Monday, June 29, 2009

The Reprehensible Nature of Obama

What a wonderful world example America has set in disregarding Washington, Monroe, Theodore Roosevelt and instead with Birdie Obama has America joined at the hip with Castro and Chavez in demanding a lunatic, (literally his own party is investigating him for being insane) be reinstalled to the Honduran Presidency after committing treason.

This Marxist trash Mel Zelaya was moving to a perpetual dictatorship like Hugo Chavez is ruing Venezuela with. Zelaya was in violation of Honduran Constitutional Law. He had ignored the Supreme Court of Honduras. He ignored the Attorney General of Honduras (apparently Honduras unlike Eric 'ignore the law' Holder, actually has an AG who upholds the Constitution) in stating what he was doing was illegal.

To this the Honduran GOVERNMENT ordered Zelaya illegally removed. The military acted under Constitutional Law on orders of the Supreme Court. The Honduran Congress acted under Constitutional Law and appointed an acting President. All was done according to a Republican form of government, of the people, by the people and for the people.

To this, Barack Obama is joining with Hillary Clinton in the fringe of Chavez, Castro and Ortega lying about what Honduras accomplished in protecting itself and demand this lunatic be let back into the country.

How odd it is that Barack Obama hates legal process. No normal person likes the thugs of Iran, but that government of Ahmadinejad is legitimate, because Iranians voted in majority for that Marxist state.
Barack Obama is the one who is an outlaw in the world law, because he with certain British agents are attempting to overthrow the Iranian regime in a Twitter Revolution. This blog has alone warned that Obama's meddling in this way will bring a nuclear response on Americans from Iran.

But Obama is quite taken with another thug in Honduras who was violating Honduran Law and creating a Constitutional crisis.

The only differences between Honduras and Iran are, Iran elected a leader who is keeping Iranian law and Honduras elected a leader in violation of the law.
Point two, Obama needs this entire Amigo Revolution based upon the Bill Ayers doctrine in America to make the entire North American Union a Soviet Amerikan state as this is all intended to meld together as the Rockefellers envision.
Ok this is another world exclusive found only here. Obama is in bed with these installed communists from Argentina, Brazil, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba and Ecuador, all for the purpose of setting up a core group to blackmail lesser states into a Soviet Bloc worse than what the Russian implemented in Europe and Asia.

Look at what Chavez is threatening in military attacks on Honduras, and look at what thugs have joined him in Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
Mrs. Clinton has made a huge mistake in this in betraying the rule of law. The only thing next in line worse is the Republicans in Congress not joining a letter of support of Honduras and demanding that Barack Obama tell Chavez to stop threatening war in this hemisphere or America will strike him and anyone else who even looks at Honduras.

This is a big stakes game in Honduras is acting under the rule of law. I can not believe for a second that Leon Panetta at the CIA did not know this was coming. It speaks of something going on behind the scenes in the US government in Obama is only getting information on this after the fact.

Mrs. Clinton needs to shut her mouth in this situation, because she is not protecting Barack Obama who can be facing the same type of removal in a short period of time. She should be thinking about protecting her own interests in planting her butt in the Oval Office.

The rule of law must stand no matter what and the reprehensible nature of Barack Obama surfaced again, because he not only usurped the Presidency of the United States, is illegally attempting a Twitter coup in Iran which is placing US cities in nuclear jeopardy, but now he has demanded a legitimate government in Honduras to take on the incarnate evil which installed people like Obama, Chavez and Castro into power.

God save Honduras and long may that wonderful nation live.

May the Supreme Court of the United States start looking into the illegalities of Americas own lunatic in the White House, because I know Pelosi is just as crazy as Obama in Democrats will not be investigating him. Amen


Viva Honduras!