Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Obama Franken luv

It is a simple fact that as Barack Obama condescends about Iranian communists to Honduran Republicans in actually having free and fair elections, along with ruling by the law of their Constitutions, that Obama's Amerika, is nothing but a mounted cesspool sucking on the massive flush of Democratic election theft.

Cindy Sheehan in attempting to unseat Nancy Pelosi was manhandled by Queen Pelosi and her crews.
Barack Obama in the myriad of crimes he is guilty from in electioneering, campaign fund fraud, ACORN and the brutal assault on John Edwards and his cancer stricken wife, to the brutish way he slapped Hillary Clinton around, is but his Putinesque coming out, joined by the likes of:

Junior Ellison, the Mooselum of Minnesota, whose Muslim Brotherhood attachments are trying in anarchy to overthrow America in times of Republican administrations to now passing laws to overthrow the legitimate government.

Tim Johnson, the Indian election theif of South Dakota, who by Obama miracle when behind in his race for the Senate, just happened to find after the polls closed for 6 hours, boxes full of ballots all voting for him from the Lakota Sioux Indian Reservation.
All documented to have been bought by mysterious Democratic thugs with cases full of hundred dollar bills.

Barack Obama again in his Senate bid, who with David Axelrod violated court sealed documents in a divorce case of his opponent which sank that opponent and gave Obama the "victory".

Now we see the pristine example of puss, the ooze from festering wound of stolen elections smiled over by Democrats since Lyndon Johnson did it for the House, we find Al Franken, the diaper wearing, rape joking psychotic has now stolen another election in Minnesota, who on election night was hundreds of votes behind, but by miracle ballot boxes showed up again, and by more miracles of Democratic crimes, votes for Coleman were even counted as votes for Franken.

This slime is now the face of the American voting system. This is no different than Putin in Moscow for all the destroyed lives of people in America as these international patricians use the election system against Americans.
It doesn't matter if it is George Allen to Rod Blagojevich to Mark Sanford to Eliot Spitzer on the right or left. When the patricians target you, as they did Jewish American Norm Coleman, it doesn't matter if Daffy Duck or Barack Obama is running against you, you will loose and there is nothing the courts will do to stop it.

The fact is Democrats have made the United States election system worse than Iraq or Iran. The Philistine neo Syrians in electing Hamas even had fair elections in all the thugs they are. The facts are that France has had free elections, Israel has had free elections, Germany had free elections, Pakistan has had free elections, but America has joined the ranks of Bolsehvik Russia in installing the worst ilk immagineable.

Who in their right mind would vote for Al Franken? Yet millions of Minnesota dimwits voted for this dunce.
Numerous states though have the same idiotry in either electing Robert KKK Byrd who can not even do the job to Tim Johnson whose brain is so dysfunctional that he couldn't even pass a compentency test to adopt a child.

This is Amerika and is a shameful place of the worst sort of enablers and crooks. It used to be when Lyndon Johnson stole an election that he actually was trying to do something for America. Now though in this Age of Obamerika, we have nothing but nation rapists, nation of Islamooselums and diaper wearing Letterman cocktail crowd comedians who are berzerk.

The entire American election system is one of a pandemic of fraud. I hope liberals really are pleased with the array of faces from 10 year old Birdie Obama to sex pervert and anti semite Al Franken as their faces.........Joe Biden multiple plagiarist, Hillary Clinton election fraud, tax cheat Geithner, racist Sotomayer..........

The liberal face of the Letterman cocktail crowd. How charming from the monkey in Barack Obama's pants.


I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.
- -- Abraham Lincoln