Bobby Gibbs, White House spokesboy and chief joke giver and cackler today came out with a statement that senora Sonja, Judge to the Obama courts, would have change that word in her racist statement about white people.
To get it right here is Joker Gibbs statement:
"I think if she had the speech to do all over again, I think she'd change that word."
Added to this Birdie Obama weighed in on NBC with:
"I'm sure she would have restated it."
This blog is a bit confused as to what senora Sonja would be changing?
Here is here quote:
Sotomayor in 2001: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
Just what restating and what word was senora Sonja going to be mandated to change by Obama?
Would her revised statement stimulated by Obama teleprompter words be something like this?
Sotomayor in 2009: "As a wise Latina shrew with the power of signing court orders and indictments to make all white people terrorists according to Janet Napolitano's mandates from Barack Obama, I would more often than not reach a better final solution for white men in ending their lives by hanging the wretches."
This blog therefore asks for clarification from senora Sonja, comraded Gibbs and fellow traveler Obama in just which word would she have rephrased in her revised statement she apparently told beloved leader Birdie?
Because if you take out "WHITE", that still leaves "MEN" which then incorporates all latino males as being stupid compared to liberal latino women.
The problem is it is still arrogant, condescending hate speech from this liberal woman.........who if you examine her life in having a broken marriage, not being capable of having a long term relationship with apparently any living thing as she never even adopted a Kennedy compound dog to get dragged along behind for photo ops.........just what kind of better experience has this woman had in judging the world than anyone else, including those white males.............
Who founded America. Wrote the Declaration of Independence. Wrote the Constitution. Wrote the Bill of Rights. Wrote the Emancipation Proclamation. Defeated by God's Grace the Indian Empires, Mexican Empires, Spanish Empires, French Empires, Russian Empires, British Empires, pirates, dictators, thugs and communists.
While let's see..........what did senora Sonja and her latino women accomplish in the last 250 years?
Wait, I'm pondering here..........
Still pondering what senora Sonja did...........
Seems since Isabella, the warrior queen of Spain who drove out the Muslims and bankrolled Columbus with her husband King Ferdinand, that latino chics really have not done a whole lot except make tortillas, sigh allot during sex or present ample cleavage like Salma liberal Hayek.
I really don't see much use on the Supreme Court for someone who has 60% of her cases overturned by higher courts, nor for what use opinions written on tortillas, listening to Ruth Ginsburg on sex chat phone lines reading that opinion as we get to look at Breyer's ample cleavage as an incentive for senora Sonja there.
See senora Sonja, when you are a racist, then that opens the entire door to view you in your basest of latino unaccomplishments.
Numbers of latino women who walked on the moon? None.
But that is ok, as a host of white guys already left their footprints and did almost every other thing in this world two decades before some Sonja could lay claim to "having done it first" after twenty thousand other guys did it.
Sonja you are a racist and a bigot. No wonder Obama chose you and the Letterman cocktail crowd wants you on the court.
*Some advice to Birdie: Withdraw this disaster of a latino woman and research the archives here to figure out who Axelrod should have put on the court.
You liberals can't even screw up right.
senora Sonja