Friday, May 8, 2009

Semen Deposit

Most people who do not kill their own cabbage or meat will not have knowledge of the real world in what happens when one leader of a herd is replaced with another.

In the cat family for example, the male will kill every cub or kitten in the pride, thereby ending the genetic mark of his predecessor.

In those lovely wild horses, which PETA likes to use for heart string donations, the stud horse upon taking over a band of mares will repeatedly rape the females until they abort the foals.

From the destruction of George W. Bush in what would be termed maniacal attacks by Barack Obama to his feasting upon aborticide, Birdie Obama exhibits all the key elements of animalistic behavior on a primal level.
This is important as Charles Krauthammer has stated that Obama is narcissistic, but this is beyond Obama just being a self centered bore. There are deliberate delusions and primal urges which are exhibited in his psychological profile.

Look what he is doing to everything in America from banking, automotive, the US military, the coming assault upon the health fields to giving votes to illegals to put the Obama mark on the sacred elections, Barack Obama is no different than the ancients in Pharaohs who upon ascending the throne were busy with chisel in hand changing every monument to read not Cheops conquered here, but Obama conquered here.

The progression of this is one day in perpetual illegal border buster voters is Obama will be dynamiting Mount Rushmore and it will be the 4 faces of Obama which will be glowering back at the world.

As narcissism does not explain this Obama psychopathy which blossoms into many forms, it should be termed Beobastiality, coined from the triad of the netherworld of Beowulfe, Obama and bestiality, as that is exactly what is driving Barack Obama. It is the beast inside of him.

This pervert is putting his name on every major power structure in America and handing the plunderings out to his cronies. It is no different than a stud rapist using his most powerful weapon in raping every productive thing in the country and then implanting a semen deposit to carry on it's regime.

Therefore correctly the analysis is and title of this article is, Obama's Semen Deposit.
