Saturday, June 13, 2009

Obama Blue Yonder

As someone who appreciates the God given blessing of the United States of America, in knowing how many Americans lived in dugouts, ate 1 meal a day to stretch food, buried their babies in unmarked graves........and could tell you how many strokes of an axe it took on each tree to bring it to a shelter most people would sneer at now, to eating that 1 meal of rancid salt pork and threw dirt on a dead baby as they continued on, it really bothers me the squandering which Barack Obama has accomplished which is going to get Americans killed.
I will remind readers that it took Bill Clinton with that dolt Les Aspin in the year period before he undid all the fear Bush 41 had stoked in Somalia. Birdie Obama has in a few months undid everything Bush 43 accomplished with thousands of Americans dead.

This blog exclusively pointed out the question, "What will North Korea do when they get tired of blowing up their own mountains with nuclear bombs?" No one though has bothered to answer that question except here and in North Korea.
North Korea's answer was to declare war on America.

Kim Jong Ill has indeed ramped things up since Obama blundered all of this, he has undid the ceasefire of the Korean War, has invaded South Korean waters, and has the South Koreans jumping in manning islands where deadly firefights occurred previously.

North Korea has now stated it will start enrichment of plutonium for more bombs. The problem in this is the experts have stated North Korea only has a stated amount of fuel for a few bombs without taking into account that Kim was in cooperation with Iran which purchased ample amounts of weapons grade uranium from KGB agents out of the defunct Soviet system.
Iran had so much uranium they tried selling it to the South American communists.

So a North Korea which could ship an entire nuclear processing plant to Syria without anyone in the world noticing, do you really think Kim is blowing up mountains with the only uranium he has, or perhaps he has several hundred pounds of the stuff and numerous nuclear warheads in place, in the reason he is setting off bombs like the 4th of July?

That is always the problem with experts in they never figure out that an enemy has resources beyond what an expert puts into his formulations.

Frankly, if I was Kim Jong Ill, I would take the steps of making this really interesting in sharing the wealth as his logical intentions would dictate. If Obamerica is declaring war on you, then of course one muddies they waters in finding every nation from Chad to Indonesia to Ecuador to peacefully blow up their mountains as Obama has his hands full dealing with a world of Kims.

That is how things work out when you are a novice dictator like Birdie Obama who has fringe people murdering Donald Young for you, instead of like Kim who is a real man about being a dictator in he has been murdering people for years and watching millions of his own people die.

Obama aborts his babies by doctor's hands behind closed doors. Kim watches death as a past time on his orders.

Everything Obama has done with Kim has been completely wrong and Obama has only been reacting to Kim. Kim is the male in this dance and Obama is backing away as the girl.

While South Koreans speak of skirmishes and Obama protests, Kim is in this to win. This is his best opportunity to kick America off of his peninsula since the attack which started the Korean War.
Why on earth should be back down when he is been awarded by Obama the opportunity to rule all of a united Korea.

Obama could have helped elect a more moderate in Iran, instead he helped Islamocommunist Ahmadinejad by bowing to Muslims. He awards jet contracts to Syria and all he can do is protest North Korea as now China is busy ramming US Navy radar with a their subs.

So Obama voters is this really what you signed up for?

Maybe Obama voters it is time to stop patting yourself on the back for voting for the tan guy Marxist and start yelling at your Democratic congressional delegations to rein this Obama group in as in all honestly, Susan Rice failed, Hillary Clinton wailed. George Mitchell is busy selling Jews to the vaporization chambers and Gen. Jones has amounted to about as much as Barack Obama for competence.
This is beyond Leon Panetta's CIA scope now as Obama has messed this up royal.

America is the girly nation now and it is up to Kim Jong Ill to blow that sickly blue Obama eagle or whatever that crippled thing is on his website stationary out of the sky at his choosing.

You made the mess Obama voters, now clean it up before millions of people start dying.


off we go into the wild blue yonder
firing missiles into the sky
off we go into the wild Obama yonder
nuclear bombs piling high...........