Thursday, May 21, 2009

On this faux Memorial 3 Day Weekend

On this vacation weekend masquerading as a memorial to Americans Soldiers, but is instituted not for remembering but for liberals to go be their selfish little Garafalo selves in honoring no one, it only seems fitting that the mind fuzz of Obama's lint brain has been dust bunnied to a heap in Birdie just can't remember the name of Sec. of Defense Robert Gates.

Now mind you, Gates is seen by Obama for meetings every day of the week. Obama has seen this guy over his 100 magikal day times. It would be like Obama screaming out BEYONCE during sex with Muchelle in forgetting Bob Gates name.

Yet Birdie in 2 consecutive public events called him WILLIAM GATES at one showing and RONALD GATES AT ANOTHER SHOWING.
Gate tried to laugh it off as a Bill Gates, Microsoft mistake, but no one calls Bill Gates by the name of William and there is no one on the national mind who ever amounted to anything named Ronald Gates.

Whenever people do things like this, the mind is on overload in too much information. The thought process if beyond fatigued when someone can not remember the name of someone you see every day.
This all deals with the intervention brainwashing this site alone has exposed as the Obama glitches keep showing up. The choice is simple for Obamaniacs now in either they agree Obama has had his brain drive reformatted or the narcissist in chief has either a psychological mental disorder in need of treatment or Mr. Obama is manifesting symptoms of memory loss due to a miniature strokes or he is suffering from a rare form of dementia which attacks relatively young people.
This blog called for Mr. Obama to be given a complete work up when he was twitching. This blog once again calls for an intervention of CAT scans of Mr. Obama's brain to ascertain his physical health.

None of this is good as it is either psychological in for Obama's own reason, he can not face Robert Gates, what Mr. Gates is doing behind the scenes and Mr. Obama is putting up a denial barrier, or, as stated, Mr. Obama has either some prion exposure or is suffering as black typed males do in early strokes at age 50.
The alternative is this blogs analysis of Mr. Obama's brain memory being toyed with and this is just one of the many glitches which show up.

It could also be a combination of the above as Mr. Obama's shoe polish black hair at his 100 days of historical wee wee'ing in the White House potty, was once again on stage in showing that greying tone which John McCain whitened his hair to in the debates.

There is something wrong with Mr. Obama's memory and for the good of America, medical doctors must give him a battery of tests to ascertain what is occurring as this is guy in the White House and with a vast responsibility.
So on this faux memorial weekend, may Mr. Obama in his faux memories which started with his Dreams of some one's Father seek medical help.

Let us all though remember May 30th, the traditional Memorial Day for our Soldiers. My weekend will instead from May 23rd to May 30th now in the honoring of Memorial Day.

God bless and keep the Good in the United States of America. In Jesus Name. Amen


Memory Obama