Thursday, June 18, 2009

Don't count your Obama's before they hatch

I have seen growing numbers of people from patrician Brent Bozell to David Horowitz upon seeing the columns of Dick Morris to suddenly see revelations that Obama is finished. These Obama come lately voters seeing the pig in a poke, have no idea what this blog, Dick Morris or reality is speaking about.
To say that Barack Obama is going down is silliness beyond even discussion. It is landing on a beach and declaring victory with Iwo Jima hell still ahead. This is the claim of novices who know nothing about the heavy lifting which is just beginning.
Mr. Morris is promising nothing of the sort, nor has this blog. The only way Obama is finished is if God's Divine Hand ends him, otherwise this is going to be dirty, mean, butchery that is going to make Richard Nixon look like the nice guy he really was.

That is what is lost in these people who have no Inspiration from God. They swoop in after the things predicted over a half year ago, claim that they have now written this plagiarism and declare themselves keyboard victors and it is time to break out the gingersnaps and snapple.

Barack Obama has shown his cards already in the underhanded, vicious, criminal and dirty things he will do. Obama nukes his opponents by hurling the entire federal government and puppy press at people like Gerald Walpin.
For those who think that you just bag a US Oval Office occupant, just remember Bill Clinton when a puppy press is throwing water on the fire of the story, Justice is covering up the story and enough people are being paid off in the electorate to not care.

People have no idea that the reason Richard Nixon's coup against him succeeded was not because of Deep Throat, operative Bob Woodward, the drumbeat of Dan Rather or crimes. The reason Richard Nixon went out of the White House, was because an American Patriot named Vernon Walters at CIA would not be pushed to get that body involved in covering up what Richard Nixon didn't do, but got dragged into.
That is Barack Obama's real danger in he really screwed up in placing nice guy Leon Panetta into CIA. Panetta is not intelligence oriented in skull and dagger. He is not going to break the law for Obama. He might just be a Louis Freeh in not helping convict Clinton which is to Obama's advantage, but if a person of honor which seems impossible is attached to Obama and they step up and go public, Obama comes down more quickly, but still fighting and squealing.

Those liars which infested the Clinton group in lying to their diaries, is what kept the Clinton rats from all going down with the ship. Helped by the dolts like Maddy Albright believing Bill Clinton wasn't getting his cigar smoked, Bill Clinton was able with FBI files to blackmail enough GOP representatives to get himself impeached, but not convicted.

The wild card in this is of course the Cheney and Bush people in CIA, with that interesting Cinderella, Hillary Clinton, who could deep throat Obama with key placed information in the press.
Granted the puppy press has a stake in keeping their prodigy Obama in the White House to prove these racists are not racists, but there are enough Kate Snows who might once again air Bill Clinton's questions on Constitutional issues to serve in the White House.

There is an incredible group of connected operatives protecting the benefactors of Barack Obama.
Just ponder Patrick Fitzgerald's mission to nuke Blagojevich for crossing Obama. Blago was an example to be set and the message was sent to not cross Obama.

Obama has been weeding out Inspector Generals to the number 4 now in thwarting oversight of the bribes he is distributing to cronies. He is cleaning the problems out in this illegal way, so bigger crimes are not exposed later.
Obama gets this done and replaces honest people with his maniacs, and Congressional Democrats covering their butts will sit on this and filibuster this to 2016 to save themselves.

It is not going to be Conservatives nor Republicans who bring down BarackObama. It is going to be Democrats. It is going to have to be Chris Dodd who Obama deliberately ruined joining not in the Obama chorus of meddling in health care and banking to save his seat, but Dodd is going to have to be the one in the Senate who joins key Democrats like Steny Hoyer to give cover to this coup against Barack Obama.
Hillary Clinton is hated by the press and Democrats. She can only leak and direct the patricians message. She can not do this alone with all the ammunition which Conservatives are supplying. It is going to take "regret in the eyes of Charlie Rose" instead of the Obama enabler he is to reveal the first major crumbling of the Obama foundation.

This is not to state that Obama's demonic monkey's power appears to have it on the leash. Obama has run into massively odd and stupid undertakings. He frees sexual perverts and then won't go the mile for gays which is ruining him with them. He has Iran, North Korea, Russia and Europe with the growing snarl of Americans not liking his Marxism at all.
The fractures are there, but unless an Obama quake happens, his walls will stand.

I have refrained from mentioning this, but will do so now. Barack Obama with North Korea has a perfect herding device for hisself in scaring people to keep them in line. He has the ability to selective strike and then have the press all coo about how manly he is in bombing babies.
Obama gets into the main trouble he is in and he will if he devalues the dollar and replaces it, simply start some missile war to buy time until exhausted Americans give up.
It makes no difference when Dick Cheney will be right on a terror strike, because it will only be preaching to the choir while Obama apologizes for not being a better target for terrorists.

I sincerely believe Barack Obama will come to utter ruin and America will suffer greatly. Unless though, it is God's Hand, this Birdie is going to use every trick to keep from going into exile.
All of the omens are against Barack Obama to not see this tenure to the end. What that will be will play out, but it will be more than pundits repeating what Dick Morris was analyzing months ago.
This is just starting and it is one bucket of sand washing out the Obama foundation by prayer, inspiration from God and work, work, work in His will being accomplished.

The blacklash has started, but it is not yet reached to Madison Avenue in their pulling black ads, no more than the CBS execs got enough pressure to fire Letterman. It was a positive though that some one's letter to Olive Garden did convince them to pull advertising on Letterman.
Wonder who that was..............but it is important that Olive Garden be acknowledged that this family oriented business chose to protect women and children.
America does have decent people in our corporations. One person at a time, eroding the evil which is pooled around Barack Obama is how this plays out in working the system, until the structure collapses.

You are not going to need anyone to tell you when that happens, as you will feel it.

Don't count Obama out, but just keep piling that one more straw on his load and that camel will eventually have it's back broken.

Again, sincerest compliments and God's blessings on Olive Garden for doing the right thing.
