Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hey baby, don't horn in on the Obama

I was wondering if PETA had noticed that the Obama's left their new puppy to the trauma of being home alone, well probably home to another 6 figure royal poodle watcher, for almost a week as the Obama's got their photo op from Bo and shipped him off to the White House kennel to pant alone.
The surest sign of how a person is really deep down is how they care for or deal with the animals in their lives.

At least poor Bo wasn't hauled off to Europe by David Axelord (yup I mean AxeLORD) in this age of blasphemous Obama, where Bo and Obama could have somehow just happened to have been playing along manboob beach, aka Obama beach, really known to Patriots as Omaha Beach, where 3000 fawning reporters could have just happened to have been stationed with US warships just happening to be in the background, 5000 US flag fluttering in an electric fan breeze..............(taking a breath)
and Bo would have stopped and started digging, much to a concerned Birdie's point, and by miracle dug up a femur of a beach storming US soldier (as the script would wag this dog) and by chance it just so happened to match the DNA of Obama's relative who did everything that Ken Burns said everyone but white Americans did in the war.
Probably would have had a worm eaten message in it, "Vote Obama 2012".

Obama could have personally buried the bone with his man boobs glistening as he saluted the bone.........providing the wife and kids didn't horn in on the Obama press coverage.

The leftist press thought seems to be going through the Jake Tapper syndrome, in a necessary need to take a swipe at Birdie Obama to make certain their testicles and ovaries are in place. (Note Brian Williams apparently is gender Ken Doll neutral as he had more scrutiny for a burger than he did of mansexual Obama he was laid out with in the limbido.)

It is taking though on bizarre notions as a story in the Jerusalem Post which has Jewish kids on digital calling Obama a n*gger somehow stirred the anger of someone going by the name of Ta Nehisi Coates. I'm going to call him Timmy as I have had it with these screwball names parents are naming their children.

Timmy Coates upon hearing Jewish kids attacking his Obama came up with this quote:

"For what it's worth, on a very visceral level, what I see is a bunch of drunk racist white kids, doing what I'd expect a bunch of drunk racist white kids to do. I don't really have 'higher expectations' because of the particulars of the Jewish experience, any more than I have 'higher expectations' for Irish-Americans due to the oppressive immigrant experience of their ancestors," Coates wrote.

Why is it when rich Jews are voting for liberals and aborting kids, they are the equal of blacks as the Jewish black vote, but let them vote for Reagan and they become a racial slur in neocons.
Timmy Coates though takes this to a new level in now naming these Obama attackers as "WHITE KIDS".

This is going to be a very long three and a half years if each of these propagandists is going to have to admit they are a recovering Obama addict and take a swipe at some race Obama is attempting to vaporize or taking their own swipe at Obama.

A Phil Bornstein at SFGate took on the Tapper cloak, probably before he runs back to Nancy Pelosi and begs from his mother confessor to forgive him, his own swipe at Obama and backs hisself up with the Washington Post which Obama loves in Bob Samuelson scolding the press sort of that "they must watch Obama as the check and balance in this age of nuclear bombs".
Asking the press to watch to make sure Obama behaves is like asking Bill Clinton to monitor the Playboy Mansion.

Bornstein though apparently can be forgiven in he thinks Muchelle Obama is attractive and that the Obama couple is faithful to each other.
Apparently Donald Young, Lawrence Sinclair, Carla Sarkozy and those uniformed tan skinned girls in Iraq which Obama was fondling were missed by this apparently sight impaired reporter at SFGate.

I though in an exclusive was inspired to share the following with the readers here as what is sure to be the surest sign that Barack Obama has been vomitted up from the liberal press. I predict that they will no longer refer to him as black, but as a white man.

Now bear with me on this, as this have a building block.

There will have to be subtle hints about Obama first in..............

Obama's policy appears like the FAILED GEORGE W. BUSH POLICY. (As a note to readers, Obama is pulling troops out of Iraq faster now than Iraq can handle. He is leaving them only in compounds in Mosul and Baghdad. We just might see fortress America in Iraq with all hell breaking loose in Iraq and it not being reported.
By the way isn't it interesting that Iraq hasn't had one massive sandstorm since the American liberation began? (Yeah I know they have, but isn't it amazing how sandstorms do not matter once the deed is done.)
Obama though is very close to loosing what America invested in in Iraq. That would be all his fault as he squanders resources in Afghanistan and Gaza.

The first steps will be linking Obama to failed white guy policy. The next sure sign will be more than the uncomfortable silence now gripping the David Letterman cocktail crowd.
Letterman will begin by having this stern prep school dean look and looking into the camera telling the parents, "Our little Barry just does not seem to have the potentional to be at Harvard, even on the minority grading curve..........."

Oooppsss probably not supposed to tell readers that the Obama's brilliance is graded on a curve from sympathetic Marxist professors who earnestly want those tan skinned kids to beat those white kids, but then that is a Freudian slip on their part that even their brains haven't comprehended yet.

The final step will be someone finally saying, "Bill Clinton was the first black President, but Barack Obama is sure the first tan guy acting like it is a tan on a white man."

Phil Bornstein in fact has laid the footings for this in his own quote,

"In fact, he's downright conservative on things like same sex marriage."

Oh my, just like liberal Jews becoming white when they attack Obama, Obama has now become "conservative" when he goes against liberals.

It will only be time before he becomes a white guy, a 50% white guy, with like 38% Arab white guy.......and you know his 12% black guy sold slaves to white guys and they were working in luxurious white guy houses.

Give these liberals time and their racism will percolate to the surface which they all thought they voted away the day they helped Obama usurp the Presidency of the United States.

Now children, this is all exclusive in a galactic sense as it is this big. I hope it doesn't take Rush Limbaugh 6 months to speak about this, because I know Doc knows this stuff and sees it, but has had problems covering such things as his patrician keeps swaying his commentaries until it is an obvious thing happening which he has to comment on.

Oh well Bo lasted 5 days before he got the kennel bullet, the kids got paraded around for photo ops and Birdie got some mileage out of the old cotton picker Muchelle in two date nights when he could have been playing with his balls with the boys on the court.

Don't horn in on the Obama though as you will be branded a white man. That is the liberal immoral of the story today.

Timmy Coates speaks white hatred

Phil Bornstein speaks liberal mind hatred

Speak Bo speak..........no links as Bobama is just whining in the kennel.
