Monday, June 29, 2009

Now David Axelrod confirms Lame Cherry

There is a reason one does not tell civilians intelligence information, for the simple reason is they slip up in the worst possible ways. It is one thing for what goes on in this blog to inform those so directed to read the information to be better prepared for coming events, but it is a completely different situation for a government official next to Prime Minister Obama to come out on ABC news and tell the world that the Islamocommunist Persians have the nuclear bomb.

There have been few people who have been warning the world that Iran had a nuclear arsenal. Ken Timmerman in his groundbreaking work which he seems to have backed off on now was the first to start tying together in public forums the fact that Iran had nuclear weapons.
This arming of Iran started in the 1990's when the KGB in it's throws of loosing power decided upon an agenda to buy Mooselum (Obama's name for Muslims) support by arming Iran and Iraq with nuclear warheads.
This was later countered by the Clinton Administration signing off on Saudi Arabia funding the Paktistani nuclear program of Dr. Khan to counter the communist Persians and Saddam Hussein's regime.

Iran is deduced to have purchased in the neighborhood of a dozen nuclear devices from field artillery to some SS warheads. Saddam received one warhead which Putin flew out of Iraq so Russia would not be caught as President Bush sent in the liberation troops.

Iran would later purchase high quantities of weapons grade uranium and yellow cake which it as of 2008 decided as this blog predicted would nuclear arm the communists of South America.
FARC of Columbia was caught in the purchase attempt, whereby the Bush Administration under Cheney and Rice through the CIA assassinated the entire leadership of FARC sending a message this was not going to be allowed.

Iran has been busy refining uranium for a number of years. Their abilities as of 2008 using Chinese methods was numbered to have built 30 nuclear warheads according to Israeli sources.
Dr. Kahn's advanced cone nuclear warhead design was published by the Iranians to confirm to the world they had the means to build smaller nuclear bombs which would launch on their Shahab missiles.
This was the problem for Saddam in his warhead of the Satan class was too large to launch on the old Scuds.

This is why no one has been willing to take on Iran as their arsenal was confirmed and growing. The only leader in the west was the French government who when Iran threatened them threatened back that they would vaporize Iran. So Iran has been a major nuclear problem for a number of years and part of Russian Bolshevik policy to nuclear pollute the oil supply in the region and ruin the west for their ease in taking over Europe and later to dispatch America in their time of choice.
People must understand that while people die from radioactive poisoning, metals which become nuclear contaminated remain that way for very long periods of time, making people around them sick to death literally for a very long period of time. See if one has nuclear pipelines, all that metal is then contaminated, so the oil in logic should also be radioactive picking up those traces and one can imagine refined gasoline being radioactive being burned all across America for a real nuclear holocaust.
That is how the FSB of Russia's Putin was leveraging the shut off of oil supply to west.

And racist Americans voting for Obama did not choose drill baby drill which would have now America prospering in oil sales from uncapped wells, more secure from a nuclear New York vaporization, but now America and the world has Axelrod playing nuclear card games with the certainty that an attack on America will happen.

The official policy is to deny Iran has the bomb and use the Bush policy of the warning of massive response if any WMD is used against the United States. The Bush policy was simple in using cobalt and plutonium based bombs to so pollute Iran that Ahmadinejad would have to rule for 50 years from a bunker as the Iranian sands would be that toxic.
This is the can of couscous which heir Axelrod has now opened up. He will either deny or if it was by chance not a slip, but a subtle alert to set in action the nuclear chain reaction for the destined limited nuclear exchange in the Middle East as Obama's European axis handlers have been plotting, is really unimportant as it is now an official response from the US sitting government to the official propagandist of ABC's George Stephanopoulos.

That might be the key in this in Axelrod doing this and how it will be played out. By telling the facts finally that Iran is nuclear, it is probable in intelligence circles which Richard Cheney has been quoting, that a real nuclear series of events is in the works for American cities.
This blog alone warned weeks ago that Obama screwing around with his Twitter Revolution in Iran which is pure nonsense is going to bring a nuclear response from the Iranian communists.
I said before these leftists are always getting into cat fights and starting wars, and here is Marxist Obama and Communist Ahmadinejad mixing up a scenario the Europeans have been staging.
Axelrod, unlike the Clinton Administration, has now used a fail safe in naming Iran as the source as Iran would be naming al Qaeda and bin Laden as the source. Axelrod has just either in slip or deliberate placement (deliberate in Axelrod has now admitted in this that Panetta and the CIA can not stop this Iranian nuclear attack) sentenced Iran to a nuclear receivership of US nuclear warheads.

The entire sub Asian theater has been since late 2008 a victim of Brzezinski led nuclear pollution scenarios to get at China to topple that regime.
The cartel tried to get Indian and Pakistan to nuke each other. There have been trials to topple the Pakistani government so Obama could nuke the Pashtun as he promised and now one more step is the Axelrod naming Iran as a nuclear military power.

This all looks very nasty if this keep escalating with neutered Obama "being deeply concerned" which only invites a nuclear attack upon the United States which is what the European axis fully intends to initiate.

People were warned in 2008 to vote for Sarah Palin to stop all of this. The liberal secular Jews of the Israeli state instead elected Obama along with the illegal Mexicans. They will be the ones now to suffer America's fate magnified as they are dependent upon the United States.
You get what you wanted. Now you have Obama and stage nuclear war. Enjoy your choice as this escalates, you have had your last choices made by you and as things progress you will have all your decisions made for you as you are rolled up in fetal position crying "mommy".

Enjoying your blow up Obama doll now Peggy Noonan?

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Obama's Eve of Destruction