for the destruction of America.

It gets better now though as Obama has another crisis too good to pass up as those nasty pigs which were pooping on spinach (It was Mexican poop on spinach as fertilizer coming out of Mexico like most of this food poisoning occurring.) have now gone into their Animal Farm lab of George Orwell and taken a human virus, combined it with a bird virus, inhaled it all and then coughed on Mexican beaners in a sleep over, for a new dangerous epidemic..........made for Obama policy and the eradication of Americans.
I will bet by amazing coincidence that the Obama pharmaceuticals will in a short time just happen to have millions of expensive doses already prepared to keep a good profit drain going on Americans ordered by volunteering to inject that crap into their bodies.

This is what these people are up to, but don't worry, David Brooks and Brent Scowcroft will be there to praise Obama and say how great he is handling things again.

Remember kiddies, Obama now has massive powers just waiting to unleash just like he is doing on GM.
Imagine being a criminal, enemy of the state, if you don't get a pig flu shot.


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