Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Obama Roger

I happened to be doing a few genetic recipes today and the little shoppe of Oolong had on Rush Limbaugh who was discussing the piracy issue in Somalia and I just never really had much of a reaction as all he was talking about was how pirates should be termed pirates to how Hillary Clinton was terming pirates.
That thar matey is the rub of the draw that sits in ones liver a commotion of how much Limbaugh is missing and his experts are flat out wrong.

I'm not picking on Rush Limbaugh in the least, but if he understood the situation instead of prattling on about the definition of "is" in Obama calls terrorists criminals to be pursued by the FBI and normal people call them terrorists who need to be slaughtered by military just is a boring subject which is off issue.

From the first moment I saw these pirates break onto the scene, it looked to me like they were internationally sponsored as all things Africa are by the globalists for some agenda. Original intent looked a great deal like Obama was going to be given a reason to plunge into Africa and take the whole place over and run the Chinese out in the process of Susan E. Rice time.
As it continues, it is nothing more than a globalist charade to float ships around in international cooperation, blah, blah, blah.

Limbaugh's maritime experts were explaining to him and he was leading his audience as to why ships are not armed. The basis is one did not arm crews, because crews looked at millions of dollars of cargo, refused to take orders, blasted the officers and then sold the cargo and ship as their own pirates.
Limbaugh's experts though neglected to not that America has always had armed merchant men in Letters of Marque. Ships have always had armouries where weapons were kept under lock and key of the Captain and unleashed in times of boarding by pirates. That way the crew behaves and as most have knives any way, they are not going to be in mutiny as those things just don't happen now.
Crews are well paid, well fed, have wonderful conditions in most cases and are quite pleased to sail the oceans in a wonderful occupation.

What is overlooked in this is all of these ships could be armed with a few 50 calibre Browning machine guns. 4 would be plenty, the crew could regulate them and they could dust off any pirate and as one really can't haul Ma Deuce around a ship chasing the Captain who would have his own officer's arm shooting back.......all would be merry on the 7 seas.
An even more sporting time for the crew would be a few deck mounted old German 88's which would blow the bajesus out of any pirate speed boat worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Wow, no one is asking how impoverished Somali's who can't afford a bag of rice suddenly have all these cigar boats like Miami Vice scouting around.
Gee I wonder who supplied them with those boats and munitions?

Guess that is too much for the patricians to delve into as it might just expose the charade and people would be displeased about being manipulated again.
Goodness people, pirates have a cure called cannons shot at them. If the governments of the world are not providing the long time cure, then it means they are manipulating this situation for globalist purposes.

It is difficult to get excited about Somali pirates though as they just are not the English swashbuckler, Boogeys, Japanese or Berbers. Those were pirates who would castrate you for fun, make you bark like a dog and feed you in pieces to sharks. These Somali's are Colin Powell kinder and gentler a gummy bear knife. Not a whole lot of intimidation in Capt. Crunch and his crunch berries.

Now though the world is being conditioned, on one hand we have Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama saying these criminals need to arrested on an international court system scale, and, on the other hand, we have Rush Limbaugh telling the world that armed Citizens on ships defending themselves is untrustworthy as people can not be trusted with guns.
Sort of sounds like the same globalist two sided coin.

I could suggest that a high pressure water cannon, with armour plating to protect the crew which would pump enough water to drown pirates, knock pirates off boats and filling said cigar boats with a thousand gallons of water sinking them would also solve the problem, but hey we got pirates for news to debate what "is" is instead of just killing the creatures on sight as used to be the case.

American merchant shipping in it's entire history was always armed, self sufficient and able to take care of itself, because while empires had huge naval flotillas to rely on the American swabbie just had himself, a Captain with a pin to bash him over the head and a few cannons for diplomacy.

The question is why are these Colin Powell pirates in Africa now suddenly an issue when if one looks at shipping problems, the Caribbean is probably more dangerous for hijacking and monetary loss to Americans than these kids out of Africa with speed boats.

For that matter Mr. Limbaugh, Obama and Geither, with their European cartel pirates have swindled from America trillions of dollars in their savings, and are blackmailing for ransom trillions more in "Obama spending".
I guess those are the issues which matter that I would be discussing, but then I'll only be proven right in time and no one will care.

Oh by the way, is that swashbuckler on land bin Laden still alive? I think I heard Obama say in 2008 that he knew how to get Obama, I mean Ossama and to kill him.

As it was so easy, I figured I must have missed it as I missed England Dan dying a few weeks back.

voile sur la lune argentée

PS: Did you know if you misspell Ossama, that Google corrects it with Obama. Guess they can't tell the difference any more either.

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