Monday, June 15, 2009

Fire David Letterman

While the festering sore of David Letterman actually helps the Conservative side as much as Dan Rather and Teddy Kennedy did, there are times when what is right is more important than the keeping of a pustule of sin from enabling sexual predators and degrading all women.

In that, I'm very pleased that Brian Kolb and John Zeigler have initiated an action to force action by CBS on their site.

I never advocate anything which I have not taken the time to indulge in myself. I have contacted the major sponsors of David Letterman and written a long letter to the head of CBS to try and find a remedy for the Letterman filth.
I advocate a Don Imus type response by CBS with the addition of CBS forcing multi millionaire David Letterman to donate his entire 2009 salary to children of rape and incest.

The question in this is, David Letterman has been politically raping Gov. Palin for almost a year. He has had the backing of Les Moonves all to elect Obama, who did his own lipstick on pig degradation of Gov. Palin. This group gang rape has now emboldened Letterman to term working airline women as whores and to advocate the pedophile rape of teenage girls.

This all emboldens just like terrorists the worst sexual perverts to act out. How many children are going to be raped now, because David Letterman condoned it in his assault on women of all ages.

If people would just show their approval to Brian Kolb, Gwendolyn Jackson and John Zeigler if they do not want to get involved, it would be appreciated as even the greatest of journalists working at the top media outlets always tell me they appreciate hearing from people as they never know who is out there supporting them.

Phone calls help immensely to sponsors and in my experience they get very interested in boycotts of their products, as I was one threatened by political cronies when I started asking financial questions.

The site lists the sponsors of David Letterman, his CBS benefactors with their contact information and who to Twitter the site in showing support.

The more this can generate heat in supporting women and children, the more it can be the line in the sand that those asinine weaklings like Cynthia McFadden, Craig Fergeson, Keith Olbermann etc... will have to monitor their attacks on Gov. Palin and her family. That helps in the long run in electing Republicans in 2010 and Gov. Palin's Conservative agenda in 2012 in America being rid of Marxist Obama.

Gov. Palin has drawn the line in the sand. She asked for support. There are children and women right now in America who will be raped tonight due to this incessant attacks upon all women by perverts like David Letterman who make sexual assault a joke.

We do not want to wait around until Letterman starts ordering people to rape Conservative women and their children, because that is all that is left to this degenerate.

nuff said.


Fire David Letterman