Thursday, June 11, 2009

Flatuent Obama

When Bill Clinton farted, the most harm done was making liberal reporters run for the brush on the golf course.
When Barack Obama sells the American soul for 300 million dollars in illegal campaign contributions, Jews die and the old geezer American invalid gets strangled in her bed.

There is a great duality in the American repeat of the sins of Israel and the prophetic note from God informing His once virgin daughter, that in her power and opulence, that the fact was the beard was greying on the once masterful people and they were ripe to be conquered and destroyed.

America has according to globalist plans been filleted of her vital manufacturing industries. The Obama Chicago frankenfood incorporated has been poisoning Americans as much as his aborticide industry has been scarring wombs to deliver all these sickly children into the gene pool who are now creating a people who are sickly.
Reproduction rates are down as the poisons in our foods and environment deliberately sterilize this once productive population.
Schools have made minds incapable of common sense or initiative.

America is now a debtor state and a literal bribery nation which only keeps it's place as long as the printing presses run. That age is now over as Obama has his Mission Completed and the last thrust in this will be when oil spikes again and America grinds to a halt.

Gov. Palin and Lt. Gov. Steele warned Americans in September 2008 to drill baby drill, but Obama has instead tapped the red ink and the blood of America is flowing out.
I will remind people that from Alaska to Texas, America is flowing with more readily available sweet crude than the entire Middle East, Russia and Indonesia.
If one adds the Dutch fields in Iceland, America has more oil than the entire world could burn up in 200 years. The earth is constantly manufacturing crude in deep earth geothermal production, so this oil is renewable and all it is does in burning it is return needed gases to the atmosphere which earth has been depleting.

British Petroleum announced that even with world consumption now, known reserves that are on the books could only be depleted in 40 years. That is the year 2050, but yet everyone is seeing the Obama manipulation of the commodities markets to raise crude to 75 dollars a barrel so his benefactors can rape Americans of their funds.
There is no logical or market reason for crude to be anything over 30 dollars a barrel and yet the price is spiking due to the oil barons who are going to put pressure on Obama due to high prices and the Obama factor in this.

If people missed it, the Obama car, the Prius, has had sales plummet as no one wants that worthless contraption which apparently is not working once you get the thing. Buyers who bought are not spreading any good words about that car, so that is the reason it is not selling as if it was a wonder car, then the market would spike.
So this leads into Obama policy to raise gas prices to put the hurt on Americans in order to force them to buy Obama cars made in China by Warren Buffett, and other sundry types who installed Birdie.

This dovetails or Obamatails into the fact that Muslim Obama has now given the green light to OPEC to keep raising oil prices for their 300 million dollar investment in him. (Note to readers, that 300 million dollars was counterfeit funds. It was brought in on credit cards, and that is what part of the TARP money was being used for was covering up that 300 million which banks were stuck with.
Yes people named Obama and Pritzker should be in prison over this.)
OPEC is now talking about 250 dollars a barrel for world oil prices. That rate can not in any way be sustained by the American people, but it does signal the fact that the 9 to 11 trillion dollars which Barack Obama just indebted America too and dumped on the world market is going to be soaked up again by high oil and food prices.
I warned people that the prices they were blaming Bush 43 for are going to be 9 times worse under Obama. That 250 dollar a barrel for crude oil is but the number in lights as the flashing warning about hyper inflation coming and the money barons all know it.

None of this criminality should be allowed to happen and America should and could be a sound, peaceful, non inflationary society, insulated from all of this Obama robber baron manipulations. It is though coming as Obama's mission is completed.
That is why Rush Limbaugh finally woke up and informed the public that Obama had destroyed the American economy deliberately. 6 months after this blog showed it and almost a year after this blog explained what Obama policy would do in killing America.

There is a way out of this, but my consternation now is Americans are going to be hurt immensely and numbers of Americans are going to die as a cropping operation occurs due to Obama flu and nuclear fallout.
Americans got the end they lusted for in Obama's suicide and abortion of America. Each day this implosion nears and it worsens. It can be alleviated as explained here without too much discomfort, but the only recourse Obama has is what Frank Biancheri of the French globalists predicted is the devaluation of the US Dollar, placing it all on Citizens being bankrupted, while the Obama cronies hold "real new dollars" and keep their savings and investment value.

Another exclusive in the worst type of news, but what does one expect with a ghoul like Obama the European knave.
