I have concluded the Obama maniacs could have elected Islamocommunist Zawahiri, appointed Kim Jong Ill to Treasury, sent the Rothschilds to plunder the Detroit auto industry (Oh wait Fiat just bought Chrysler and is as the European state car agency attempting to take over all of General Motors Europe "as a new European car maker) and told Fidel Castro to terrorize Americans at Homeland Security and these enemies of America could not have accomplished a more devastating attack on America if they tried with Putin's help with China banking tossed in.
People please, Jimmy Carter was a bungling idiot of the idiotry who actually tried to do good. He failed because he is a dunce, but he never meant to really harm America. Birdie Obama is deliberately dismantling all of American power from military to finance to manufacturing and transforming it into a Chinese communist image of slave labor and Keynesian control to keep people poor.
If you do not comprehend, America's power in this world exists in 2 areas, military and finance.
Obama has that person Robert Gates gutting the US military and currently is laying down the mandate that "Wall Street" is not going to be the large world leading financial system it has been dominating the world.
Obama is laying down the framework where America will never again rise to prominence, but will instead be a vassal part of the Americas which will be equal to lax Brazil in 10 years.
Birdie Obama's entire plan which no one has figured out yet by these plans is to destroy British finance which funnels American and "empire" wealth through London and New York and replace it with a central European axis which funnels money from America the way it does OPEC and Vatican multi billion dollar finance.
Get this people completely, Birdie Obama is taking the power out of New York and transferring it to Berlin in the old Deutsch Austro Hungarian empire.
This is beyond serious as it is criminal in the destruction of General Motors which literally employs the lion's share of US working people. Obama's Chrysler destruction, forcing it into bankruptcy so it is now a European owned company, has the blueprint now to destroy GM and convert it over to European control.
Ford is going to be the Russian auto maker of the world in surviving in a niche market.
Obama though is castrating Wall Street in his pruning operations and threats in the equivalent of flying 100 jets in 9 11 events into the New York financial districts.
The only thing I'm really stunned by are these powerful people who are really pissed off over what as occurring are just sitting there taking this garbage Marxism just like millions of Americans simply took their savings funds were robbed from them by Obama and his cronies to initiate all of this.
They should have had their pitchforks out after Obama, but instead Obama was using them with "pitchforks" to threaten American bankers with being lynched if they did not tow the Obama line.
Detroit even went public today with news that Obama was threatening to use the White House press corp to destroy financial operations there connected with the auto industry if those people did not this lunacy of the Obama dictatorship.
I'm not joking about this when I stated that the American majority could have installed the greatest enemies of America with complete power and they could not have done the kind of deliberate damage Obama is accomplishing.
Obama went after Texas American oil in extorting money from them and they simply took it too.
The only thing left which Obama has not taken the castrating knife to is the medical industry which he fully intends to use as a way to crop Americans by rationing health care, so poor sick people die and rich patricians see the doctors, and American agriculture.
Seeing though the cranks Obama has lined up in his various oversight positions though in one of his operatives wants to give animals rights equal to humans, well who needs those Obama Flu Mexicans when dogs and cats owned by the Obamaniacs can cast ballots for the Prime Minister.
When American finance is gone, America will be finished. It can not compete as America was built in ocean trading as Chinese slave labor rules there. It can not industrial revolution manufacture it's way to power as once again the Asian slave labor market is there. It produces no energy, so it can not gain funds. Agriculture can not produce enough in mass hybrid markets owned by Rothschilds in various nations where they are acquiring land to South American competition to pull America out of this as the bread basket of the world. (For those who do not know in having not been there, Brazil has 6 feet of top soil which needs no fertilizers. America has a narrow band of rich loam, with other areas in the west which has that ugly brown soil in need of fertilizer.
That is why Al Gore told Future Farmers of America children at their convention 10 years ago to find a new career as America was going to import all of it's food from South America and America was going to be turned into a sort of "theme park" for the rich Europeans to play in as Americans were housed in the cities doing slave labor.)
This honestly is scary in a real uneasy way like someone walking over your grave. This demoniac of Obama and his dark forces have an absolute stun gun silence on people who should know better, and yet, where is one leader, pundit from the right or person in a position of speaking out, saying one word in warning of the disaster Obama is leading America to in the abyss.
Goodness Obamaniacs, you are bright enough to know that America can not loose GM worldwide, can not cut Wall Street to be the equal to Moscow and rip to shreds the fabric of America as if you did not notice, Japan even with American help, handouts and protection, took 30 years to rebuild after she was taken down after World War II.
No one is going to be protecting America in this nor helping America once Obama completes this. You can see the Europeans are running a fire sale on American auto now, exactly the way they were running their massive acquisition of eastern European resources while no one was paying attention in this staged financial terror attack.
This is not good. It is bad. It is time people start saying Obama is bad for America, because he is.
The facts in this do not lie, but why is the American shill leadership in all sectors silent and allowing this to occur.
Nippers Obama
Clippers Obama