Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Solution to Obama

It is time to sow the seed toward liberal Democrats who hopefully are waking up to the reality that feeling good about voting for Barack Obama is not the same thing as having a Democratic party left or for Nancy Pelosi to get herself or most Democrats re elected in 2010.

I'm quite serious in his as I was in 2008 in appealing to David Axelrod and his group that Barack Obama was in not any way capable of being in the White House, and, that has proven correct.

To be blunt to Democrats, Mr. Obama and yourselves have bankrupted the United States and your new taxes of 600 million on Americans to pay for health care rationing which Obama is not borrowing more in the 11 trillion he has squandered, IS going to produce record interest rates which will slow the economy to nothing, IS going to produce hyper inflation which will turn America into depression era economics and IS going to produce such a blacklash that what Gordon Brown just experienced with his Democratic party in England and all across Europe is going to happen in America to Democrats.

I'm always honest here and I will state I do not like liberals in the least as they are failures and incompetent. Voting for Barack Obama, because it made you feel good is not balanced nor rational. If all liberals were put into oblivion the world would be a better place, my concern though is as I predicted for black people who are going to be so tainted by the meltdown Barack Obama is a part of that they will not be advanced.
My concern is also for key elements of the Democratic party which this nation does need to put a more human concern on situations in job security, assistance for people when they need it and just slowing down Republicans a bit.

Barack Obama is ushering in a point that if America is not careful, it could find itself with not a Marxist kook as he is, but a real fascist thug like Argentina produced who will clean out the problems of America in mass graves.

Liberals do not have to believe me. Dick Morris who steered Bill Clinton on his best course when Mr. Clinton was self destructing has been saying the same things about Barack Obama, and Mr. Morris has proven correct time and again.

So with the high crimes of Barack Obama and felonies of key staff in the current illegal firing of an Inspector General and the host of other impeachable things Mr. Obama has been up to, coupled with a plunging economy and American voters waking up to being angry their vote for Obama has been a betrayal, they will then vent this upon the Democrats at large.
This is a supreme mess Mr. Obama has brought on a party which is about 1 year from full implosion. So the question is how does one politically rectify the problem of Barack Obama.

Make no mistake Democrats, you will loose both houses in 2010, and when Eric Cantor gets a hold of you with key Senators, he will have hearings on Nancy Pelosi's rape of the economy, impeachment hearings on Barack Obama and just about anything else to make certain that 2012 is going to be worse for Democrats than 2010.
I will remind Democrats that during this North Korea is threatening nuclear war now, Obama installed Ahmadinejad in Iran, Obama is releasing terrorists, Iraq is coming close to a break point in being lost and the American economy now void of the auto industry is going to have nothing to rebuild from as oil will top over 150 dollars a barrel.

Democrats on this field of American voter fury in being betrayed, do you really want your wagon attached to Barack Obama?

So I offer again a solution to this which is simple to be worked out by the Democratic leadership headed by Steny Hoyer.
It is simple in the leadership informs Mr. Obama exactly what is coming in the impeachment process and how his policies have completed a mission in destroying the American economy. At this point, Mr. Hoyer, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton and Aaron Burr Biden, inform Mr. Obama that Mr. Obama has "discovered" he indeed is a British subject due to both his parents were British.

Mr. Obama so informed, will then be told he will be so surprised over this, but being the noble mahdi he is, will inform the American people of this discovery and, because he is such a magnanimous fellow, he will resign immediately and go into exile to Europe for the good of the American Constitution.

Democrats then being rid of the impeachment anchor can have Hillary and Aaron or Aaron and Hillary as their team in the White House.
This space will then allow Democrats to "review" Obama mandates and policy which bankrupted America, and Democrats can then announce, "Ooopppsssseee, Mr. Obama was moving so fact that in his good intentions there are going to be some major problems which are going to be hitting America.
We now see this and are truly sorry, but ask Americans to bear with us in this Obama miscalculation as we attempt now to fix this in a bi partisan way with Republicans.
John McCain will be our new Sec. of State as Mr. Obama has miscalculated on that front too."

Democrats this is how you save your party, give American voters something of a way out for their Obama vote in him doing an honorable thing in stepping down, and provide cover for all your bankrupted policy which is bringing on a debilitating depression on America.

Think about it, discuss it, tinker with it, but do not allow Nancy Pelosi near this alone. This will take leadership which only the Clinton's can provide in your party with some real politicians like Steny Hoyer and perhaps Leon Panetta to steer this through.

There are a mountain of crimes connected to Axelrod Inc. which have moved from a gaping wound to a coming festering sore that will provide a summer of Watergate hearings.

Just discover what all of you have been covering up in Obama being British and save yourselves and your party, as the last thing America needs with nuclear wars, terror wars and Obama bankruptcy is impeachment hearings, millions of people marching on the White House screaming:

Come on out the Big O
We got the pitchforks
Now you got to go!

Think long and hard Democrats as OPEC promising 250 dollar oil in response to Obama's money dump is proof hyper inflation is coming, illegally firing an Inspector General means impeachment hearings are coming and when you add all of that up, every Democrat is going to be demonized worse than the GOP in 1974.
You liberals have never done a thing for America. Do this for your selves as you always do in saving your position.
Provide the Obama Solution and discover his journey ends in exile in Europe.
